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- Associated Project(s):
archived info - previous project description and background, pre iCAP 2020
Associated Project(s):Description:
The 2015 iCAP, chapter 3, objective 3, is "Expand the purchase of clean energy. By FY20, obtain at least 120,000 MWh, and by FY25 at least 140,000 MWh from low-carbon energy sources. These targets represent 48% and 56% of our expected 2050 electricity demand, respectively." There are several methods for increasing campus clean energy use: on-campus renewable energy generation (such as the Solar Farm), off-campus power purchase agreements (such as the Wind PPA), the purchase of Renewable Energy Certifications (such as the FY15 RECs purchase), and clean energy provided through the grid purchased electricity (see MISO).
Generate Renewable Energy On-Campus
Renewable energy on campus is one of the most important clean energy sources. Solar farm is the main project, geothermal is a promising method, combined with biomass, etc., the proportion of renewable energy is increasing.
Enter into Power Purchase Agreements
A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a contract with an energy generation facility. A long-term PPA with a renewable energy generation facility could enable the construction of new renewable energy generation. At the time of this writing, the most economical renewable PPAs are for wind energy from large farms of wind turbines, but we expect that other types of renewable PPAs may become affordable in the future.
Although nuclear power is not considered renewable, an existing nuclear power plant produces no carbon dioxide emissions and can help us meet our emissions goals. A PPA with a nuclear power plant would enable us to purchase energy from a zero-carbon source.
Buy Renewable Energy Certificates
Electrical output from both renewable and nonrenewable power sources are combined in a regionaltransmission grid. In order for a consumer to claim the use of renewable energy, it must own the associated Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), each of which represents the environmental attributes of 1 MWh of renewable electricity generation.
Only the owners of RECs can claim that they are using renewable energy. For example, if a wind farm operator sells its electricity to one party but sells the associated RECs to a second party, only the second party can claim to be using green energy. To qualify as renewable, any energy the campus purchases must be bundled with RECs, and the campus must retain the RECs for any renewable energy it produces. Therefore, the forthcoming Solar Farm will count toward our renewable energy goals only so long as campus does not sell the associated RECs.
Another method to increase our use of renewable energy is to separately purchase “unbundled” RECs, without purchasing power from the same generation source. For example, we could purchase power from a coal plant, but purchase a corresponding number of RECs from a wind farm (in this case, the wind farm would sell its electricity without the environmental attributes to a customer who is not willing to pay for the environmental attributes). The purchase of unbundled RECs reduces our carbon footprint according to generally accepted carbon accounting procedures, but it is not clear if it adds renewable energy to the grid.
In 2015, there was exceptionally low demand for RECs in our local grid region because there are no effective government standards requiring the purchase of renewable electricity. At the same time, a significant number of wind farms have been built and are profitable even without selling RECs (due in large part to a federal tax credit for wind production), leading to a very large supply of RECs. Given the low demand and the oversupply, prices for RECs are very low, and therefore it is not clear that the purchase of RECs really provides an incentive for generators to produce more renewable electricity, or that it leads to an actual reduction in overall global CO2 emissions.
When unbundled RECs are purchased as part of a long-term contract, this can facilitate the construction of new renewable energy generation facilities. Long-term RECs contracts would also have the economic advantage of “locking in” the current low prices. Conversely, the voluntary purchase of short-term unbundled RECs from existing facilities does not add new renewable energy to the grid. For these reasons, the campus would have a greater environmental impact by purchasing long-term RECs contracts, either bundled with renewable energy in a PPA, or unbundled.
Low-Carbon Grid Purchased Electricity
Approximately half of the campus electrical demand is purchased through the MISO grid. In FY15, the grid purchased electricity included over 10% from low-carbon sources. Because the RECs are not included when campus buys the energy, it is unclear who can claim the use of that clean energy. With the new energy bill passed in 2017, there are changes to the requirements for campus’ participation in the Renewable Portfolio Standard. As these requirements and associated benefits of low-carbon energy in the grid become clarified, it may be determined that the grid’s clean energy can be included in the total campus clean energy usage.
archived info - previous project description, pre iCAP 2020
Associated Project(s):Assuming that our conservation efforts will cut our energy needs in half, we will have to find ways to produce and/or purchase roughly 250,000 MWh/yr of electricity and 250,000 MWh/yr of heat in a carbon-neutral manner. Campus has made good progress in reducing GHG emissions since FY08, largely due to improvements in the energy efficiency of buildings. Looking ahead, we expect to see continued reductions due to improvements in energy efficiency and additional energy conservation efforts. However, in order to achieve zero GHG emissions, it is also necessary to change the way we generate, distribute, and purchase power.
controls on HVAC units - note
Associated Project(s):I would note that the room level controls at the National Soybean Research Center have been upgraded to DDC in the past year. We plan to do this in the ACES Library in 2021. We have invested in Turner Hall w/ control upgrades and RCx work. The Ag Engineering building saw a recent project last year to upgrade to DDC controls and replace VAV boxes. ~Karl Helmink, F&S RCx, january 2021
Environmental Justice Plan Brainstorming Meeting
Associated Project(s):On December 3, 2020, a small group of community and campus staff (Scott Tess, Morgan White, Ximing Cai, Sharva Hampton-Campbell, Kaamilyah Abdullah-Span, Ruby Mendenhall, Meredith Moore) brainstormed key principles of the environmental justice plan (iCAP 2020 objective 8.3). The notes from this initial meeting is attached and the group will continue to meet monthly.
Attached Files:Weekly Update - Word of mouth, Bike donations
Associated Project(s):All, Pretty slow around these parts—per usual for this time of year.
A story: A gentleman comes in on Wednesday looking for bikes. We get to talking and he’s volunteered at Working Bikes (the org we give abandoned bikes to) up in Chicago, he knows his way around a wrench. He buys a nice road bike and that was that. An hour later, he brings a friend back; she signs up for a membership. Two days later, same guy is back with another friend; he buys a membership, too. Says they’ll both be back on Monday to work on a bike. Word of mouth really is the best marketing.
This week I’ll still be processing the donations from the kids bike event that were not kids bikes. We got a lot of adult-sized bikes that aren’t worth saving, unfortunately.
The numbers:
Visitors: 11
Sales: $254
Memberships: 2 for $60
Misc: $4
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center ManagerTests Performed for Illinois Biodiesel Initiative's Quality Control
Associated Project(s):As provided by Allison Narlock, the current quality control lead for Illinois Biodiesel Initiative (IBI), IBI performs a series of standard tests for every batch. The tests, with the ASTM test number, are the following (in no particular order:)
- Acid Number: D974
- Water and Sediment: D2709
- Flash Point: D93 (D6450), we use the closed cup method
- Oxidative Stability: D2274
- Visual Inspection: D4176
- Cold Soak: D7501
- Cloud Point: D2500
For each test, results are recorded to provide information as needed.
Call2Recycle FY2020 Report: Collection of Batteries and Cell Phones
Associated Project(s):The attached files highlight the battery and cell phone collection efforts conducted from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020. These reports include valuable information such as the pounds collected, breakdown by chemistry, growth rates, and collected trends over a 3-year time period.
Attached Files:University of Illinois, 115719 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, 154675 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, 156217 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, 158139 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, 161748 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, Champaign, 78151 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois Illini Union, 83005 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
University of Illinois, 114050 - Annual Site Summary Report - 210110.pdf
equipment to be delivered soon
Associated Project(s):The supplier of the heat pump, Connor Company, has received it from the factory and will deliver it to campus on Friday, January 8, 2020. Lanz Inc. will then work to install the system.
Green Infrastructure Solutions to Campus Flooding in Urbana, IL
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached report that details a design report for the Vet Med Stormwater system.
Attached Files:Trees Promote Health and Wellness
Associated Project(s):In the January 2021 Newsletter, the City of Urbana discussed the health and wellness benefits of trees, as well as its plans to promote tree planting throughout the city:
Trees affect our health and wellness. Humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, whereas trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. With a mutually beneficial relationship, one large tree can supply enough oxygen for four people. This is really wonderful, however, it takes around five trees to absorb the CO2 produced by just one person.
Additionally, trees also trap air pollution. This greatly affects our health. Trees also help to clean water by acting as a natural filter. Plus, trees decrease stress for us and improve recovery time from illnesses. These are a few of the reasons Urbana's Urban Canopy is tantamount to human life, health, and progress. Trees are always working to keep us healthy and strong – help us do the same for them! *
We’re asking you to partner with the City of Urbana — on an individual basis or through your neighborhood association, service organization, business or church — by sharing the cost of new trees through our Co-op Tree Planting Program.
The City of Urbana Arbor Division will be adding to Urbana's Urban Canopy this coming Spring, 2021. These are made possible by the generous donations through the Co-op Tree Planting Program.
"If all goes well this will be good for roughly 40-45 vacant tree planting sites throughout town. These site will be planted with Urbana Heritage species and mostly native species to Illinois. I will be selecting these sites during January for spring planting order," Kevin Sanderson, Arborist and Urbana Arbor Division Supervisor, said.
Solar Production at Idea Garden is in EBS
Associated Project(s):The solar array on the Idea Garden shed production data is now on an F&S meter-read route and will be posted monthly in the Energy Billing System (EBS). It is meter #0374-E1, for building #0374. Here is the initial data.
Billing month
kWh SEP 487.000 OCT 422.000 NOV 390.000 DEC 248.000 Weekly Update: Happy New Year, Kids bike giveaway
Associated Project(s):All, Happy New Year! The final week of the semester—and the two weeks preceding it—were a whirl of kid bike prep for our event, which took place on December 19th.
Here’s a story CI Living did on the event:
We gave away 40+ bikes in less than half an hour and our community really came through in providing those donations on such a short time frame.
This week will be a lot of cleaning and organizing—kids bike parts are strewn every which way as we hustled to get the bikes finished—and an inventory once-over to see where we stand on parts and bikes.
The numbers:
Visitors: 7
Sales: $19Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center ManagerSome Coal Plants in Illinois to be shut down
Associated Project(s):From:
The company also announced its next phase of coal plant closures in Illinois and Ohio with a combined capacity of more than 6.8 GW, by 2027. The plan has the following timeline:
- End of 2022: Edwards Power plant, Bartonville, Illinois, 585 MW, in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator.
- End of 2025: Baldwin Power Plant, Baldwin, Illinois, 1,185 MW; Joppa Power Plant, Joppa, Illinois, 1,002 MW (plus 239 MW of gas turbines), both in MISO.
- End of 2027: Newton Power Plant, Newton, Illinois, 615 MW, in MISO; and Kincaid Power plant, Kincaid, Illinois, 1,108 MW, Miami Fort Power Plant, North Bend, Ohio, 1,020 MW, and Zimmer Power Plant, Moscow, Ohio, 1,300 MW, all three in the PJM Interconnection.
"These plants, especially those operating in the irreparably dysfunctional MISO market, remain economically challenged," Vistra said in a Sept. 29 statement. "Today's retirement announcements are also prompted by upcoming Environmental Protection Agency filing deadlines, which require either significant capital expenditures for compliance or retirement declarations."
Updated list of needed student projects
Associated Project(s):This is a list of projects that need students to work on. It will be updated periodically by sustainability staff members, the last update was 1/2/21:
- Tree Canopy Analysis: Work with F&S staff to complete a GIS analysis of the university's tree canopy, in support of the Tree Campus USA designation. This will include comparison to peer institutions and a presentation of the results and methodology to the Tree Campus Advisory Committee. Depending on time availability, it can also include an analysis of the local tree canopy, off campus. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- CCNet Website: Work with the Champaign County Sustainability Network (CCNet) leadership team to redesign and publish the CCNet website (old version is online at There is a monthly brown bag sustainability networking event on the Third Thursday of each month, but the website hasn't been updated since 2016. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- If you have a project idea, please contact us at, or submit it through the iCAP Portal Suggestions page.
December 2020 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the December 2020 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totaling 2098.8 Megawatt hours. See attached file.
Attached Files:Monthly water usages totals now available for the BIF
Associated Project(s):Monthly totals for water consumption in the greywater pipes at the Business Instructional Facility have now been added to the corresponding iCAP portal page. In the future, totals will be updated upon request. Send requests through the Suggestions form on the iCAP Portal.
See the attached spreadsheet to find the daily totals from Mid-October 2019 to November 2020. Vales are listed in gallons, measured per year as the overall usage.
Attached Files:12/18 Zero Waste SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes from the Zero Waste SWATeam on 12/18/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:
- Grind2Energy Additional Scope.
- NERC membership.
- Mask Terracycle Program.
- Organics Master Plan.
- Vending Machine Single-Use Plastics Replacement.
- Mitigating single-serve options in third-party vendors in Union.
- Reusable dining operations during COVID.
- Reuse of Surplus Goods.
- Battery Recycling Options.
- Purchasing Order Fufillment: Sustainable Options.
- Purchasing Sustainability Digital Booklet.
- Food Waste Reduction Webinar Engagement Opportunity.
- Sustainability Integrations within punch-out catalogues/iBUY.
Attached Files:12/16 Transportation SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached are the meeting minutes for the Transportation SWATeam Meeting on 12/16/2020. The following agenda items were discussed:
- Intern Solicitation
- Intern Resources List
- EV Task Force
- Fleet Vehicle Usage Tracking
- Reduction of Fleet
- Air Travel Emissions
Attached Files:Funding Award: Living Lab Platform for CIF geothermal
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $9,318.16 in funding in Fall 2020 for a Living Lab Platform at the CIF. This project expires 12/16/2022.
Attached Files:App - A Living-lab Platform Based on the Campus Institutional Facility Geothermal Project.docx
Funding Letter - A Living-Lab Platform Based on the CIF Geothermal Project.pdf
Display & Budget Explanations.pdf
Site Permission Letter signed QK CO KM.pdf
Step_2_Additional_Information_John Zhao.docx
Step-2-Application_2020 _Zhao.docx