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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Waste Management Question
Associated Project(s):A student reached out to Morgan White to ask if UIUC has its own recycling facility. Morgan explained UIUC has a Waste Transfer Station on campus, which collects and bales the recyclables which then get purchased from us by a regional waste hauling company. Basics of the Waste Management system can be found at Waste Reduction Plan 2020.docx in
Recycling on Campus? Use the Bin!
Associated Project(s):On our campus, we recycle five major commodities: paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastic bottles #1 and #2, and scrap metal. F&S Waste Management coordinates recycling at the campus level, and for the whole system to work, we need everyone to use the recycling bins. Please pledge now to Use the Bin and support the Illinois Climate Action Plan!
Morgan White • F&S and iSEE
Fall 2021 Applications Open for the Illinois Impact Incubator
Associated Project(s):The Illinois Impact Incubator is a co-curricular incubation program for students (all majors, levels) to develop an idea or early-stage venture focused on social or environmental impact. Includes a startup curriculum with workshops, curated resources, peer feedback, access to mentors and expert advisors. Members are eligible for micro grants and seed funding. Individuals or small teams may apply.
September 10 • Application Deadline
Fall 2021 Applications Open for the Illinois Impact Incubator
Valeri Werpetinski • Origin Ventures Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Gies Business
Better Responsibility Initiative – Design for Good Earth
Associated Project(s):The Better Responsibility Initiative - Design for Good Earth (BRIDGE) is an initiative started by Zhejiang University (ZJU), China. The 2021 initiative covers 5 design themes: Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Sustainable Consumption and Productions. Sign up here by Aug. 23, 2021 to join!
Better Responsibility Initiative – Design for Good Earth
Global Relations • Illinois International
Proposed presentation for AASHE
Associated Project(s):Sol Systems is looking to present at the AASHE’s Global Conference on Sustainability in Higher Education (GCSHE) sometime from October 12-14 through their request for abstracts on Emerging Issues in the field.
Sol Systems is looking to present on our work expanding the impact of renewable energy projects that would certainly focus on things we did for the U of I project, namely the inclusion of pollinator habitats, zero waste construction and the work with students for their Sustainability Minor Capstone projects.
Fall iSEE Congress: Circular Food Systems.
Associated Project(s):The eighth iSEE Congress will return to the topic of feeding the world: providing a safe, secure supply of food and fuel to an ever-increasing human population using agricultural practices that are ecologically sustainable and adaptable to climate change. Influential speakers and panelists will offer cutting-edge thinking about advancing the sustainability of our agriculture and food systems. Visit the webpage for the latest details! Register now>>>
Fall iSEE Congress: Circular Food Systems
Oct. 26-27 | Illini Rooms A-C | Illini Union, 1401 W. Green St., UrbanaPurchase Order approved
Associated Project(s):Purchase request to procure a pair of Eco-Counter bicycle and pedestrian counter has been approved. PO# P2196145.
Update on CEE Project Based Learning Course
Associated Project(s):The attached project list is being considered by the nearly 200 CEE first year students for the Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) Project Based Learning class this year. The project idea list had been formed over several years and was last updated on August 23, 2021.
This year, the CEE project based learning course transitioned to a requirement for all incoming CEE students and a permanent part of the curriculum. It has 188 students, meets 4-6 on Mondays and Wednesdays in 0035 CIF, and is still team-taught by CEE faculty with F&S assistance. There are also some online students and a mirrored course that Dr. Art Schmidt is teaching for a partner school in China via Zoom.
Attached Files:2021 Freezer Challenge Results
Associated Project(s):For the second year in a row, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign won the "Winning Streak Award" for earning the most points and saving the most kWh/year of any academic institution. This is the fourth year in a row we have topped the academic sector list! UIUC estimated annual energy savings was at 383,615 kWh's or approximately $32,262.
All of the freezer challenge winners can be found here.
Weekly Update: Very busy; Short Staffed
Associated Project(s):All, Last week was absolutely bonkers busy. We sold out of most of our bikes, handed out bike registration stickers, and taken in some drop-off repairs. We were closed on Friday for a staff training so we did all that in two days. We’re really getting to see how our new space handles the crush of people this time of year. Only downside is we’re only able to be open M/W/F since we’re critically low on staffing. Once we hire and onboard more folks, we’ll be able to bump up our hours some more.
Over the weekend we had the Illini Frenzy event which was a great outreach opportunity. We handed out lots of Bike Center stickers, slap bracelets and flyers.
This week will likely be as busy or busier than last. Buckle up!
The numbers:
Sales: $1,848
Bikes: 9 for $1,410
Memberships: 6 for $180
Tire/tubes: 17 for $66U-locks: 10 for $215
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorEngagement iCAP Team Final Summer Meeting
Associated Project(s):The members of the Engagement iCAP Team met on Thursday, August 19 for their final meeting of the summer. At this meeting, members discussed three pending recommendations the team has been formulating throughout the summer--a sustainability section on the Illinois Homepage, sustainability sections of individual college websites, and uniform recycling signage for blue bins. Meeting minutes are attached below.
Attached Files:Outage Request Form
Associated Project(s):Allen E. Wilson from Rockwell Financial Group reached out to inform F&S that there has been a complete outage request form filed by Jeff Isaacs to shut down Solar Farm 1.0 on 8/23/2021 at 7:30 AM CDT for preventative maintenance on the site's switchgear. This is a dedicated line going from Solar Farm 1.0 to distribution center 10 directly so costumers will not be affected by this outage.
Tree Equity Score site
Associated Project(s):grant option
Associated Project(s):
Embedding equity in city resilience plans/programs
costs associated with virtual events, convenings, and workshops, including community engagement programs or processes, trainings for city staff or elected officials, and regional convenings.
SSC Semesterly Report: Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub
Associated Project(s):On August 3, 2021, the SSC submitted a semesterly report concerning the Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub, which is attached here.
SSC Semesterly Report: Bicycle Registration and RFID Tracking Program
Associated Project(s):On 6/8/2021, the Student Sustainability Committee released a semesterly report on the Bicycle Registration and RFID Tracking Program. The report is attached.
Attached Files:CCNet co-hosted the Solar Urbana-Champaign power hour
Associated Project(s):CCNet co-hosted the Solar Urbana-Champaign power hour and shared the benefits of joining the CCNet with the people who signed up for the Solar Power Hour.
Finalized Bee Campus USA Sign Design
Associated Project(s):A 24" by 36" Bee Campus USA sign will be installed at the corner of Florida Avenue and Orchard Street, by the Florida-Orchard prairie, near Orchard Downs and the Presidents’ House.
The sign includes information about Bee Campus USA, local pollinators, the creation of the prairie zone, and more!
See the attached file to view a digital rendition of the signage.
Attached Files:SSC Semesterly Report: Eco-Olympics
Associated Project(s):On June 11, 2021 a semesterly report was submitted to the SSC for the Eco-Olympics project reporting that the event could not happen this year due to the pandemic.
Attached Files: