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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. April 2 2015 minutes

  2. PWR003 Recycling Bins recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "We recommend that campus buildings add adequate recycling stations and make efforts to avoid having isolated landfill bins."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR003 Recycling Bins, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  3. PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The PWR SWATeam submitted a recommendation, PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator, stating, "Hire a Zero Waste Coordinator to communicate and implement waste reduction strategies, to meet the commitments of the iCAP."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, PWR001 Zero Waste Coordinator, complete with comments from all the PWR SWATeam members.

  4. Trans001 TEM_DMI recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation, Trans001 TEM_DMI, to the iWG stating, "The transportation SWATeam recommends that the data for faculty/staff travel be collected through the campus Travel and Expense Management (TEM) and Division of Management Information (DMI) system. The program should require that faculty/staff (or the unit head) report travel purposes and funding sources when they request travel expense reimbursement via TEM and the DMI manage and analyze the database."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans001 TEM_DMI, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

    Attached Files: 
  5. Trans002 Parking Survey recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation stating, "We recommend that Parking Services organize a survey to gauge stakeholder interest in alternative parking plans. More specifically, a survey to gather data on how receptive stakeholders would be to parking plans which included a smaller amount of parking days per year to permit alternative commuting modes when this is feasible."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans002 Parking Survey, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

  6. Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation stating, "To hire a Sustainable Transportation Coordinator. This individual would ensure the success of the other transportation recommendations from the iCAP and be the key asset within our University to promote reducing single-vehicle occupancy."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation, Trans003 Sustainable Transportation Coordinator, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

  7. Trans004 Fleet Study recommendation - Submittal

    The Transportation SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "Perform a general analysis and recommendations regarding the potential to transition the University fleet to renewable fuels. This analysis would review the types and usage of University vehicles, the current and short term expectation for vehicle availability and propose various plans (i.e. conservative, moderate and aggressive) for GHG emission reductions along with approximate fiscal impact for each plan."

    See the SWATeam recommendation, Trans004 Fleet Study, complete with comments from all the Transportation SWATeam members.

  8. Previous description in iCAP Portal

    Associated Project(s): 

    Transportation Demand Management (TDM) in Facilities & Services is finalizing the 2014 Campus Bike Plan, a master plan to direct our efforts for future bicycle infrastructure improvements and program development.  The official public comment period for the Campus Bike Plan ended in April 2013, but additional feedback is always welcome via the online bicycle feedback form.

    The draft 2014 Campus Bike Plan was available for public input during a four-week period, and members of the campus community were encouraged to review the plan and submit their comments and feedback via the online Campus Bicycle Feedback Form


  9. Renewables presentation to MSTE

    The Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in the College of Education hosted Morgan Johnston as a guest speaker on February 27.  One part of the overall Climate Action Plan is to increase the use of renewable energy generation for our campus power requirements. This presentation reviewed the progress toward increased use of renewables for our campus, and discussed current efforts underway, including the forthcoming Solar Farm.
