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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
February 2021 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Environmental Justice Plan March 2021 Brainstorming Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Data Sets - Environmental Vulnerability Assessments
Associated Project(s):ECEB Net-Zero Updates & Clarifications
Associated Project(s):SSC Funding Request & Approval for ECE Lobby Displays
Associated Project(s):Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting: 26 February 2021
Transportation SWATeam Meeting: 24 February 2021
OVCRI newsletter highlights transformative learning experiences
Associated Project(s):Education SWATeam Meeting Minutes 2/8/2021
RIPE Project feature on PBS NOVA Episode
Associated Project(s):International Renewable Energy Agency
Associated Project(s):Newsgazette Mailbag about campus renewables
News-Gazette mailbag note about MEB solar
Associated Project(s):discussion with Morgan and Joyce
Associated Project(s):Sustainability Best Practices Guide
Food Waste
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Food Waste 1 - how to reduce poster.pdf
Food Waste 2 - food waste conversation poster.pdf
Food Waste 3 - facts poster.pdf
Food Waste 4 - humpty dumpty poster.jpg
Food Waste 5 - sesame street poster.jpg
Food Waste 6 - just eat it poster.jpg
Food Waste 7 - apple poster.jpg
Food Waste 8 - clean plate club.pdf
Food Waste 9 - clean plate club poster.pdf
Food Waste 10 - clean plate form.jpg
Food Waste 11 - clean plate spreadsheet.xlsx
Food Waste 12 - waste less poster.jpg
AASHE STARS Report 2020
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Study Abroad Carbon Offset