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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Engagement SWATeam Support of ISG Resolution

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Education and Engagement SWATeams initiated conversation with Jessica Nicholson, representative of the Illinois Student Government (ISG). The ISG currently has a resolution to create a 3 credit-hour Sustainability Gen-Ed requirement for students in all colleges across the university, which is soon headed to the Committee on Educational Policy. The teams plan to attend public comment in support of this resolution.

  2. Sustainability Roadmap for the University

    Associated Project(s): 

    Student members of the Engagement Team, Hiba Ahmed and Miranda Johnson, are currently working on crafting a sustainability roadmap of resources for the university, which the team can utilize for our future recommendations and projects. Ahmed is specifically working on analyzing our own campus resources and Johnson is focusing on the success of other midwestern universities in promoting sustainability engagement.

  3. Sustainability Orientation

    Associated Project(s): 

    Sammy Yoo, member of the Engagement Team, met with Gina-Lee Olukoya, Associate Dean of Students, to discuss sustainability orientation for incoming students to the university. The current initiative for the university is to centralize freshman orientation programs from separate college leadership to uniform, university-wide programming. The Engagement Team plans to advocate for sustainability to be integrated into this new framework.


    Yoo has also been in contact with existing programs, including Inbound and Rise, to expedite sustainability inclusion in freshman orientation.

  4. iSEE Give Pulse Channel Created

    Kate Gardiner and Keilin Jahnke, members of the Engagement SWATeam, have created a channel for iSEE under the GivePulse University of Illinois channel. They have incorporated opportunities such as the CU Mobile Farms project and Red Oaks Rain Garden, but are seeking more events and opportunities to include on the channel.

  5. iSEE Plans 2 Environmental Leadership Workshops for Undergrads This Spring

    The Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is a new initiative launched this spring by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE). Targeted at undergraduate students, the Program will include pre-professional workshops, field trips, and networking opportunities. Developing an undergraduate leadership program was a key educational objective in the Illinois Climate Action Plan.

    “iSEE’s previous efforts have increased the amount of sustainability and environmental content in the U of I curriculum as we partnered with academic units from across campus on a sustainability minorenvironmental writing instructionindividual classes, and course development opportunities,” said Gillen Wood, the Institute’s Associate Director for Education & Outreach. “The ELP takes a slightly different approach: We are creating a ‘value-add’ — beyond coursework — for students interested in more practical experience on how to effectively advocate for the environment.”

    iSEE is piloting two ELP workshops in Spring 2021: March 24 on environmental policy; and April 13 on corporate sustainability. Up to 25 students may register for each event, which are scheduled on campus non-instructional break days.

    These workshops will allow students to develop their sustainability leadership and communication skills, to learn about relevant career paths in sustainability, and to establish valuable networking connections. Successful professionals in the environmental policy and corporate sustainability fields will lead the sessions.
    More details will be forthcoming on the workshops, but registration is now open. Visit the Program page for more information and for links to register! >>>

  6. Energy iCAP Team Meeting Minutes from 2-10-21

    The Energy iCAP Team had a meeting on Feb. 10th where student member, Brinn McDowell, shared a presentation on calculated energy savings from green lab protocols that could greatly contribute towards energy conservation efforts. Updates were give on the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is anticipated to start in March with several Energy iCAP Team students participating. Among other topics of discussion were ways to enforce compliance with state energy standards, to cooperate with student leaders across the Engineering, Architecture, and Design disciplines, and to condition vacated spaces in a time of distance-learning and -working. The agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached below!

  7. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  8. Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 10 February 2021

    The Transportation SWATeam met on Wednesday, February 2021 at 10AM to discuss the following:

    • Intern Solicitation Process (3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.3)
    • EV Dashboard Data (loosely related to 3.1)
    • Initialization of EV Task Force (3.3)
    • Fleet Vehicle Usage (3.1)
    • Air Travel Emissions (3.5)
    • Roundtable Discussion:
      • 3.2: Increase PCI Index to 65 by FY25
      • 3.4: Reduce Driving on Campus and Staff SOV trips 10% by 2025.
      • 3.4.2: Continue to Implement Bike Plan
    Attached Files: 
  9. Archived project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Socially responsible investing (SRI) is investment that attempts to balance out the financial and social benefits of an investment strategy. As part of the University's overall commitment to sustainable action, SRI practices will be encouraged.

  10. Open House for SSC

    The Student Sustainability Committee Open House

    The Student Sustainability will be hosting an Open House event on Monday, February 8th at 6:00 PM (CT) via Zoom. We invite you and hope you can invite a friend to attend this exciting event. Students will discover more about the committee members, working groups, and be part of a general member. For now, join our SSC group chat, Discord! Scan the QR code and the event to this flyer. 

    February 8, 6 pm • Zoom Event

    Student Sustainability Committee • Student Engagement

  11. archived info - metric topics

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hello iCAPpers,


    Here is the new help text for the Metric Topic (when editing a Metric) which we changed in today’s meeting:


    Metric Topic should be a terse noun indicating the metric being measured <em>(CO2, Bicycles, etc.)</em>.

    <br />It will be used as the title of the y-axis in the metric's graph. Please capitalize the first letter.

    <br />If you start typing, autocomplete will try to find a matching term used by other metrics.  If no matches are found, your term will be added.


    For posterity, here is the previous Metric Topic help text:


    Metric Topic should be a terse noun indicating the metric being measured <em>(CO2, # bike paths, etc.)</em> as it would be used mid-sentence.

    <br />If you start typing, autocomplete will try to find a matching term used by other metrics.  If no matches are found, your term will be added to the Metric Topics vocabulary.

    <br />The following is a sample of how a Metric Topic could be used:

    <br /><em>"Increase/Decrease/Maintain ________ by x% by 2015 from 2008 baseline.</em>



  12. Res002 Biodiversity Plan - Submitted

    The Resilience team made the following recommendation on 2/3/2021: 

    Lisa Merrifield at U of I Extension should coordinate the development of an urban biodiversity master plan for the local urbanized area of Urbana, Champaign, and Savoy, with broad stakeholder input and direct faculty/researcher involvement.

    Attached is the Res002 Biodiversity Plan recommendation. 

  13. Local Solar projects shared at CCNet brownbag

    CCNet hosted several local solar panelists in January 2021. This Zoom meeting was also shared via Facebook Live:

    Join the CCNet mailing list to gain access to the Zoom and stay connected.

    (video link corrected on 2-2-2021)
