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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
revised schedule
Associated Project(s):iWG Assessment of Wind PPA recommendation
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:August 2014 minutes
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:EGen001 Wind PPA recommendation - Assessment with all comments
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:EGen001 Wind PPA recommendation - Transmittal to the unit
Associated Project(s):August 2014 SSLC Meeting notes
RFI schedule from PEI
First meeting of the iCAP Working Group (iWG)
EcoBlue water conservation idea
Associated Project(s):EGen001 Wind PPA recommendation - Submittal
Nitrile Glove Recycling at Ikenberry Commons
Associated Project(s):Champaign County Greenways and Trails Plan completed
Associated Project(s):LEED Lab information for EBOM
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste Event at State Farm Center
Associated Project(s):Allerton Park Solar Array-Phase II
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Allerton Park Solar Array-Phase II signed letter.pdf
Allerton Park Solar Array-Phase II.docx
Allerton Park Solar Array-Phase II unsigned letter.docx
Letter of Support to SSC for Allerton Phase 2 Solar Array[2][1].docx
Coffee Ground Repurposing
Associated Project(s):Element House at the Energy Farm
Associated Project(s):SECS Re_home landscaping
Composites in Aviation
Associated Project(s):