Resilience iCAP Team Meeting 4-25-24
The Resilience iCAP team met to dicuss current and future objectives for the iCAP.
Meeting Agenda:
The Resilience iCAP team met to dicuss current and future objectives for the iCAP.
Meeting Agenda:
The Resilience iCAP Team met to discuss the Master Biodiversity Plan, review 2020 iCAP Objectives, and create content for the 2025 iCAP kickoff poster.
Meeting Agenda:
iCAP Kickoff Poster content:
The Urban Biodiversity Master Plan has neared its completion and will be sent to the iCAP Resilience Team for implementation. The iCAP Resilience Team will continue to work with city officals from Savoy, Champaign, and Urbana to collaborate and establish this comprehensive plan.
The iCAP Resilience Team met on 2/22/24 to kickoff the new semester and discuss further objectives for the 2025 iCAP. Meeting minutes are attached.
The iCAP Resilience Team meet on 12/1 to discuss project updates and analyzed stakeholder engagement performance.
The iCAP Resilience Team Meeting met on November 10th, 2023 to discuss current project statuses, review the 2016 resilience commitment, and further discuss the mission and goals of the team.
Meeting minutes, a supplemental slideshow, and recording is attached.
Meeting recording:
The iCAP Resilience Team met on October 20th to discuss charge letter priorities and current recommendations. Meeting minutes are attached.
Dear Carrie,
iCAP Resilience Team had their last meeting of the academic year on Tuesday, April 25th, at 1PM. The team edited the Carbon Offset Statement. The team will send this this statement as a recommendation format to the iWG. Afterwards, with the approvals of iSEE, iWG, and F&S, the team will send this statement to Chancellor Office. Attached is the meeting recording.
Resilience iCAP Team had its online April meeting on Friday, April 14th, at 1 PM. The team had two guests: Annie Cebulski and Kejsi Ago. Annie presented the carbon offsets that the university has to purchase and gave some recommendations on how to complete these purchases. Afterward, the team discussed next steps for a potential statement and/or recommendation on this carbon offset purchasing. Meeting minutes are attached.
On 4/9/2023, the Res005 Sustainability Economic Analysis recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna, Director of iSEE, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.
Hello Dr. Khanna,
Resilience iCAP Team had its virtual March meeting on Monday, March 20th, at 2 PM. Stacy Gloss gave updates on the Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation, which is approved by the iCAP Working Group (iWG). Afterwards, the team discussed updates on ongoing resilience-related projects.
Meeting minutes are attached.
The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the attached Res005 Sustainability Economic Analysis recommendation to the iWG on 2/20/2023. The recommendation states:
Provide undergraduate research support for reporting on sustainability concepts including cost-benefit analysis, lifecycle costs, and finance considerations for Sustainability-related projects of interest to the local urbanized areas of Urbana, Champaign, and Savoy.
Resilience iCAP Team had its February meeting virtually on Friday, February 10th, at 1 PM. The team discussed the revised Sustainability Economics Analysis Recommendation, next steps for Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan project, and additional help for Biodiversity Master Plan project.
Meeting minutes are attached.
Resilience iCAP Team had its first virtual meeting of the Spring 2023 semester on Tuesday, January 10th, at 10:30 AM. Cheryl Bicknell is the new Facilities & Services representative of the team. At the meeting, the Biodiversity Master Plan project student intern Gabriel Harper-Hagen gave a brief overview of the biodiversity plan and shared his progress through an extensive update document. Afterward, the team discussed its goals for this semester.
The full recording of the meeting can be found here
The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the attached recommendation Res004 Student Support for Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan to the iWG on 12/2/22. The recommendation states:
The Resilience iCAP Team had its final online meeting of this semester on Monday, November 28th, from 11:00 - 12:00 PM. The team discussed two recommendations: Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan Recommendation and Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation. The team plans to revise and send the Coordinated Rainwater Management Plan Recommendation to the iWG by this Friday, December 2nd. Also, the team chair, Stay Gloss, will present the Sustainability Economic Analysis Recommendation at the iSEE Management Meeting and ask for any potential iSEE funding.
The Resilience iCAP Team had its November meeting on Wednesday, November 9th, from 11 - 12 PM. The team had presentations from three community representatives about the resilience issues at their cities (Savoy, Champaign, and Urbana). After the brief presentations, the team discussed possible solutions and how the university can help to solve the resilience issues presented. Meeting minutes and presentation slides are attached.
The 2022 Campus Sustainability Celebration was a huge success! Thank you to all who participated! The PowerPoint presentation is attached, and the agenda for the event was as follows:
The Resilience iCAP Team had its second monthly online meeting on Monday, October 10th from 11:00 - 12:00 PM. The team worked on the Campus Sustainability Celebration slides, got updates on Urban Biodiversity Master Plan, talked about sustainability and resilience challenges at Urbana and Savoy areas, and shared announcements on upcoming sustainability events! Meeting minutes are attached.