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- Associated Project(s):
Brainstormed Ideas for the ECE Lobby Display and Kiosks
Associated Project(s):A document of ideas brainstormed for the displays and kiosks in the ECE lobby was sent to Joyce Mast by F&S contacts. These ideas were created with the goal of having students actively engage with the display through physical interaction, as well as passive engagement while students look at the stations in passing.
Attached Files:TED Talk: Eco Edition Series - Bikes
Associated Project(s):Thank you for attending another excellent TED Talk: Eco-Edition series discussion all about bikes on 5/26! Sarthak Prasad led a great discussion on Wednesday evening after watching Adam Stone’s TED Talk, “How cycling transforms people and places.” Sarthak’s presentation is attached. Be sure to check out the Bike @ Illinois website for more information about the Bike Center, bike routes, safety, and other helpful resources! You are welcome to contact at any time with questions or feedback.
Thank you again for attending on Wednesday, and we look forward to seeing you at our next TED Talk discussion in June on the topic of water! Stay tuned for more details by checking out the iSEE Sustainability Calendar and signing up for the newsletter. Have a nice and safe Memorial Day weekend!
Attached Files:BIF (#1206) Solar Panel Info
Associated Project(s):In May 2021, Allison Biernacki analyzed documents regarding the BIF solar project located at Building #1206. These files were provided by the Project Manager, Kevin Price. According to Biernacki, there are 19 panels at 345W with 97% efficiency.
See the attached file to view the original source of data, including Module & Inverter Cut Sheets, as well System Specifications for the project.
Attached Files:Introductory meeting with Dr. Yun Yi and F&S contacts
Associated Project(s):Dr. Yi, Joe Villanti, Tom Keller, and Morgan White met on 5-25-2021 to kickoff this collaboration for developing Energy Models for campus facilities. The Agenda included:
- Introductions - Yun teaches a grad level Architecture class.
- Review of Energy005 recommendation and project goals: a) gain knowledge about campus building energy performance compared to projections, b) expose students to energy modeling using campus as a living lab, c) identify buildings that are wildly energy intensive and should be prioritized for energy conservation initiatives, d) consider potential improvements to Facilities Standards, e) create energy models for campus buildings and find areas to improve.
- Discussion of modeling options: a) most intensive would be to calibrate an energy model using an existing model and known energy use, b) creating a building energy projection for a new building based on design drawings, c) build a baseline energy model using ASHRAE 90.1
- Consideration of building options for this coming fall semester: well-known buildings like ECE, new buildings like BNAAC, older buildings. Tom could look at a few categories and make some suggested buildings to consider.
- Software options: a) Trane Trace is the F&S standard, but it is not specifically required, b) e-quest, c) others - based on consultants preferred format.
- Next steps: Tom and Joe send building list to recommend for first round. Yun will review them and request additional info for the buildings he is interested in working with this year. Morgan will introduce Damon McFall to this team, and Rizwan Uddin for the Masters in Energy Systems. Morgan will send the Siebel Center for Design video introduction.
- Potential additional support: Could F&S fund an RA for the fall semester? Yun will send Morgan and email with a request including costs. Also, Tom is happy to support the class as a guest lecturer, and support throughout the semester. Could SEDAC provide additional support? Could some MEP, Materials Engienering students, etc. get added to the process?
Brainstorming discussion about ECE lobby display
Associated Project(s):Joyce Mast met with MSTE and F&S contacts today to brainstorm ideas for energy and atmospheric data to be displayed in the ECE lobby on the digital touch screen.
Resources for Engagement and Displays
Associated Project(s):During a conversation between U of I staff across multiple departments, the following resources were compiled to brainstorm content for the display and kiosks in the ECE lobby:
- Illinois Scholar Schools & Wind Schools: Urbana Middle School
- Online Database of Solar Farm 2.0 Statistics
- GreenLite: Information Visualization System to Encourage Behaviors that Conserve Resources
- Smart Grid for Schools: Virtual Grid Construction
- CREDC: Tesla Town, Smart Circuits - Lights On!, etc.
- Creating Animations for GreenLite Dartmouth
Weekly Update: Summer hours, Donations, iSEE Ted Talk
Associated Project(s):All, This week’s report is delayed as I was off last week.
From the 10th – 14th we had some volunteer interest, slightly busier times, and some more donations. Just today we received another batch of donations: tires/tubes, a wheel, and whole lot of jerseys/clothing that we likely will not be able to even give away. I’ll reach out to some cycling clubs and see if they’re interested.
This week we’ll be debuting our new hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p. These will be our hours all summer, effective immediately. iSEE is hosting a Zoom TedTalk thing on Wednesday and tonight is TBPs member meeting.
I’ll be understaffed to start the summer as one of my summer workers got an internship and won’t be available after all. I’ll work on drumming up some more help this week.
The numbers:
Visitors: 24 (I-card only)
Sales: $565
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $340
Membership: 1 for $30Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Manager, Campus Bike CenterEnvironmental Vulnerability Assessment Presentation
Associated Project(s):Irene Lira-Andsager, Jason Webb, and Daniel Xu spent the spring 2021 semester researching local environmental vulnerability factors and conducted vulnerability assessments to be included in the Environmental Justice Plan. The recording of their presentation of findings is found here (download to view).
Attached Files:Freezer Challenge in Research at Illinois newsletter
Associated Project(s):Register now to join the International Freezer Challenge to solidify the Illinois research community's first place track record in cold-storage sample management. Share your efforts and keep the campus at number one!
Solar Farm 2.0 in Research at Illinois newsletter
Associated Project(s):With the final stage of Solar Farm 2.0, UIUC is now the third-largest producer of onsite clean power among U.S. universities. Solar Farm 2.0's completion marks the achievement of key sustainability goals nearly four years in advance.
ECE energy dashboard
Associated Project(s):Objectively, everyone knows you should conserve energy resources, but it is easy to lose track of that goal in the hundreds of other things our brains need to think about each day. One way to encourage people to be more cognizant is to give them a tangible reminder. The local electric company, for example, sometimes send a reminder notice that tells you how well you’re doing with energy consumption compared to other homes the size of yours in the area. In a similar idea, F&S has developed an improved energy dashboard that will be used in campus facilities. Beginning with the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Building, Energy Dashboards will be deployed to show the utility use for a specific building. It will also show if that use is above or below average for the last 30 days or one year. The dashboard appears in the rotation of the ECE digital signage in the lobby of the building. The plan is to expand it to other buildings to help promote energy awareness and conservation on campus.
Attached Files:New Innovative Classroom Space
Associated Project(s):The Campus Instructional Facility is substantially completed and will be open and ready for use in the fall semester. The new building at the southeast corner of Springfield Avenue and Wright Street offers state-of-theart spaces, including classrooms in the round and a “test kitchen” for instructional innovation, as well as cuttingedge technology, including smart glass technology to control incoming light and the largest geothermal energy system implemented so far at the university. Dr. Mohamed Attalla and others from F&S recently toured the new 122,000 square foot building that was constructed under the public-private partnership financing model. Aiming to inspire innovations and promote teamwork, the building will initially host engineering, math, and statistics classes; student career fairs; hack-a-thons; and other collaborations.
Monarch Action Plan article
Associated Project(s):archived info - previous project description
Associated Project(s):This project is meant to transform the walkway between Burrill and Morrill Halls into a sustainable and multifunctional landscape. The walkway formerly had planters with a few, mostly non-native species. The walkway’s impervious concrete also had the problem of collecting rainwater and flooding. This area is high in student pedestrian traffic and is a part of the pathway that prospective donors to the University take while visiting campus.
In order to make the space more aesthetically attractive and sustainable, native shrubs, ferns, and woodland species that will do well in shady conditions were introduced to the walkway. In order to curb the rainwater collection problems of the water, a rain garden has been proposed to be added to the center of the walkway. The benefits of rain gardens outside of eliminating localized flooding include improving water quality, creating habitats, and recharging groundwater.
Bike Registration Signs: 5/16 meeting between Sarthak and Shayna
Associated Project(s):Today we discussed the next steps in the bicycle registration project on campus. We looked at the previous design for the lawn signs, and after looking at the new ones, I was tasked with cutting some of the text and enlarging the QR Code. I will send over the file after these adjustments so the design can be uploaded on Adobe software or something similar. We are also looking forward to hearing if the signs can be metal plated instead of corrugated plastic so that they may last longer. This might be a bit more expensive, so that would mean fewer lawn signs and location. Though, there are around ten left over signs from last year. In terms of locations, I will be pinning all the locations on a Google Map to make the information more accessible. We also discussed other ways to broadcast this information and we will contact residential directors of the dorms and see if they can include information about bike registration when they welcome incoming students. Spreading the information on other social media is also an option. Lastly, we will be meeting in around two weeks to discuss where we are at and the next steps.
Request a Recycling Tote for Office Paper
Associated Project(s):Spring cleaning in your office? If you need to recycle office paper, you can request a bin from the F&S Waste Transfer Station. To request a blue paper recycling tote, email with your building name and room number.
F&S Waste Transfer Station • Facilities & Services
Farm to Food Bank survey by ISTC
Associated Project(s):Help ISTC, Feeding Illinois, the Illinois Specialty Growers Association, and the Illinois Farm Bureau by completing the Farm to Food Bank producer survey today.
The project team is also recruiting participants for a series of virtual focus groups. They seek food producers and distributors, as well as representatives from hunger relief agencies. If you are interested in participating, please contact TAP.
Farm to Food Bank survey deadline extended, focus groups planned
By Joy Scrogum
Broken Tumbler
Associated Project(s):One of the bolts on the compost tumbler has snapped and it has to be disassembled. Please refrain from bringing anything to drop off until further notice! An update will be posted on this iCAP Portal page and the Waste Reduction @ Illinois Facebook group when the tumbler is available once again for use. Thank you!
Energy Storage studies