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Projects Updates for theme: all

  1. Weekly Update: Sustainapalooza, bike rental, Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study Open House

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Sorry for the delay, I was out yesterday. My staff tabled at the Sustainapalooza yesterday on the quad.

    Elsewhere, our visitor numbers are creeping up and we had two people originally interested in renting our 1-person bikes but upon further consideration, opted to try out our tandem to great success. Our donations have anecdotally ticked upwards as well, which is fortuitous timing as we had exhausted our supply of used 26” tires.

    Just received late notice about the RPC having an outreach/input session this afternoon on the Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study, which I’ll publicize to my staff and visitors. The more voices that can provide input, the better.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 44
    Sales: $682.65
    Bikes: 4 for $675
    Memberships: 2 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 9 for $68


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  2. 4/19/24 Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    Lowell Miller is updating a scope change for this grant to look at acquiring a machine to recycle 3d prints and other plastic that can then repurpose those materials into 3d printer filaments.

  3. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - April 15, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss modifications to how projects are associated with recommendations and whether there are any modifications we'd like to make to the current setup.


    • Recommendations:
      • Leave Associated Project(s) field as is - optional, allowing multiple projects to be associated
      • Add new field linked to a project where future updates can be found (naming it is tricky - "Further updates"? "See further updates"? "See additional updates"? "See ongoing updates"?) - optional, allows only 1 project
    • iCAP Teams:
      • Add Associated Project(s) field - optional, allows multiple project to be associated
      • On any projects associated with an iCAP Team, show all the recommendations for that team (will be used on iCAP Team projects)


    • ✔️ Add new Further Updates field to Recommendation content type
    • ✔️ Add new Associated Project(s) field to iCAP Team content type
    • ✔️ Add new Recommendations listing to projects associated with an iCAP Team
  4. Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - April 15, 2024

    Michael McKelvey and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss how to report Bike Fee funding in the iCAP Portal. The Bike Fee and SSC are currently the only student-initiated fees to report, but we should consider the possibility that new sustainability-related fees will need to be reported in the future as well.


    Two options came out of our discussion:

    1. Use the existing funding structure which was created early on in the iCAP Portal's development but isn't currently used. This structure requires entering each line item separately, which is powerful but laborious
    2. Implement a new, simplified funding structure which allows a single entry per year for each type of allocation, but wouldn't allow individual line items for each expenditure within a category. This option is simpler, but less granular.


    • Michael will implement the new, simplified funding structure on a dev site so Sarthak can test both options and compare them.
  5. Weekly Update: bike sale, TBP community ride

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Getting busier with the warmer temps. Working our way through a glut of single speed bikes, which are both easy to fix (thus far; knock on wood) and will be in demand come the fall. We’ve got around 20 or so bikes for sale, but the math is shifting from when we have more time to fix than help to now having more people in than down time to fix up bikes.

    Over the weekend The Bike Project held a community ride, which I attended. Great weather for some bumpy road meandering!

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 26
    Sales: $1,047.50
    Bikes (refurb): 4 for $685
    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tires/tubes: 12 for $96


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  6. Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 4/10/2024

    The Transportation iCAP Team met on 4/10/2024 to discuss the final draft of the DESMAN study report, progress on the 2020 Transportation iCAP objectives, and potential 2025 Transportation iCAP goals. Attached is a link to the meeting recording.

  7. Outdoor Bins Follow Up

    Associated Project(s): 

    Hi all,


    We have completed all outdoor bin location proposals. With all the photos it is a large document, so I have placed it on a shared Box. Please let me know if any of these locations need further clarification

    In response to your question below of completion by June 30 that is not possible.  Also, without knowing all of the locations it is difficult to give you an answer as to what the completion timeframe would be.  Below are the two scenarios depending on the proposed locations of the bins.

    Installing the bins on existing concrete:

     1.   Ironworkers can go to the site with the bins/post with two guys and install the anchors and the bins in 2-3 crew hours (4-6 hours total with two guys).

    Installing the bins on newly placed concrete:

     1.  This process will begin with the labor supervisor going to the site and marking the location.  1-2 hours
     2.  The utility marking crew would then be notified, and they have a 48 hour window to locate utilities.  1-2 hours
     3.  Laborers and operators go to the site and dig out the spot and place rock. 3-4 crew hours
     4.  Cement finishers form and pour the concrete and it needs to cure for at least 48 hours.  3-4 crew hours
     5.  Ironworkers can install the anchors and the bin once concrete has cured. 2-3 crew hours

    Depending on how closely the locations are to each other they may prepare 2 or 3 at once and rotate through those with the different steps above.  However, that is not always possible.

    I hope this helps to see how the two differ in time needed and to see how it really gets involved when the location requires new concrete.
    I wanted to reach out & reconnect on the topic of the black, metal outdoor bins. I believe we have 18 identified locations approved by Brent Lewis ready to be installed as soon as the shops are able (locations attached) – these all require concrete poured. We then have  ~56 more stored primarily in the Buenting Barn that we have not yet identified locations for, but will very shortly. Some of them will require concrete and others will not. We have WO# 10814481 for this project.  Pete is hoping to have the whole process wrapped up by June 30, 2024. I just wanted to put this back up on the radar and get a sense of whether we will be able to get these all installed by summer?

    I will be in contact soon regarding the locations of the remaining bins.

  8. Weekly Update: Walking Tour

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Slow week with the bad weather. This week looks better. Friday we’re helping with the Campus Recreation Walking Tour and so will show off our space to some folks that probably wouldn’t visit otherwise—that’ll be fun.

    Also have a couple new staff starting this week.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 14
    Sales: $223.50
    Memberships: 2 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 4 for $35


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  9. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - May 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 



    • The idea of Power Searches is popular - will add additional content types and filters. Suggestions welcome!
    • Archiving projects
      • Decided to start with a simple Archived/Not Archived checkbox or dropdown list (do we have better terminology than "Not Archived"? Public and Visible are already used in other contexts). Michael will try it out on a dev site and report back next meeting.
      • Rejected ideas:
        • Add "Archived" to Visibility options - seems distinct from Public/Private, plus we want the option to still show projects publicly, just default to hiding them in most listings.
        • Add "Archived" to Project Status options - this mixes the status of the project itself with whether we still want it to show up on the site; e.g., cannot represent both "Cancelled" and "Archived" simultaneously
    • The Phantom Menace is in theaters this weekend in honor of Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) and Codie's birthday (5/5)! See it, you will.
  10. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - April 5, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Project Updates tasks
      • New "To Do Item(s)" field - is this single field what you were thinking? Would a set of multiple one-line fields be better? Or something else?
        • Q: Show field in Pending Tasks listing?
        • Q: Who should be able to view the content of this field? Other task-related fields are restricted to iCAP Admins & iCAP Moderators, but if you want to assign a task to a non-admin or non-moderator, they'll need to be able to view this task field (and the other fields) in order to view the task. Should we expand the scope of who can view task-related fields? At least add iCAP Clerks, or perhaps even all logged in users?
      • Q: Also add field for tagging iCAP Portal user(s) as responsible party for tracking tasks and updating when they're completed? (note: separate from "Assigned To" field which allows free editing and doesn't associate with user accounts
        • Q: What should this field be called?
        • Q: Should it allow multiple people to be entered?
        • Q: Add a My Tasks page where logged in users can view all tasks assigned to them?
    • Recommendations
    • SSC Projects
      • Discussions since our last meeting:
      • Demo of SSC project embedding (TEST site) which includes a map which responds to filters
      • Questions:
        • We've tweaked how we're planning to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal a bit:
          • Allow multiple semesters of funding info to be entered on a project (collections of fields, rather than fields directly associated with a project)
            • Pros: SSC-specific solution; minimal complexity; fairly straightforward way people entering the information would think of it
            • Cons: SSC-specific solution, so not easily generalizable if we want to use it for something else in the future; requires each of SSC's funding projects to be associated with exactly one iCAP Portal Project - is that a concern?
        • How do we handle multiple locations for a project? Show the SSC project at all of them? Just the first one? Have a way to specify? (could this get difficult for projects with SSC funding multiple times, if the locations are different each time?)
    • Archiving projects - deferred to next meeting


    • SSC Projects:
      • There was general agreement that the recommended approach will work. Reed affirmed based on his knowledge of the SSC projects, he didn't see a problem with mapping each SSC project to a single iCAP Portal project
      • Miriam encouraged documentation of clear guidelines for handling special cases
      • Locations: don't use all project locations, that will be too many and overwhelm the map. Codie suggested adding a new location field for SSC to specify location(s), typically just the location of the organization receiving the funding
      • Funding: Sarthak reiterated interest in using the funding feature for the Bike Fee. Michael will schedule a meeting with Sarthak to discuss further details.
      • Michael will schedule a meeting with Codie and Miriam to discuss further details regarding locations and funding.
    • Recommendations:
      • The group generally liked the direction things were headed
      • Need to resolve a question about the difference between project(s) that a recommendation is linked to initially (e.g. the project that spawned the recommendation, if any) vs. the project that comes out of a recommendation, if any. Do recommendations ever have both? Do they always have at least one?
      • Michael will schedule a meeting with Miriam and Sarthak to discuss further.
  11. Edu009 - Updating College of Business Course Descriptions - Approved

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Edu009 from the Education iCAP Team to update College of Business course descriptions to reflect the sustainability content.

    This recommendation aligns with Objective 6.2 of the iCAP 2020: Establish a comprehensive online repository for courses and academic programs with sustainability content. 

    The College of Business shared their action plan on completing the approved recommendation (attached).

    This will be followed up on in the fall to ensure the proper implementation of the recommendation.
