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Projects Updates for place: Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Input for Feasibility Study on Streetlights for CEE 190
Associated Project(s):Update on CEE Project Based Learning Course
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Proposed solar over parking at Willard Airport
Associated Project(s):possible irrigation locations
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Design Constraint discussion with F&S and Researchers
Associated Project(s):CEE PBL class project
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Committee meeting tomorrow
Final project reports for Fall 2017
Associated Project(s):Provost Office approves funding for LED Exit Signs
Associated Project(s):Project Based Learning class feedback from students
Associated Project(s):LED Exit Signs funding request submitted
Sarthak Prasad Final Report: Independent study with Morgan Johnston ENG 573 (fall 2016)
Associated Project(s):Meeting with F&S officials
Associated Project(s):Fall 2015 Final Projects
Fall 2015 project proposals
Associated Project(s):course description - previous project entry
Associated Project(s):Final CEE 398 Fall 2014 reports
Associated Project(s):Campus approves an additional $100K for LED Exit Signs
Associated Project(s):LED Exit Sign projects completed
Associated Project(s):