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Energy Education grant program
Associated Project(s):
Through the E2 Energy to EducateSM grant program, Constellation offers students in grades 6-12 and college opportunities to experience problem-solving today’s and tomorrow’s energy challenges. Grant funds support projects designed to enhance students’ understanding of science and technology, and inspire them to think differently about energy.
EV Procurement Law in Illinois
Associated Project(s):EO 2108, ELECTRIC VEHICLE PROCUREMENT. The executive order provides that the state shall: (1) develop and implement a program for procurement of electric and other low emission or zero emission vehicles for state purposes; (2) establish a State Fleet Working Group convened by the Department of Central Management Services and composed of representatives from the Department of Transportation, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and the Illinois Commerce Commission; (3) set forth the responsibilities of the working group; (4) direct the Department of Central Management Services, in conjunction with other state agencies, to develop a plan to install electric vehicle chargers on state property; and (5) direct the Illinois State Board of Education to collaborate with the Department of Transportation and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to develop tools and provide information to assist school districts in assessing the benefits and costs of zero emission bus options when replacing school buses. The executive order became effective 22 APR 21.
Vision Zero - Final report presentation by Ray and Jacob + meeting recording
Associated Project(s):Dr. Ray Benekohal and Jacob Mathew met with Stacey DeLorenzo, Sarthak Prasad, and Stacy Gloss, and they presented the findings from their Vision Zero project in 2020-21. They collected information on campus locations with
- Potential problems
- Near misses
- Collisions
They received more than 500 responses, of which nearly 475 were on campus. They analyzed the crash report data from IDOT from 2014-18, and they also organized two focus group studies.
Please see attached the final presentation and the full report. See the full report from this study online at:
See the meeting recording (45 minute presentation) here:
See the preliminary report shared during CTAC Fall 2020 presentation
Attached Files:Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):On Friday, October 22, the Zero Waste iCAP Team met to touch base on the status of last semester's submitted recommendations and potential recommendations that were proposed last semester. The team also held an ideation session to generate new recommendation ideas. Members will be filling out a form to identify their primary initiative interests before next meeting to serve as a starting point for the team's work. Meeting minutes attached.
Attached Files:Natural Water Balance
Associated Project(s):Meredith Moore, Sustainability Programs Manager, reached out to Associate Professor Ashlynn Stillwell to ask a question from the AASHE STARS sustainability report (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Sustainability Tracking and Reporting System). The question is: "Has the institution calculated a natural water balance for the campus to assess the sustainability of its water withdrawal?". Professor Stillwell replied explaining that UIUC has not calculated its natural water balance, and proposed ideas on how to it can start doing so. Specifically she said,
"First, it seems like a question that is motivated by water scarcity, given the phrasing "sustainability of its water withdrawal". Extraction (withdrawal) of water is not the only way I personally would calculate water sustainability. In our part of the world, runoff volume and the contaminants contained in that runoff are important aspects of sustainability too.
Next, to actually calculate the natural water balance, I would think one would write a high-level mass balance around the campus. 'Natural' to me implies 'non-engineered', so at first pass, I would only include natural water flows. However, the question then mentions waer withdrawal, which is a non-natural human interaction with water, which makes me think the engineered water system should be included also.
For a high-level water mass balance around campus, it would be similar to any mass balance: IN - OUT = CHANGE IN STORAGE
What goes IN? potable water, raw water (?), makeup to chilled water loop, makeup to steam loop, rainfall, runoff from upstream areas, inflowing streams, inflowing groundwater.
What goes OUT? waste water, evaporation (from steam and chilled water loops), evapotranspiration, runoff (from rainfall and from overwatering from sprinklers), runoff to downstream areas, surface stream discharge, outflowing groundwater.
How much is CHANGE IN STORAGE? probably zero at steady state on a sufficiently large timescale."
Resilience Work Meeting
Associated Project(s):Resilience Work Group Meeting 10/21/2021
Present: Morgan White, Meredith Moore, Stacy Gloss
Project Management:
Stacy will start keeping track of resilience projects in an excel Gantt chart to be able to show high-level progress. Project progress will be tracked as “not begun, just starting, in progress, finishing up, done”
Stacy showed changes she made to the Resilience folder by adding Objective folders.
Project Updates:
We discussed Vision Zero. Morgan asked Stacy to contact CCRPC, Champaign and Savoy planners for their perspectives on Vision Zero. Stacy presented draft recommendations for the next steps Vision Zero white paper. We discussed these early recommendations and path for sharing the white paper with the iCAP team and with Gina for editing.
Stacy briefly shared progress on getting an understanding of how the 2010 and 2015 iCAPs intended to create a local offsets program.
We discussed an update to the DFA student project.
SSC Final Report: Stay Glassy - Illinois Enactus
Associated Project(s):SSC received the final report on Fall 2021 for Stay Glassy - Enactus Illinois project on 10/19/2021. Please see attached.
New Contact for Plastics to Oil/Fuel Research
Associated Project(s):Sriraam Chandrasekaran is taking over Brajendra Kumar Sharma's plastics to oil/fuel research.
Visit Chandrasekaran's UIUC directory page for contact and background information.
ECIP Award Winners
Associated Project(s):On October 20, 2021, the 2021 Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) Award Winners were announced at the Campus Sustainability Celebration!
UIUC is home to a total of 10 winners and honorable mentions, as listed below according to their categories:
- Occupant Action Category
- Ice Arena
- Student Dining and Residential Programs
- English Building
- Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE)
- Energy Advancement Category
- Stock Pavilion
- Forbes Natural History Building
- Levis Faculty Center
- Early Development Lab
- Honorable Mentions
- State Farm Center
- Bielfeldt Athletic Administrative Building
See the attached file to read the official announcement of 2021 ECIP Winners, including the locations' % improvements and monetary savings.
Attached Files:- Occupant Action Category
Green Infrastructure & Erosion Control Conference
Associated Project(s):The 2021 biennial Champaign County Stormwater Partnership Green Infrastructure and Erosion Control Conference took place on October 20th.
The following email provides some context and resources with more information about the event.
The program and the media post for the conference are attached below.
From: Liggett, Betsy Jo
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2021 9:59 AM
To: Stillwell, Brett
Cc: White, Morgan; Wilcoxen, David B; Ruhter, Colleen; Liggett, Betsy Jo
Subject: Green Infrastructure & Erosion Control ConferenceGood morning Brett!
I wanted to share an upcoming conference opportunity with you and others in DIA. F&S Safety and Compliance is a member of the Champaign County Stormwater Partnership to help meet goals for our campus stormwater municipality permit. One of the permit Public Education and Outreach goals is to host a biennial stormwater conference. We have several speakers this year one of which is a member from Green Sports Alliance (GSA) who will speak about the GSA program and provide examples of what other organizations/universities have done to meet the program missions. Green Sports Alliance
Please share with others and join us October 20, 2021 for the free biennial Champaign County Stormwater Partnership Green Infrastructure and Erosion Control Conference. This year the conference will be virtual instead of at the iHotel and Conference Center, however Professional Development Hours are still available. Attendance is limited and you can register at the following link Champaign County Stormwater Conference - CHAMPAIGN COUNTY STORMWATER PARTNERSHIP (
Thank you!
Attached Files:ICECF Final Report
Associated Project(s):The ICECF Final Report and related documents can be found attached:
Design for America Meeting
Associated Project(s):Students on a Design for America team met with Stacy Gloss on 10/19 to discuss ideas for an environmental justice theme project to be completed in May, 2022. A follow up meeting is scheduled for the next week.
Data Regarding EPA Campus Rainworks Challenge
Associated Project(s):Yuhze Zhang, leader of the Master plan team in EPA Rainworks Challenge 2021, asked Brent Lewis, UIUC's campus landscape architect, for some data for the challenge. Data asked for includes campus storm peak runoff, existing green infrastructure, turf lawn irrigation.
More information regarding the data can be found in the email chain attached below.
Another participant of the EPA Rainworks Challenge, Matthew Rodriguez, also requested data.
This email chain is attached below.
The Water Reuse Handbook is also attached below (attachment from both email chains).
Weekly Update: Fixing bike pump; fixing bicycles; student employment
Associated Project(s):All, Last Tuesday we had our Green Quad Day event. We had a few people stop by later in the week after talking with them and one potential student application for employment. We were also generously resupplied with clothes for making into rags. (Thanks, Morgan!) The beautiful weather was certainly an added perk.
On Thursday I picked up the remaining bikes from the warehouse that are worth our time. We’ll get to rehabbing those bikes this week. There are a good 20 – 30 bikes left there that are destined for the scrap heap. Unfortunately, 3 of the 10 bikes didn’t pass even a basic inspection so they’ll be fodder for parts.
We’re currently very low on used 26” tires. There’s a sentence I never thought I’d write.
This week I’ll also get the ball moving on fixing the outdoor pump, which is broken again.
The numbers:
Visitors: 40
Sales: $586.50
Bike (refurb): 1 for $190
Memberships: 7 for $210
Tires/tubes: 8 for $32Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorCampus Landscape Master Plan - Core Planning Committee Charge Letter 2021
Associated Project(s):On October 18, 2021, the Campus Landscape Master Plan - Core Planning Committee Charge Letter was sent out to its members.
In this document, Ehab Kamara, the Interim Executive director of Facilities and Services, outlines the responsibilities of committee members and background information for this project.
See the attached file to read the charge letter.
Attached Files:2021 Campus Sustainability Celebration!
Associated Project(s):All are invited to the 2021 Campus Sustainability Celebration and appreciation event! Meet and network with your peer sustainability advocates and hear about exciting campus sustainability progress! Since the event is in person, please be prepared to wear a mask and show your Safer Illinois app or equivalent status. If you can't make it in person, watch the livestream on YouTube! >>>
October 20, 1–4 pm • National Center for Supercomputing Applications lobby, 1205 W. Clark St., Urbana
Julie Wurth • Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
Update: Green Cleaning Engagement on Campus
Associated Project(s):As of October 16, 2021, F&S Building Services does not have a Green Cleaning Certificate. However, this is not preventing F&S from trying to implement sustainable practices.
Right now, F&S Building Services is performing green cleaning practices in the Campus Instructional Facility (CIF) and the new addition to the iHotel Conference Center. This is being done by aligning practices with green cleaning standards to the best ability possible.
Moving forward, the university is transitioning towards having Housing implement its own green cleaning process. However, efforts are currently delayed due to COVID-19 and ongoing staffing concerns.
This Week in Illinois Research, October 10- 16
Weekly Resilience Meeting
Associated Project(s):Resilience Meeting Notes 10/15/2021 for meeting between Stacy Gloss, Meredith Moore, and Morgan White
- We discussed ideas for the Design for America RSO project on Environmental Justice. Stacy will set up a meeting with D for A RSO students to discuss potential project topics and request a 1/2 page - 1 page project idea back to us for approval/revisions. The project might cover an environmental justice topic and be worked on from now through May. We will request that the complete project be designed to be presented in the late Spring, and the results go beyond educational/informational and lead to an initiative of some kind.
- Stacy provided a progress update on Resilience iCAP objectives.
- Green Certifications Inventory. Stacy will present this for comment at the next resilience ICAP meeting
- NGICP exploration
- Stacy will submit SSC proposal to support a pilot program for F&S staff to receive NGICP training at Parkland. The project will evaluate the benefits and decide whether to adopt having more or all campus grounds workers take the training later.
- Stacy will request Heidi and Eliana present at a (future proposed) joint meeting of the land/water use and resilience committee about the NGICP program and benefits
- Coordinated rainwater planning
- Morgan said that she recently had a conversation with a director at Sanitary District who asked for campus to become more involved with watershed management through a watershed working group, which is different than MS4 compliance.
- Morgan also requested that Stacy involve Eliana Brown more in coordinated rainwater planning for future meetings
- Stacy will attend the stormwater management organization’s conference on Oct. 20.
- Sustainability leadership topics – plan for Stacy to present these at next resilience ICAP meeting
- Vision Zero Discussion
- Stacy will submit a white paper on next steps for Vision Zero on Campus late next week.
- Stacy and Sarthak will meet with a professor who supports / advocates for Vision Zero next week.
- We discussed who would need to be involved for approval and planning of a Traffic Garden, Stacy will report back to Sarthak on this subject.