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Projects Updates for iCAP Working Group (iWG)

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  1. Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping recommendation - Denied

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 20, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping. After some discussion, the iWG rejected this recommendation.

    See SWATeam recommendation Water003 Design Center Greywater Piping here.

  2. EGen004 Electrification Study recommendation - Returned

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on December 6, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, eGen004 Electrification Study. The iWG agreed to return the recommendation to the eGen SWATeam for further discussion with F&S, iSEE, and other stakeholders.

    See SWATeam recommendation eGen004 Electrification Study here.

  3. PWR007 Dump and Run recommendation - Transmittal

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 31, 2016, to discuss and assess the SWATeam recommendation PWR007 Dump and Run. Following the iWG meeting, Ben McCall directly forwarded the recommendation to iSEE (Evan DeLucia) on June 10, 2016.

    See SWATeam recommendation PWR007 Dump and Run here.

  4. Conservation Budget Recommendation (ECONS003) - Assessment with comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on May 31, 2016, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation ECONS003 Conservation Budget. They supported the Continued Funding for Energy Conservation (ECONS003 Conservation Budget) recommendation. The iWG's official comments for this recommendation was:

  5. iWG meeting meeting March 30, 2016

  6. iWG meeting agenda March 30, 2016

  7. Illini Lights Out Recommendation - Assessment by iWG Chair and Unit Response

    The iCAP Working Group met on March 30, 2016. They discussed the Illini Lights Out recommendation by the ECBS SWATeam. Since this project was on a small scale, the iWG Chair assessed the recommendation and approved it.

  8. Trans007 Campus fleet analysis and Planning recommendation - Returned to SWATeam

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 16, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Trans007 Campus Fleet Analysis and Planning. The iWG's final comment was:

    "They have suggested that this analysis is ideally completed by an industry professional. The iWG recommends that this study can be broken down into phases where phase 1 could be done by students, and phase 2 then could be done by an outside consultant (industry expert). Ben will suggest this to the SWATeam."

  9. Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis recommendation - Returned to the SWATeam

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on February 16, 2016, to discuss the SWATeam recommendation, Trans005 Travel Demand Analysis. The iWG's final comment was:
