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  1. Dump and Run Update (Email Chain)

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email chain details the arrangement of a meeting at the Stock Pavilion for Mike Doyle to give Alma Sealine, Morgan White, and Lowa Mwilambwe a tour to give them the sense of the operations at that time.

    The images referenced in the emails are attached below.


    From: Varney, Peter W

    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 5:36 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Attalla, Mohamed Mahmoud

    Subject: FW: Dump & Run


    Thanks Morgan – any specific names or quotes I can use and submit to CRC along with the names of the F&S staff (driver and laborer) involved?


    Thank you,




    From: White, Morgan

    Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 5:14 PM

    To: Attalla, Mohamed Mahmoud; Varney, Peter W

    Subject: FW: Dump & Run

    Hello Mohamed and Pete,

    The YMCA sent the attached photos showing some of the items collected from the students moving out, with Housing

    and F&S support this month. They are very grateful and I also heard from some of the YMCA’s folks how very helpful the

    F&S staff were, in particular.

    I will be attending a check-in meeting tomorrow morning, and I believe Chancellor Jones asked Lowa to lead the

    discussions over the next few months to provide campus assistance to this effort in the future. Lowa will include me in

    those discussions, and I am very pleased that we are moving in that direction to support this great waste-reduction





    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Mike Doyle

    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 4:45 PM

    To: Sealine, Alma R

    Cc: Mwilambwe, Lowa; White, Morgan <>; Marc Alexander; Joe Vitosky; Kasey Umland

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run2


    Friday at 9 AM works. I will be there and most likely Marc.

    We will have loaded and packed a weeks worth of stuff so I thought I would share a few photos with you.



    On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 2:17 PM Sealine, Alma R wrote:


    I’m out on vacation but can make 9am work as I’m driving out of town...

    Alma R. Sealine

    Executive Director of University Housing



    From: Mwilambwe, Lowa

    Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 2:11 PM

    To: Mike Doyle; Sealine, Alma R; White, Morgan

    Cc: Marc Alexander; Joe Vitosky; Kasey Umland

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run


    Are you available at 9:00 a.m. on Friday?


    -Lowa Mwilambwe

    Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing

    Student Affairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Mike Doyle

    Date: Monday, May 13, 2019 at 9:12 AM

    To: "Sealine, Alma R", Lowa Mwilambwe, "White,


    Cc: Marc Alexander, Joe Vitosky, Kasey Umland

    Subject: Dump & Run


    Alma, Morgan and Lowa,


    I just wantedd to invite you to stop by the stock pavilion on Pennslvania sometime this week between 9 AM

    and 4 PM. We finish up collections this week and have already starting loading items on the semi trailers. So

    far I think this has been a great improvement this year and the staffs from F&S as well as Housing have been

    very helpful.

    A 5-10 minute tour will give you a sense of the operations at this point and I believe be very helpful in future

    discussions about what is involved in this program. If you let us knowwhen you will stop by Mar or I can try

    to be there to give you a uick tour but if that doesn't work, you can just stop by when it is convenient.




    Michael Doyle

    Executive Director

    University YMCA

  2. Approval for Support from campus to YMCA for Dump and Run

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email contains a confirmation of approval from Lowa Mwilambwe for campus to provide support to the Dump and Run Program coordinated by the YMCA.



    From: Mwilambwe, Lowa

    Sent: Friday, April 26, 2019 4:00 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Hill, Darla J; Kushner, Allison; Harlan, Tina Diane; Brown Young, Danita M; Sealine, Alma R

    Subject: Re: Dump & Run funding confirmation


    This is to confirm that it is acceptable for campus to provide support to the Dump and Run Program coordinated by the YMCA. This program allows residence halls to dispose of items students don’t want to take home with them at the end of the spring semester by having YMCA volunteers collect them. Incoming students get the opportunity to purchase these items in August as they return to school. If this program didn’t exist, these items would end up in a landfill. Furthermore University Housing would be responsible for their disposal.


    Regarding truck usage, University staff should be the only individuals to drive University vehicles or ride in them. YMCA volunteers can load and unload the vehicles.


    Please note that I have explained to the YMCA staff that this is a one‐time deal and that we won’t be able to offer the same type of support next year. They are working on providing me with more information about how they use the funding generated from this program.


    I have copied all University staff I have I have talked to regarding this matter and they can offer their perspective, if I omitted anything.


    Thanks to all of you for making this happen, this one time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Lowa Mwilambwe


    Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary, Health & Wellbeing

    Student Affairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign


    From: "White, Morgan"

    Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 12:45 PM

    To: Lowa Mwilambwe Subject: Dump & Run funding confirmation


    Hi Lowa,


    Please confirm (in writing) that it is acceptable for campus to provide support for the YMCA Dump & Run collections from our residence halls.

    If so, F&S will contribute a truck and driver this spring, but the long‐term solution needs to identify the appropriate funding source.




    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign

  3. Dump and Run 2019 Logistics Meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email chain contains a discussion about a meeting to discuss logistics for Dump & Run 2019.



    From: Marc Alexander

    Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 5:04 PM

    To: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Cc: White, Morgan; Arnold, David A

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Hi all, here's the beginnings of a logistical sheet for Residence Hall pickups. Dorm Pickups Sheet 2019

    It's ordered in rough zones, with dorms closest to each other clumped together. We can discuss more regarding times and what each day might look like in terms of pickups tomorrow. All of you should be able to edit the sheet, so please feel free to make changes if need be.


    In addition, here is a basic FAQ for donation sites with some info that might be helpful to you, but that can also be shared with the Resident Directors as well. We can make changes to this as well.


    Thanks everyone, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!





    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:37 PM Marc Alexander wrote:

    Excellent, thanks Bryan! I'll see you then. My cell is [omitted], don't hesitate to text or call in the next few weeks if any of you need anything promptly.




    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:27 PM Johnson, Bryan Lloyd wrote:

    I was just on the phone with David about the meeting on Friday. I went ahead and reserved a room in Clark Hall for the meeting (room 222). We will plan on meeting in Clark Hall at 10:30, but David and I will touch base at the conclusion of my 9am meeting or your walkthrough which ever finishes first. If we can meet sooner, or during your rounds we will.


    My cell phone is [omitted]


    Bryan Johnson

    Project Manager, PMP

    UNIVERSITY HOUSING | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Marc Alexander 

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 3:17 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Bryan if you can do 10:30 great, but if not I'll make 10am work.


    I'll get back to you both with logistical plans. Thanks!






    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 3:09 PM  White, Morgan wrote:

    Hi Marc,  Can we do a phone call with Bryan and the two of you at 10 Friday?  You may not be through all the locations yet, but that’s when both Bryan and I can do a call.


    Also, would you please send both of us any logistics plans you already have written up (even from previous years), so we can get a feeling for the driving needs?





    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Marc Alexander 

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 3:06 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Subject: Re: Dump and Run 2019


    Hi Bryan, 


    Dave Arnold, who is an Area Coordinator for Residential Life, has been our contact for the residence halls. He and I are meeting at 9am Friday to walk the locations and determine container placement.





    On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 2:54 PM  White, Morgan wrote:

    Hi Bryan, Here is Marc’s email.  Let’s try to meet at 1am on Friday.


    Marc, please tell Bryan your contact person for setting the containers.



    Ms. Morgan White

    F&S Associate Director for Sustainability

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd

    Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 2:47 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Subject: Dump and Run 2019


    I was asked by Alma Sealine to give you call concerning the Dump and Run event this year. When you get a moment, please give me a call to discuss Housing’s involvement.



    Bryan Johnson

    Project Manager, PMP

    UNIVERSITY HOUSING | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


    Associated Project(s): 
     Largely completed, ongoing main
    Very Well, Student intern keeps plants going, native prairie plants on south side of building, front and courtyard, woodland garden, northeast corner 
    FS mows it every years, little weeding
     suffering from invasion of violets, thought given to aiding those plants
    Coming along well, over 3 years, removed invasive honey suckle, so thick you could not walk though the woods, removing other invasive plants, put out seeds and seedlings to other native plants, used as outdoor lab for variety of classes
  5. Food Waste Management presentation to Housing

    On November 12, 2018, Sarthak Prasad from Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) presented a Food Waste Management study to compare the current mode of food waste management (EnviroPure) with 7 other food waste management equipment. 

    He recommended the Housing at UofI switched from the EnviroPure systems to InSinkerator's Grind2Energy systems as food waste processing system, before sending the processed food waste (in slurry form) to the Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District (UCSD) in Urbana, IL. UCSD's Wastewater Treatment Plant  (WWTP) has existing anaerobic digesters that can convert food waste into valuable biogas for electricity generation.

    See attached the presentation in PDF form and the detailed cost analysis.

  6. Funding Approval for Green Restaurant

    Mohamed Attalla and Evan De Lucia approved $32,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for the Green Restaurant Certification Pilot.

    "The requested funds will fully cover a five-year pilot of Green Restaurant Certification for all campus dining facilities and University Catering." -Micah Kenfield (11/8/2018)


    An email of approval and the benefits the project will provide is attached below.


  7. Most of the planting complete

    Associated Project(s): 

    This project is ongoing, but all milestones in the SSC grant request have been met. Purchases of additional plants were made in multiple batches, and they have been added to beds on the south, east, and north sides of LAR in addition to the shared courtyard between LAR and Allen Hall. There are a few plants that still need to be planted, but most are in the ground at this time.


  8. Brewing the Best Bankable Biodiesel Agreement

    The Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI) converts waste vegetable oil from campus dining halls into biodiesel (intended for campus vehicles) and biosoap (intended for pre-washing in the dining halls), and aims to do so in a financially and environmentally sustainable manner. Currently, Garage and Car Pool, IBI’s largest customer, requires that biodiesel meets the ASTM D6751 standard. This requires frequent quality control testing that would be cost prohibitive for a project of this scale to send to on off-site firm. The equipment funded by SSC through this award will allow students, under faculty guidance, to conduct their own quality control testing at a more economical cost. In addition to the hands-on experience students will gain, this also gives IBI all the tools to be fully financially self-supporting. This proposal directly funds: 1) Equipment for conducting tests 2) Initial reagents and other supplies for the first round of testing.

  9. Residential Native Plants

    The Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall Living and Learning Community (LLC) is aware of the interest in increasing the number of campus locations with native plants. They would like to join the effort to plant Native Plant Species in selected areas around Campus. The goal of this project is to locate plants in places like the unused space between Allen Hall and Lincoln Ave. Residence. There are several other locations around these residences that are suitable for planting near the buildings and in areas where mowing is difficult because of corners and the placing of equipment like large compressors. By selecting a variety of plants that bloom over the growing season, this project provides habitat and food resources for a wide range of butterflies, bees, and other pollinators as well as birds. This proposal directly funds: 1) One Student Internship 2) Site Preparation Costs 3) Soil Supplies and Plants.

  10. IBI update

    Associated Project(s): 

    ILLINOIS BIODIESEL INITIATIVE: This past semester, students produced 100 gallons of biodiesel fuel and 2 gallons of soap from waste vegetable oil. The soap-making subgroup is refining its soap recipe for use at campus dining halls, and the diesel subgroup is improving the production process to make higher-quality fuels.

  11. Update from John Marlin to potential volunteers

    Associated Project(s): 


    Most of you have had some direct involvement with the LAR LLC planting that is in progress.  It started last spring and now has a ~$5000 grant from the Student Sustainability Committee. The past two weeks have seen a lot of progress as plants were removed from propagation beds and transplanted to the front and N side of LAR. 

    Here are a few shots with some of you featured.  I will make more available later to individuals.  

    The recent planting contains mostly woodland wildflowers that are currently dormant.   the straws mark the locations so we do not plant over them during the next couple weeks.   Hopefully they will survive the winter since there are other plants that go in early in the spring.

    The LLC has some weeding tools and watering cans in the building that LAR students can access.   We will need to water plants and do some weeding this week.  If you have a break or get done before dark you might be able to do some weeding on the S side of the building.  Gwenna or I may have to show you what to take out. 

    We are likely to have some more planting next weekend.   Probably Saturday (and maybe Sunday) morning around 10.  Sunday afternoon some of us will be with Red Bison at the South Arboretum Woods near the pollinatarium by Lincoln and Windsor.   Any of you are welcome there. 

    Attached are also a couple posters showing the kinds of woodland plants that are going in.

    John C. Marlin


    The files are on the main project page.
