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Projects Updates for place: Institute for Genomic Biology

  1. Community Resources Inc interested in partnering with iSEE

    On 12/03/2014 03:06 PM, Bartels, Bart A wrote:

    Hi Everyone,

    I just concluded a conversation with Matt Snyder of Community Resource Inc (CRI).  He is very interested in housing a densifier.  I am going to set up a meeting with him to work out the details and get pricing.  This is going to be the proposal based on his interests and our needs:

    Participating buildings will have a Gaylord on the dock for EPS dropoff.  CRI will pick up the gaylords and take the material to their facility, where the densifier or compactor will be housed.  Matt will take care of paying the labor for pick-ups, processing, and sales.  He will be paid out of the sales revenue with part of the revenue coming back to us.  The money coming back will pay for interns that will facility more EPS collection.  The meeting will determine responsibilities and how the revenue will be divided. 

    I am hopeful that we can work out acceptable terms.  Matt wants to make this work.  He said he shipped out a truck load of EPS this morning, even though it didn’t make sense.  I will let you know when the meeting is to take place.


  2. Archived web info - F&S Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 
    The Energy Liaison Program

    Ambitious goals reflect the University’s commitment to sustainability - environmental, social and fiscal. Although energy conservation is a universal problem, its solution begins with individuals.

    Departments and colleges across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.

    Energy liaisons:
    • Coordinate and share energy saving information with their respective areas
    • Lead efforts to establish college/department short- and long-term energy conservation goals
    • Are conduits through which ideas and suggestions reach Facilities & Services

    Creating Obtainable Goals

    1. Identify areas for reduction
      • Fume Hood usage
      • Lighting Usage
      • Space Usage
      • Computer Policies and Practices
      • Equipment Procurement Practices
      • Air Conditioning and Ventilation Usage
      • Laboratory Equipment Usage

    Establish obtainable short-term and long-term goals

    Examples: Short-Term Goals

    • Create policy for turning off computer work stations
    • Ask faculty and staff to turn off lighting and equipment not in use
    • Create awareness across your department/college
    • Require purchase of Energy Start rated equipment
    • Close fume hoods when not in use

    Examples: Long-Term Goals

    • Identify areas of high energy usage and develop a plan for reduction
    • Consolidation of fume hoods and equipment
    • Facilitate systems retrofitting with F&S Retrocommissioning Team
    • Develop a plan for space and classroom usage Investigate the consolidation of climate-sensitive projects/equipment
    • Develop a plan and timetable for reaching the 17 percent reduction in five years
    Energy Liaison Toolkit



  3. Archived web info - CSE Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 

    Energy Liaisons

    salad bar with local foods

    The Energy Management Division of Facilities and Services initiated anEnergy Liaisons program in 2008. Departments, colleges, and other units across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.  Facilities and Services regularly hosts workshops with the Energy Liaisons to discuss energy conservation opportunities.  These Energy Liaisons serve as grassroots contacts for conservation initiatives.  



  4. Energy presentation at Undergrad Library

    Associated Project(s): 

    Prior to the first Energy Liaison on-site presentation, Andy met with the two library staff that will be staffing the booth and talked about content and logistics. They selected a great location, just inside the West entrance to the Upper Level with a prime display location. They also pulled a book display which relates to energy and sustainability for the Lower Level. They are excited about the display and already have talked about moving it around their organization to continue to promote conservation! The date and time for the display is 10-2 on October 29 in the Undergrad Library.

    Attached Files: 
