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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Engagement SWATeam Meeting

    On December 10, the Engagement SWATeam met to discuss progress within each of its subteams:

    1. Sustainability education and training requirements for new students and faculty

    2. Creating a roadmap of sustainability infrastructure at UIUC and researching initiatives of other universities which have been successful in sustainability engagement

    3. Creating and implementing a GivePulse channel for iSEE under the UIUC account

    4. Promoting the Green Events program at the Illini Union

    Meeting minutes are attached below.

  2. Daily Illini article about impacts of covid-19 on iCAP

    The Daily Illini published an article about the impacts of covid-19 on the campus sustainability efforts. One key message is that, even with some delays associated with the pandemic, we are still determined to move forward.  The conclusion of the article says: 

    Mohamed Attalla, executive director of Facilities and Services, said there are lots of initiatives to reach carbon neutrality in terms of energy and hopes to reach 400,000 metric tons of CO2 this year.

    Attalla said the addition of a third solar farm, advances in geothermal energy and research in carbon capture contribute to achieving carbon neutrality and that long-term, COVID-19 should not be a problem.

    “Maybe we’re behind a little in implementing some projects, but we’ll be able to catch up,” he said. “I don’t think there will be a long-term impact on the iCAP implementation.”

    White also said she doesn’t anticipate any long-term problems with achieving the iCAP goals and believes it’s important for the University to lead by example when it comes to sustainability.

    “I really believe that accomplishing the iCAP goals is something we can do, we need to do and we will do,” she said. 

    “Climate change isn’t waiting for us,” Edwards said. “(The University is) the laboratory for science, for humanities, for arts …  all those kinds of things show what is possible of humanity.”

    “If we’re going to call ourselves leaders, then we need to lead,” he said.


  3. F&S staff met with WEF Design Team leaders

    Xinyu Teng and Ryan Moeller met with F&S sustainable water experts to discuss potential projects for the WEF design challenge this coming spring.  



    Colleen Ruhter, P.E. provided the following resources following the meeting. 


    Thanks everyone for chatting today.

    Here are some great resources for you to look at to get some ideas for stormwater retrofits.



    The MD. Dept of the Env. (MDE) has some really good resources for calculating pollution removal based off of their standard design criteria.  If you guys decide you want to look into pollutant removal rates, I can help with that (as much as I can remember from the 7+ years ago that I worked in MD, anyway).


    If you’re looking for more straightforward quantification (such as volume treated), that should be easier to calculate. 


    Please let me know how I can help any further. 





    Coordinator, Special Programs

  4. Levenick Fellows Behavior Change project

    In Fall 2017, University of Illinois Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE) Erica Myers and ACE Ph.D. Candidate Mateus Souza conducted a study to gauge whether detailed energy reports would influence student energy-saving behaviors. The project received funding through the Levenick iSEE Fellows Program, and ultimately determined that although similar experiments had proven effective in standard residential settings, the impact was negligible in residence halls where students do not directly pay for energy. On the other hand, simple nudges sent prior to winter break were effective in promoting the reduction of thermostat setpoints and energy consumption. Results from the study were later published at the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

  5. note about planning document

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan White: I was thinking about the comprehensive energy planning document, and I'd like it if we could start compiling some of the goals and scope for the proposed document. To get us started, I'd say, we need to establish the capacity/capability of each of the energy solutions we are pursuing and the associated costs and carbon footprint impacts. What else do we need to include in this envisioned document?

    Andy Stumpf: Besides the energy solutions, we need to consider how it will be integrated into the campus system. For example, Mike Larsen has mentioned in the past that geothermal systems are most adaptable to buildings with hot/cold water lines, but their efficiency would increase if they are tied into district chilled water systems that service several buildings… so decentralize chilled water production. Do we also want to consider solutions that are in the experimental/perfecting phases or technologies that are not previously considered (e.g., advanced energy storage, stormwater/wastewater hydropower, etc.)?

  6. 12/4 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes and chat log of the Zero Waste SWATeam on 12/4/2020. 

    The following were discussed:

    • SSC Letter of Support for Illini Union Shadowbox Recycling project
    • Vermicomposting
    • Composting
    • NASEM Circular Economy Conference
    • Food Literacy Project
  7. 12/2 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes for the 12/2 Transportation SWATeam Meetings, as well as the Zoom chat file.

    Discussed were the following:

    • Telecommuting/Teleconferencing Policy and Commputer Program Intern 
    • EV Parking Department Dashboard Data
    • EV Task Force
  8. Andrew Li will be getting an update for the small scale solar projects

    Associated Project(s): 

    Andrew Li, Halie Collins, and Morgan White met today to launch a student-led project to get an update for all the small scale solar projects on campus.  Andrew will be reaching out to the project contacts over the next few months to get a status update and associated photos, links, etc. for each project.  He will then update the iCAP Portal accordingly.

  9. Engagement SWATeam Meeting

    The Engagement SWATeam members met on November 20 with Eric Green (Education SWATeam) to discuss first-year sustainability education recommendations. Topics discussed included working recommendations for a sustainability module in college 100-level courses, a mandatory sustainability training, and a sustainability general education requirement, all of which are currently being investigated by the Education SWATeam. Additionally, discussion of successful sustainability engagement principles led to a forming of two sub-teams to work towards recommendations within our committee:

    1) Led by co-chair Ann Witmer: Creating a roadmap of current sustainability-focused projects that are going on and connections we can utilize to make future recommendations more effective 

    2) Led by co-chair Robert McKim: Creating a sustainability 100 for individual colleges or one-size fits all model 

    Meeting minutes are also attached below.

  10. eweek announcement

    Associated Project(s): 

    CEOS Mini-Talks on the Economics of Sustainability

    Please join the Center for the Economics of Sustainability (CEOS) for its 2nd Mini-Talks webinar! Talks will focus on organic famland, conservation tillage, food waste, and consumer preferences with regards to local brewing and local hops. Register by November 30: We hope to see you there!

    December 2, 12–1 pm

    Caroline Helton • Center for the Economics of Sustainability

  11. 11/18 Transportation SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes and chat from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 11/18.

    Discussed were the following topics:

    • Establishing a telecommuting/teleconferencing policy.
    • Discussing working with an interdisciplinary health intern in IHR to tackle research/application of teleconferencing/telecommuting policy and commuter program.
    • Establishing an EV Task Force through the Parking Department to re-assess campus EV needs.
  12. Congratulations to two gold certified offices!

    Congratulations to the Department of Chemistry Administrative Office (September) and Department of Communications (October) for recently acheiving gold certification! These two offices were featured in the iSEE newsletter and at the October 2020 Campus Sustainability Celebration! 

    Department of Chemistry Administrative Office feature

    Department of Communications feature

  13. 11/13 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting

    Attached are the meeting minutes and chat from the Zero Waste SWATeam meeting on 11/13.

    Discussed were the following topics:

    • Update: Adopt-a-highway/Clean-up Program
    • Composting Partnership: Alex Poltorak of Urban Canopy
    • Student Project: Vermiculture Composting
    • Grind2Energy Additional Scope
    • Food Literacy Project
    • Update: Clean Plate Program
    • Purchasing Sustainability Update
