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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. Registration Closing:Kyushu-Illinois Strategic Partnership Colloquia Series

    Join us on Feb.1 at 6pm for an exciting workshop highlighting the collaborative relationship between Illinois and Kyushu University faculty on the development of global CO2 recycling technology towards “beyond-zero” emission. This effort is within the framework of the Moonshot Program in I2CNER at Kyushu funded by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan. 

    Global Relations • Global Relations

    baseline_wifi_black_18dp.png This opportunity is available online

  2. Engagement SWATeam Meeting

    On February 1, 2021, the Engagement SWATeam met to discuss updates on initiatives assigned at our last meeting. Topics of discussed include:

    • Metrics on sustainability engagement
    • ISG Gen-Ed initiative
    • Sustainability Scholars Program
    • Mandatory Sustainability Workshop
    • Code of Conduct revisions

    Meeting minutes are also attached below.

    Attached Files: 
  3. Resilience iCAP Team Meeting Minutes from 1-27-21

    The Resilience Team met on Wednesday, Jan. 27th for their first meeting of the Spring semester. Our clerk, Kimmy, proposed changes to our iCAP portal theme page and received comments from all team members. The Biodiversity Plan recommendation is in the final steps of gathering approval from every team member and will likely be submitted to the iWG this month. Lastly, the team had a brainstorming session for how to identify existing green jobs infrastructure and how to coordinate our environmental justice efforts with the community -- specifically the Sustainability Advisory Commission for the City of Urbana. 

    Agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached.

  4. Example Progress Report: Microsoft's Climate Commitments

    Microsoft's 2020 carbon recap offers an example progress report for climate commitments. In this article, the company highlights its biggest commitment to focus on the climate crisis by pledging to become carbon negative by 2030. Focusing on this initiative in-depth, Microsoft speaks about its plan to reduce the company's carbon emissions, remove carbon from the environment, and advancing transparency and accountability as a global company.

  5. Certified Greener Campus Programs Workshop

    iSEE hosted our first “Certified Greener Campus Program Workshop” to guide U of I organizations in certifying as “green,” even while unusual conditions add complexity to campus’s daily operations. The online workshop included a program overview, steps to certification, FAQs, and an open discussion about overcoming common barriers to sustainability.

    If you were unable to attend Thursday’s workshop, you can still take steps to advocate for sustainable practices in your unit! I invite you to:

  6. Environmental Justice Plan January 2021 Brainstorming Meeting

  7. The Daily Illini: 2050 looms near as iCAP teams stress energy sustainability

    Please see the attached news story, published by the Daily Illini, regarding the challenges and goals surrounding 2020’s Climate Action Plan. The link is also available below. 


    Link to "2050 looms near as iCAP team stress energy sustainability" 

  8. Funding for Course Development

    Deadline Jan. 31 to Get Funding for Sustainability Course Development!

    Faculty and instructors have until month's end to apply for iSEE's 2021 Course Development Cohort program, increasing sustainability course offerings across campus. The 2021 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellows will integrate sustainability components into an existing course ($1,000) or develop a new course with a sustainability focus ($2,000). 100- and 200-level courses especially encouraged.

    Tony Mancuso • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

  9. Energy iCAP Team Meeting Minutes from 1-21-21

    The Energy iCAP Team had their first meeting of the Spring semester on January 21st, 2021. The meeting focused on obtaining supporting materials for a recommendation to start the Comprehensive Energy Plan, which will serve as an university-wide guide on energy conservation. A recommendation to model buildings for energy code compliance will likely be ready next month. Future discussions are planned with F&S representatives. A subcommittee of Energy team members will brainstorm concrete actions on energy efficiency in labs and residence halls. The agenda and meeting minutes are attached. 

  10. Social Vulnerability Map for Champaign County & Additional Resources

    Associated Project(s): 

    As per Kimmy Chuang, the following two documents are attached:

    1. Social Vulnerability Map of Champaign
    2. Preliminary Spreadsheet of Tools and Resources to Identify Vulnerability

    The map of Social Vulnerability for Champaign is based on the CDC's indexes that were sent to the Resilience group by Warren Gary Lavey.

    The preliminary spreadsheet of tools and resources for identifying vulnerability include a list of the following organizations:

    • Salud America: Health Equity Report Card (for Champaign)
    • CalEnviroScreen
    • Mapping for Environmental Justice
    • What's Been Done in Our Community
    • CCRPC
    • Storm Water EJ Zones
    • Health Mobile CARLE
    • Local Forest Preserves
    • Safe Routes to Parks
  11. Bike Month planning meeting

    The Bike Month planning team met today, with representatives from several areas across Champaign County.

    1) CU Safe Routes to School - planned for May 5 - Urban Planning student is an intern for CU-SRTS. They are also working on a safe routes to parks program.

    2) Champaign County Bikes - Charlie Smyth is the chair of CCB this year.  They will have a new website in a few days.  They still need one more board member for this year.  They talked with Amelia Neptune at the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), and Charlie shared several points about the national outlook.

    3) This group will plan virtual events for the spring, and meet again in February.
