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Projects Updates for Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)

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  1. Daily Illini article about impacts of covid-19 on iCAP

    The Daily Illini published an article about the impacts of covid-19 on the campus sustainability efforts. One key message is that, even with some delays associated with the pandemic, we are still determined to move forward.  The conclusion of the article says: 

    Mohamed Attalla, executive director of Facilities and Services, said there are lots of initiatives to reach carbon neutrality in terms of energy and hopes to reach 400,000 metric tons of CO2 this year.

  2. Red Oak Rain Garden Nears Completion with Award of Grants

    Please see the attached file for a recent press release regarding the Red Oak Rain Garden and their awarded grants from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation.

  3. Curtis Road landscaping

    Tom's Mailbag in the News-Gazette included information about the Solar Farm 2.0 landscape buffer:

    Curtis Road landscaping

    "Curtis Road from Neil Street and First Street in Savoy,  why are they planting several rows of tree and bushes?

  4. SSC Final Report: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The construction on the path began in summer 2020 and was completed by the time students returned to campus. The old bike paths, along with hedges, overgrown evergreens, and decorative urns were removed from the area. A new 6 foot wide path was constructed and plans have been made to restore the landscape as needed. The Armory Avenue bike path is now open to use!

  5. SSC Funding Award: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The SSC awarded $50,000 for the "Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall". This award will expire on May, 2022. Please see attached the Funding agreement.

  6. SSC funds Recycling Pods

    The Illini Union has purchased 6 outdoor recycling units and 7 indoor units to address the growing need for recycling centers in and around the Union. This project will add an additional 10 recycling bins to the current initiative. In doing so, recycling efforts will increase around the Union, iCAP objectives will be implemented, recycling will be promoted across campus, strides towards waste reduction will be made – among just some of the positive impacts.

  7. SSC funds Wastewater Elimination & Scale Up Restoration

    The Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI) is a student-led organization that works to promote the development of renewable energy production at UIUC and to educate the campus community about the advantages of biodiesel. Their primary focus is the production of biodiesel and soap from a feedstock of used vegetable oil obtained from the University Dining Halls. In the past, biodiesel produced by IBI was utilized by University Garage and Carpool Services.

  8. SSC funds Vision Zero for UI

    Vision Zero is an international organization with the primary goal of promoting zero fatal and severe injury crashes in cities and communities. This is done by implementing practices which go beyond the traditional approaches to safety – by combing data-driven decision making with the incorporation of human error, community input, and implementing a “Safe Systems” approach. This project’s goal is to have zero traffic crashes at UIUC, making it a safer environment for students and staff.

  9. SSC funds South Farm Draper Purchase

    Just like any other lab or research facility, the South Farms are a valuable asset to the University of Illinois. In order to have the biggest impact on research, the best equipment and data generation techniques are necessary. This allows the university to practice applicable research that improves the quality of human life. As such, this project will fund the purchase of a combine draper head for the South Farms that will increase productivity, diversify available crops for harvest, and elevate the South Farms to be on par with current farming techniques.

  10. SSC funds Wagglenet

    The primary goal of this project is to create an intuitive and complete open-source loT solution for both research and general use. This system will make data collection as easy as placing sensors where they are needed and adding them to the system through only a few button clicks, after which the cloud-based platform will take care of everything else. The open-source nature of the project leverages non-proprietary solutions and allows developers to expand the data-collection system to new uses. The more ambitious goal of the project is to bridge the gap between research and application.

  11. SSC funds Illini Hyperloop

    “Hyperloop” is a proposed mass transportation method originally theorized by Elon Musk. The system involves a high-speed train, or “pod,” inside of a vacuum tube. In theory, a full-scale design could see pods traveling at up to 700 MPH, making it ideal for inter-city transportation normally taking up to six hours by car, and consuming very little energy. Illini Hyperloop is one of 21 competition teams accepted globally to build a pod for the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition. Musk’s SpaceX has built a mile-long Hyperloop tube, which can support a near-vacuum.

  12. SSC funds Expansion & increased utilization of biomass heating at the Energy Farm

    This project will retrofit drying ovens and associated workspace to utilize renewable energy heat from an existing biomass boiler. The College of ACES is financially supporting the construction of a sample processing room to better utilize the existing drying over assets at the Energy Farm, for which the current energy source is propane. The biomass boiler, installed in 2017, has proven to be functional and capable of decreasing carbon. Right now, the primary structure it heats is a greenhouse, from October to April each year.
