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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Engagement iCAP Team First Meeting of the Fall Semester
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Wednesday, September 29 for the first time this fall semester. During the meeting, members discussed the team mission, updates on all 6 iCAP 2020 objectives, and the iCAP 2021 Objective Assessment. Meeting minutes are attached below.
Attached Files:Table Installed and Inspected, Waiting on Solar Panel Installation
Associated Project(s):A Belson recycled picnic table was installed and inspected.
The solar panels for the table are yet to be installed.
Pictures of the table are attached below.
The email regarding this event is also attached below.
Native Shrub Planting in the Southern Arboretum Woodlands
Associated Project(s):From: McSweeney, Kevin
To: Reicherts, Jack; Marsaglia, Julia Raine
Cc: Lee, Iris; Lynch, Lauren Rae; White, Morgan
Recipients: ientsjackhr2 at; juliarm2 at; irislee3 at; lrlynch2 at; mbwhite at
Hi Jack & Julia,
Thank you for agreeing to follow up on the student-led planting of native shrubs in the Southern Arboretum Woodlands. This will be a valuable addition to the Campus Tree Committees report that will used in support of our application for renewal of our Tree Campus USA designation.
I suggest you contact:
1. Lauren Lynch (copied above) to get info about Prof. Jim Miller’s Restoration Ecology class that assisted with the shrub planting as part of the field component of the class. Lauren served as TA for the class.
2. Iris Lee (Arboretum Staff) who compiled the list of native shrubs and supervised the operation and subsequently supervised Arboretum interns who watered and weeded around the plantings during the summer months.
Funding from SSC helped support these project activities.
Let me know if I can provide additional information.
Best wishes,
Kevin McSweeney
Director, University of Illinois Arboretum
++608 712 4101 (‘phone, messages, WhatsApp)FY21 paper purchase data from F&S Stores
Associated Project(s):Here is the purchase of paper reams at F&S Stores from FY21:
- Virgin – 177
- Recycled – 1,206
- Virgin – 7,131
- Recycled – 5,350
First Student Sustainability Summit this October!
Associated Project(s):The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) and the Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC) are hosting U of I's first-ever Student Sustainability Summit in October. This month-long celebration includes Green Quad Day on 10/7 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., and a Research Symposium from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26, at the Campus Instructional Facility. If you are an Illinois student, staff, or faculty researcher and would like to present your sustainability-related research, please fill out this interest form! >>>
Campus Sustainability Month is almost here!
Associated Project(s):Campus Sustainability Month is right around the corner and we are very excited to invite you to a series of events throughout the entire month of October! Starting this week, Wednesday, September 29 at 6:00 PM, Dr. Ann Perry-Witmer is hosting the next TED Talk: Eco-Edition series over Zoom. She will present a pre-recorded TED Talk and lead a discussion on sustainable decision-making in everyday life - you won’t want to miss out. Register HERE.
Next, back by popular demand, the second Waste Reduction Challenge begins on Monday, October 4. Participants track items they throw away from October 4 – October 31 to learn about and reduce individual waste generation as the month progresses. It is a fun and results-driven challenge with a supportive community. Throughout the month, we send helpful tips and tricks to make it as easy and informative as possible. Sign up HERE.
Other events in October include:
- Green Quad Day – October 7 from 10 – 4 PM
- Virtual Solar Open House – Topia online platform – October 15 from 1 – 2:30 PM
- Campus trash cleanup – Engineering Quad - October 15 from 3:30 – 5 PM
- TED Talk: Eco-Edition – Sustainable Economy with Alexa Smith – October 19 from 6 – 7 PM. Register for the Zoom event HERE.
- Campus Sustainability Celebration – NCSA (1205 W Clark St, Urbana) – October 20 from 1 – 4 PM
- Illini Lights Out – Foreign Language Building – October 22 from 5:30 – 7 PM. Sign up HERE.
- Student Sustainability Summit: Research Symposium – Campus Instructional Facility 4029 - October 26 from 5 – 8 PM
Check out more information and other Campus Sustainability Month events on iSEE’s Sustainability Calendar HERE. If you are aware of a sustainability event that is not listed on the calendar, let us know!
Start filling your calendars – there are many opportunities to get involved, make a difference, and meet new people. Remember, while we have sustainability events all year long, Campus Sustainability Month is a month-long opportunity to highlight our environmental pride, connect with others, and increase participation in sustainability-related events by the U of I community and beyond. Get involved and come show your support! As always, we are here to answer any questions and guide you in the right direction.
Have a great week and happy Campus Sustainability Month!
Assembly Completed, Anchoring and Grouting Ahead
Associated Project(s):Justin notified Joe Villanti and Jonathon Jakobsson that the InSPIRE solar powered table had been assembled. The anchoring and grouting are planned for October 16, 2021.
The full email is attached below.
Attached Files:Weekly check-in resilience work
Associated Project(s):Resilience Work Weekly Check-In
09/23/2021, 2:00 PM
Attendees: Morgan White, Meredith Moore, Stacy Gloss
Stacy provided an overview of her activities for the previous week including
- reviewing the Resilience page and project histories
- beginning work (by contacting key stakeholders and setting up meetings) on Vision Zero, Green Infrastructure, and Taking Leadership on Sustainability objectives.
iCAP Portal
In this meeting we discussed additional functionality, the strategy and rationale on Resilience web page organization. Morgan provided insights on using the iCAP portal such as accessing projects through a table by using the Project Page and searching Projects by Status. Projects can be added to the iCAP portal by sending a proposal to add a project to Morgan and Meredith. There is an iCAP Portal Content template that should be used.
Community resilience and sustainability projects
We reflected that there are many community projects and programs related to sustainability and resilience that do not appear anywhere in the iCAP such as MTD projects, Sanitary District work, Stormwater partnerships, Recycling projects and programs, certain solar projects. We discussed that having a website or webpage dedicated to community partnerships, programs, and outreach about sustainability, environment, resilience, water, energy, land-use etc could be an excellent community resource. The idea bubbled to have a Community Supported Resilience Portal in parallel to the iCAP portal for tracking programs, resources, and projects. This could be a recommendation for meeting one or more of the iCAP objectives.
iCAP Energy Team September Meeting
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Energy team had its first meeting of the 2021-22 Academic Year at 9:00 A.M. on September 24th. This meeting was used to evaluate where our team stands in achieving its goals and to determine a path forward for the year. The agenda, presentation, and minutes from the meeting are attached for a better understanding of the meeting.
SSC Semesterly Report: CornCrete
Associated Project(s):SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for CornCrete on 9/24/21. Please see attached.
Attached Files:Visiting Mechanical Engineering Building for PV Glass
Associated Project(s):From: Yi, Yun Kyu
To: McFall, D
Cc: White, Morgan
Recipients: dmcfall at; mbwhite at
Hi Damon,
It was good to meet you today.
Just to follow up with you about visiting the Mech. Building. I am wondering in general Tuesday between 2-5 pm works for your schedule.
My class is in between this time and it will be great for students to see some of the new technologies.
If you can let me know if Tuesday afternoon is something that works for your schedule, I will talk with my student to set possible dates to visit.
Many thanks
Yun Kyu Yi, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
M232 Temple Buell Hall, 611 E Lorado Taft Drive, MC-621, Champaign, IL 61820
phone: (217) 300-4886 | fax: (217) 244-2900 |
Founder and Lead Investigator,
The Responsive Architecture Lab (RAL) at the Illinois School of Architecture, 20a Architecture Building, 608 East Lorado Taft Drive, MC-621, Champaign, IL 61820
SSC Final Report: Illini Solar Car, Project Brizo
Associated Project(s):SSC received a semesterly report for Spring 2021 for Illini Solar Car, Project Brizo on 9/17/2021. Please see attached.
Attached Files:SSC Semesterly Report: Eco-Olympics
Associated Project(s):SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for Eco-Olympics project on 9/18/2021. Please see attached.
Attached Files:SSC Semesterly Report: South Farm Nitrate Monitoring Station
Associated Project(s):SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for South Farm Nitrate Monitoring Station on 9/22/2021. Please see attached.
SSC Final Report: Campus Instructional Facility Geothermal
Associated Project(s):SSC received the final report on Fall 2021 for Campus Instructional Facility Geothermal on 09/22/2021. Please see attached.
SSC Semesterly Report: Root to Roof
Associated Project(s):SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 for Root to Roof on 9/23/2021. Please see attached.
Attached Files:List of avenues used to promote Bike Day 2021
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the list of avenues used to promote Bike Day 2021
Attached Files:Interactive Greener Labs Inventory Toolkit Image & Hyperlink
Associated Project(s):Sustainable Design Opportunity: Upcycling Clothing with Project Phoenix!
Associated Project(s):Project Phoenix is an Illinois student initiative to give high school students a platform to highlight their fashion design interests and create their own upcycled clothing brands! The group offers one- to two-hour weekend workshops to teach Champaign-Urbana high school students applicable fashion and graphic design skills and provide opportunities in business and enterpreneurship. U of I students can sign up now to be a Project Fellow! The deadline for applications is Oct. 1.