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Projects Updates for Resilience iCAP Team

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  1. Email to Resilience SWATeam re: Edu002 recommendation

    Hello Resilience SWATeam!


    I hope this message finds you well. In the spring, one Education SWATeam (Edu002) recommendation to the iCAP Working Group suggested developing a sustainable communities paid internship program for students, in partnership with local businesses, non-profits, local government agencies, and local community-based organizations. As the recommendation states, the program would be designed to provide student opportunities in the sustainability field to advance resiliency efforts in our region and help tackle challenges related to climate change.


    The iWG recommended including the Resilience SWATeam in discussions on how best to move this forward since it directly involves and relates to the community. We recognized that cities are interested in working with students though funding may be a potential barrier. Your input on this recommendation will be very helpful. What are your initial thoughts on this recommendation? Does this seem like a feasible project, and what would be needed to implement such a program? Meredith may schedule a meeting in the fall between the two SWATeams to discuss further, though in the meantime, please respond with your feedback.


    Thank you!
    Ximing Cai

    August 2, 2020


  2. COVID-19, Climate Change and Health: A Webinar May 19 at Noon CDT

    Join NCSA and LAS for a chat on lessons we can learn on the interplay between climate and human health in the wake of the COVID-19 shutdowns. These findings could potentially help improve air quality and health in areas of poor air quality. Larry DiGirolamo, Don Wuebbles, and Ashish Sharma will cover current observations and review the challenges involved in approaching this research. 

    May 19, 12 PM • Tuesday, Noon Central Daylight Time Barbara Jewett • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

    COVID-19, Climate Change and Health: A Webinar May 19 at Noon CDT


  3. Resilience Team Meeting: April 22, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Resilience SWATeam met on 04/22/2020 to discuss changes and edits to the draft of the Resilience Chapter of the 2020 iCAP that the team recieved from the iWG. After the discussion, edits were made to the draft document and then sent to the iWG for further review. 



  4. Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan - Submitted

    The Resilience SWATeam made the following recommendation on 4/3/2020: 

    An update to the Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (CCHMP) will be finalized by June 2020 and it is recommended that the University of Illinois (UI) adopt the CCHMP. Hazard mitigation plans are required for some Federal disaster assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act*. The adoption of the plan requires Chancellor Jones’ signature.

    Attached is the SWATeam recommendation Res001 Champaign County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan with comments from the Resilience SWATeam.


  5. 2019 SWATeam Kickoff with Attached Power Point

    Good afternoon!


    It was wonderful meeting many of you at the iWG and SWATeam Kick Off event yesterday afternoon. Thank you so much for attending and for your participation. It will be a great year and your efforts are very much appreciated. Please find the slides and handout attached, and be sure to reach out if you have any questions.


    As a reminder, Sarthak Prasad from the Transportation team mentioned that it would be helpful if you could take this short bike survey.


    Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to making our campus a more sustainable place! I look forward to meeting with you in the near future.





    Meredith Moore

    Sustainability Programs Coordinator

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    1101 W. Peabody, Urbana, Suite 338 (NSRC)



    [Power Point from Kickoff is attached, RC]

  6. SWATeam Welcome Message

    Dear SWATeam members,  We are so happy to welcome you to the FY20 SWATeams, including Energy, Land and Water, Zero Waste, Transportation, Education, and the new Resilience Working Advisory Team (RWAT).  SWATeams are an important part of our overall Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) efforts, and we truly appreciate your assistance and support


    In 2014, iSEE worked with the Office of the Chancellor to develop the formal sustainability procedures to support the Carbon Commitment.  These procedures established the SWATeams, the iCAP Working Group (iWG), and the Sustainability Council.  In 2018 Chancellor Jones and the Mayors of Urbana and Champaign signed a Resilience Proclamation, so RWAT is the newest part of our SWATeam process.  We are currently working on an update to the iCAP procedures document. We’re also updating the 2015 iCAP plan to the new 2020 iCAP, and FY20 SWATeams will contribute to such an important milestone of iCAP!


    For both returning and new SWATeam members, here are a few things to expect in the coming weeks:

    • iSEE Director Evan DeLucia will be sending a formal charge letter for each team.
    • iSEE Sustainable Programs Coordinator Meredith Moore is training the new SWATeam clerks and graduate assistant, Regina Cassidy.  Then the SWATeam clerks will contact you to schedule three full team meetings this semester, one in September, October, and November.
    • The SWATeam pages on iSEE have been updated, and we will be updating the iCAP Portal pages.
    • We will send you a schedule for the 2020 iCAP development, with specific timelines for the SWATeams to draft specific, measurable objectives for the 2020 iCAP.
    • You will receive an invitation to the SWATeam kick-off event, hosted by iSEE in September.

    As mentioned above, this year will be highly focused on drafting the 2020 Illinois Climate Action Plan iCAP.  Each of the SWATeams will be asked to recommend specific, measurable objectives for the 2020 iCAP.  To help facilitate this effort, the two of us, as co-chairs of iWG, will both be attending each full SWATeam meeting in September, October, and November.  The actual iCAP chapters will be written by members of the iWG and iSEE staff, based on the input received from SWATeams and campus, for review by the iWG.  In Spring 2020, there will be campus and community review of the draft chapters, and the SWATeams will be included as key stakeholders in that review process. Ultimately, the 2020 iCAP with a chapter for each SWATeam, and additional related chapters will be formally submitted to the Sustainability Council for campus approval.


    The University is committed to being carbon neutral as soon as possible, and no later than 2050, and to bolstering our community’s resilience to the impacts of climate change. SWATeams play a key role to achieve those goals. We thank you for your willingness to assist in the efforts that will make us a model of sustainability for the nation. Thank you for your time, your enthusiasm and your continuous efforts!




    Ximing Cai and Morgan White

    iCAP Working Group, co-chairs

