Weekly Update
Hello all, this past week we ramped up visitors slightly. The weather really hurt attendance, which would have been much higher. We still had people coming in and good attitudes abounded. We sold 2 bikes for $300, 1 build-a-bike for $30, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $1353.50. We have been storing a lot of things we dont' need, and have lost a lot of space to idle items. This week I realized how limiting this has been and how we need to change our work flow. Also at the member meeting we discussed a front desk area with a host and how many workspaces benefit from this. Since we have a membership database promised to be coming soon I built a front desk area to capitalize on this. I reorganized the back and threw out a lot of useless junk. The space is much more open now and we have more room to work and store useful items like tools and bikes. We held a 3 speed hub class which was requested by at least 10 separate individuals, but no one attended. I will be looking into a remedy. I was able to update a good portion of the shops reports thanks to all the time freed up by Lily's hard work. Lily and I continued our work on getting a sponsored donation site for the residents halls so normally abandoned bikes can be directly donated saving us all a lot of work and headaches. We got a few bikes built, but were slow because of large donations and other projects.
This week I plan on continuing to update the shop's reports. I will be working with Lily on presenting the cargo bike to FAA. They had a change in leadership and some other set backs so we are restarting the relationship with a cool bike demo and presentation. Lily's heading this up so I will be supporting her. I will be trying to get some more bikes out of the warehouse and processed in anticipation of the spring cutting. Lily is working with the residence halls on the donation event, and doing most of the planning work, but I may go to some of the meetings since I will be in charge of the implementation of the event. I'm going to seek the assistance of Lily in ways to promote the Thursday afternoon classes. I will also be sending out information on the wheel building class this week.
From the Campus Bike Center,
James Roedl