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  1. eweek announcement

    Associated Project(s): 

    ARC Student Food Pantry

    Announcing the opening of the Food Assistance & Well-Being Program! We are a shopping-style food pantry providing the UIUC campus with access to nutritious food and necessities in a supportive, inclusive environment. Food Science and Human Nutrition Students will also be available to answer shopper questions and to provide resources to prepare the food. 

    August 25 • Tuesdays 1-4 pm and Saturdays 2-5 pm • ARC Instructional Kitchen

    Jade Hamann • Department of Campus Recreation

  2. Surplus reopened



    Surplus Warehouses reopened at UIC and UIUC

    UAFR is pleased to announce the equipment surplus warehouses at both UIC and UIUC have now reopened and are accepting scrap/surplus equipment from university departments.

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new safety and health related procedures and protocols over the handling of scrap/surplus equipment and access to the surplus warehouse are effective immediately. 

    Key new protocols include:

    • disinfecting scrap/surplus equipment prior to shipment to the surplus warehouse (either by the unit or the campus movers with procedures varying by university) 
    • an appointment only scheduling system to access the UIUC surplus warehouse 

    Units must review the new required safety procedures and protocols for each specific campus at the Surplus Warehouse Operations - OBFS website.

    For questions about surplus warehouse operations or the new protocols, contact Magdalena Jach at or (312) 585-9171.

    For questions about specific FABweb disposal requests, please contact Juana Rodriquez at or (312) 585-9146.




  3. Sustainability Facts Sheet

    Attached are files for the Sustainability Facts Sheets in both a digital and printed form.

    This facts sheet is intended for the following audiences:

    • Demographics unfamiliar with campus sustainability.
    • New Faculty & Staff
    • New & transfer students
    • Outreach and Education programs
  4. LTN follow up: August 19

    Associated Project(s): 

    Meeting attended by representatives from: F&S, CBC, MTD, CCRPC, and CCB.

    We confirmed that Campus Bike Center could be the third location for Light the Night this year. Sarthak Prasad will confirm with Jake and Alana.

    Cynthia Hoyle will send a quote to Sarthak Prasad. Cynthia will also send a draft of the Safety Plan and Warning and Waiver Form for COVID-19.

    Sarthak Prasad will work on creating a sign up form for volunteers. He will also work on getting work orders for tables and chairs, and to request a PO. MTD can provide some masks, gloves, and hand sanitizers. Stacey will check if Public Functions can provide hand sanitizers and water for volunteers.

    Sarthak will also work on lawn signs and digital signage. List of avenues used to promote Light the Night 2019 will be used as a reference for promoting the Volunteer opportunity and the Distribution event.

    The next meeting will be held in two weeks.

  5. Public Safety Building (Campus Police) added as a Shield pick-up location - Available from August 17, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    University of Illinois Public Safety (1110 W Springfield Ave, Urbana, IL 61801; Phone: (217) 333-1216) was added as the Shield pick-up location. Stacey DeLorenzo dropped off 250 Shields at the location to be picked up by bicycle users. This location will be available for Shield pick up from August 17, 2020.

  6. Funding Approval for Outdoor Recycling Bins

    Evan DeLucia and Mohamed Attalla approved $310,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for replacing outdoor trash receptacles with trash and recycling dual bins.


    An email of the approval is attached below.

    A project memo is attached below.
