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- Associated Project(s):
Archived Info - Previous Project Description
Associated Project(s):This project creates an aquaponics system that will work as a demonstrative unit on campus to spread sustainability awareness and illustrate the effectiveness of aquaponics in a small area. The goal of aquaponics is to create a closed ecosystem in which both plants and fish benefit and grow. Aquaponics has the potential to produce large quantities of both vegetables and fish with minimal inputs and nearly no negative outputs. The project teams' desire is to establish a base system from which the possibility to expand exists. This project is student-led and contains an educational element on aquaponics. This proposal is linked to the student sustainability course GCL 127.
Archived Info - Previous Project Description
Associated Project(s):Illinois Enactus’s mission is to contribute to sustainable development goals by developing collaborative business ventures that work towards social, economic, and environmental equality in all communities. Illinois Enactus is an official chapter of the worldwide non-profit organization, Enactus. Enactus exists in more than 39 countries and has more than 1,600 teams across the globe. Being a member of Enactus means that you are a part of the largest and most prestigious business network on the planet. Our Enactus team partners with large corporations, local businesses, student organizations, non-profits, public schools, and entrepreneurs to execute our projects. Every project we implement requires us to consider the relevant economic, social and environmental factors to effectively empower people in need by applying business and economic concepts in an entrepreneurial approach to improve their quality of life and standard of living. In other words, instead of just doing philanthropy or service events, we create sustainable solutions to everyday problems so that people have the power to help themselves. Enactus projects apply the skills we learn in the classroom and have proven to be extremely relevant in prepare for a future career. Our team consists of students from a wide variety of backgrounds, so no matter what you are studying in school, you will be able to apply your knowledge and gain valuable experience. These skills are so valuable that numerous companies across the country only recruit Enactus students for internships and full-time careers.
Archived description: MCORE porject
Associated Project(s):The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD), City of Champaign, City of Urbana, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are partnering to improve mobility in our communities core through a federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant. The $35M MCORE Project is unprecedented in our community’s history and will have a transformative impact.
MCORE Project construction is anticipated to start in September of 2016 and continue into 2019, covering five separate project areas to improve key urban transportation corridors.
Enhances Mobility Choices
The goal of MCORE is to provide a balance between all modes of transportation. Transportation choices address pedestrian access routes, bicycle lanes, transit efficiency and vehicle flow; and reduce potential conflict areas.Improves Infrastructure
MCORE will improve the condition of the existing pavement and bring the streets of these core transit corridors into a state of good repair while redesigning them into complete streets to accommodate all users.Promotes Sustainability
MCORE will encourage sustainable development that is located and designed to be compact and contiguous to existing development and have limited environmental impact; provide streetscape improvements for an enriched built environment, sense of place, and quality of life; emphasize all modes of transportation while decreasing the use of single occupancy vehicles, thereby reducing congestion, traffic hazards, and carbon emissions.Improves Critical Linkages
The completion of the MCORE Project will provide better connections between the downtown centers of Champaign and Urbana, the university, the area’s major employers, health, and social service organizations.Feedback requested: EJ Focus Groups
Associated Project(s):Kimmy Chuang sent the following email to the Environmental Justice Committee, requesting feedback on conducting focus group interviews. The draft questions and contact group documents are attached.
Hello EJ Committee,
Meredith and I have compiled a draft list of interview questions for small focus groups and we’d like to hear your input. A large number of questions are adapted from the Providence RI Climate Justice Plan -- which you can read here -- as well as other local surveys I’ve researched.
As mentioned during our last meeting, if you could please (1) approve each question (2) suggest any edits and (3) rank them in terms of priority. The full set of standard questions will be asked to the focus group. On the second page, you’ll find some other questions that we’ve been considering but aren’t sure whether to include as part of this list or only ask if time permits. If you think there is a question missing, please leave a comment. The draft questions can be found here on Box and are attached.
As we’re finalizing these questions, Meredith and I were also thinking of starting to reach out to the people we’d like to interview. We propose hosting five focus groups for each of the constituency groups: Neighborhood Associations, Community Organizations, Government, Social Justice Groups, and Relevant UIUC Advisory Groups/Personnel. We plan to ask for one representative from each entity to attend the focus group interview (see contact list attached).
We’re thinking of sending a Zoom invite for 12-2pm, but do you all think there would be a better time to convene the focus groups? For example, if usually people involved in Social Justice Groups or Neighborhood Associations work during the day, would it make more sense to host their focus group later from 4-6pm? With the interviewee’s consent, we will record these meetings.
We would love your participation in the interview process as well. We propose two or three of us per focus group interview, though are open to your thoughts. Our suggested dates for the interviews, based on our schedules, are:
Monday, July 26
Tuesday, July 27 (afternoon only)
Wednesday, July 28
Thursday, July 29
Friday, July 30
Please send me and Meredith your feedback on our draft list or interview questions and your thoughts on how/when we should convene these focus groups. We request your feedback on the interview questions by next Wednesday, July 14. We would like to contact the groups and send out the Zoom invitations as soon as possible; please send us your availability/thoughts on participating in the interviews by Monday at the latest.
Archived background
Associated Project(s):Between August 4, 2011 and March 9, 2016, there were 373 bicycle thefts reported to the University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD). This number is beleived to be a low estimate, due to under-reporting, and because some bike thefts on campus may have been reported to the local Champaign or Urbana city Police Departments.
That is an average of 82 reported bicycle thefts a year!
A map of these theft locations can be found here:
Top areas of bike theft from August 2011-September 2013 (two years): Area Number of Bikes Stolen 1010-12 W Illinois (ISR) 15 201 N Goodwin Av (Seibel Center) 15 College Court Area (PAR/FAR) 10 405 N Mathews (Beckman) 8 1005 W Gregory Dr (Allen) 7 1005 S Lincoln Av (LAR) 6 205 N Mathews (Newmark) 6 1110 W Green Street (Daniels Hall) 5 1401 W Green St (Illini Union) 5 Source: UIPD 9/17/13
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $10,000 in funding for Hydrologic at Illinois in Spring 2020. This project expires 5/14/2022.
G5e Vehicle
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $10,000 in funding for this project at Illinois in Spring 2020. This project expires 5/14/2022.
Project Update Request
Associated Project(s):Avery Maloto reached out to Lowell Miller asking him to update his project "Root to Roof Program" on the iCAP portal. Lowell replied explaining he will edit the project in the beginning of August, therefore Morgan archived the project description/background until Lowell had the time to edit it.
Illinois Solar Decathlon Marketing (Microgrant)
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $700 in funding for this project at Illinois in Fall 2020. This project expires 12/16/2022.
Attached Files:Root to Roof- DREAAM
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $3,520 in funding for this project at Illinois in Fall 2020. This project expires 12/16/2022.
Biodesign at Illinois
Associated Project(s):The SSC approved $4,840 in funding for Biodesign at Illinois in Fall 2020. This project expires 12/16/2022.
SSC Semesterly Report: Eco-Olympics
Associated Project(s):F&S submitted the Spring 2021 Semesterly Report to the SSC for the Eco-Olympics project!
Read the report in the attached files below.
Attached Files:Addition to the original description: Keys to reducing bicycle theft
Associated Project(s):Keys to reducing bicycle theft:
- Never leave your bicycle unlocked!
- Always lock your bicycle to a bicycle rack! Learn how to properly lock your bicycle Lock Your Bike Right (LYBR) video from 2019.
- Register your bicycle and install the registration sticker (529 Shield) to your bicycle. Learn more at Bike at Illinois' Register Your Bike page or
- Report a bike theft to UIPD immediately at (217) 333-1216.
Conclusion; Lessons learned; Issues encountered
Associated Project(s):The Bike Shelter was installed North of the Flagg Hall in June 2021. The structure dimensions are 14' x 63' with 6.5' height on one side and 8' on the other side. The bike shelter utilizes Side Stage (vertical) bike racks and can accommodate up to 73 bicycles. Due to manufacturing error, the structure is 2' short and because of this, one side (south side wall) of this bike shelter cannot accommodate bicycles on the top tier. The top tier on this side of the bike shelter will be blocked off using signs. The original capacity of this bike shelter was 96.
There were several issues with this project:
- miscommunications between the vendor and the University staff
- lack of communication between the university staff and the Architecture Review Committee (ARC), which resulted in the purchase of a very large structure and, subsequently, change in the desired location for this structure
- staff change during the project
- lack of proper records and details about the project by the university staff in the beginning
- covid-19 pandemic resulted in some delay in this project as well
- miscommunications between the vendor and their manufacturers and engineering staff - which resulted in the delivery of wrong components and items of the structure. The structural design as reviewed and approved by the University was not what we received and the vendor did not rectify the error.
- missing components from the structure - there were several missing parts that the University had to cover (see the invoice for missing hardware). The University had to cover the cost of new Plexiglass as well as the missing roofing.
- descrepencies between the structural design, installation instructions, and the final delivery caused many more issues
- the structure was overall 2' shorter, i.e. the south wall of the bike shelter was supposed to be 8.5' high and the north was supposed to be 10' high, however, the after the construction, south wall and north wall came to be 6' and 8.5' high respectively. This descrepency caused the top tier of the south wall to be unusable.
- the original design called for Double-Docker style of bike racks, however, they had to be replaced with the Side Stage (vertical) bike racks
- vendor was sent the invoice for missing hardware, however, the vendor has not responded
- Awful customer support from the vendor
There were issues at every stage of this project, which was not helped with the non-cooperative customer support at Ground Control Systems. Learn more about the installation cost using the AiM account for this project: 6043.
Archived description: Bike Shelter at Flagg Hall
Associated Project(s):This Bike Shelter is 14' x 63', and it can accommodate up to 84 bicycles in two tiers. It was purchased from Ground Control Systems in 2018, and was initially planned to be installed to the West of Main Library. However, due to contruction conflicts, the location had to be changed. In 2019, several locations were identified and examined, for example, the Psychology Building and North of Henry Aministration Building (HAB). The HAB location was more suitable since it was a high demand area, however, the Bike Shelter was too big for the location, and the Architecture Review Committee (ARC) denied the location, citing the conflict of this structure with beautification of the main Quad.
In November 2019, North of Flagg Hall was identified as the new location for the bike shelter and it was approved by ARC. The bike shelter is expected to be installed and ready to use by the end of November 2020.
Student Code update approval: §2-605 Operation of Bicycles
Associated Project(s):The Conference of Conduct Governance (CCG) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has approved the changes proposed to the §2-605 Operation of Bicycles section of the Student Code during their June 2021 meeting. The Student Code will be updated with the following information over the summer 2021 in digital and printed format.
Please see attached the previous version of this section versus the updated information.
Request for a Project Update
Associated Project(s):From: Maloto, Avery (FandS)
Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 3:10 PM
To: Trimble, Sydney (FandS)
Cc: White, Morgan; Varney, Peter W
Subject: [ACTION REQUESTED] Requesting Project Update: Outdoor Recycling Bin UpdateHi, Sydney!
I hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out regarding your project called 'Outdoor Recycling Bin Update.'
Each year, we ask several project contacts to review their information on the iCAP Portal to ensure that we are providing accurate and up to date information for the public. Our goal is to keep the iCAP Portal updated in real-time, and we need your help.
To make this process as easy as possible for you, I've created an 'iCAP Portal Content' document with your project information. All you need is to review and revise the existing information! Please open the links below and update as much information as possible, so I can put it on the iCAP Portal. You can also provide related images, files, websites, or videos to share. If you would like to get direct access to edit your project page on the iCAP Portal, please let us know.
• Link to Outdoor Recycling Bin Update's iCAP Portal project
page:• Link to the iCAP Portal Content Guideline for Outdoor Recycling Bin
Update: iCAP Portal is maintained by sustainability advocates at iSEE and F&S and volunteers. We are also able to assist you with embedding iCAP Portal information on other websites you maintain. Last year we had over 17,000 visitors to the iCAP Portal, and many are university students who use this online data repository for classes and research projects. If you have any questions about the iCAP Portal, please email
Please email me your revisions and any related files, per the links above, by July 9.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Update on "Draft Bicycle Crash Reporting Form Created"
Associated Project(s):From: Prasad, Sarthak
To: DeLorenzo, Stacey; White, Morgan
Recipients: sdeloren at; mbwhite at
Hi Stacey and Morgan,
I was just looking at the Improve Reporting and Metrics for Bicycles project, and I saw a project update from 2013 by Amelia Neptune “Draft Bicycle Crash Reporting Form Created”. Does either of you remember if this form was actually made public or if there was any progress made on it?
I think this is a very neat way to report a bicycle crash and could be very important. Please let me know if there is a final form. If not, I would like to revisit this effort.
Thank you,
SarthakSarthak Prasad
Sustainable Transportation Assistant
Facilities & Services
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Phone: 217-300-9575
Email: sprasad9 at
Buildings Selected for Fall 2021 class
Associated Project(s):Dr. Yun Yi, Morgan White, Tom Keller, and Joe Villanti met on Zoom to select the buildings for the Architecture fall 2021 class. The buildings selected are:
- 0154 – Personnel Services Bldg. – Packaged chiller, steam perimeter heat, constant volume fan-coil units.
- 1528 – African Am. Cultural Ctr. – VAV.
- 0209 – Speech and Hearing – AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. VAV.
- 0075 – Children’s Research Ctr. - AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. Constant volume re-heat.
Morgan will reach out to UES for energy data and check with UIPD for building documents request process.