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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
News Gazette article - visit from US Energy Secretary
Weekly Update: Kids' Bike Giveaway event; Outdoor bike pump; CBC closing for winter break
Associated Project(s):All, The Kid’s Bike Giveaway event was held on Saturday afternoon. We gave away 60 bikes and still have 20 left. Ideally, we would’ve given them all away, but no one left disappointed, which is very much worth the extra time and effort of moving 20 bikes back into the shop. We had 7 people volunteering, so it was quick work. We’ll put the word out this week that anyone who didn’t get a bike is welcome to stop by the Urbana Bike Project during open hours (Wed/Thurs 6:30 – 9; Sat/Sun by appointment) to pick out a bike from our leftovers. Depending on volunteer availability off-hours pick-ups might be doable, too.
Thanks to everyone who helped with the event and helped spread the word! We were able to give away 15 more bikes than we did last year.
Last week I was finally able to fully rebuild the outdoor bike pump with new and heavier duty parts that should last the winter. So far no one’s tried to drive their car up to the pump and air their car tires like they did when the station was by the curb on Pennsylvania.
This week I’ll turn our attentions to refurbishing. We should have a half dozen bikes on the sales floor by Friday. We’ve worked through the easy fixes and are left with the fun stuff: dusty, old 3 speeds, 10 speed Schwinns and the like. Now we can start in earnest building up our stock for the spring rush—although, with the unseasonably warm temps this week, we may be too busy to make much headway. A good problem to have.
We’re closing for Winter Break after Friday. Reopening date is TBD.
The numbers:
Sales: $71*
Memberships: 1 for $30
Tires/tubes: 3 for $13*We’ve reinstated the First Visit Free policy which deflates our sales numbers compared to our mandated memberships for the summer/fall.
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorRainWorks Campus Competition Team D15 Submission
Associated Project(s):Team D15 submitted the attached files for the RainWorks Campus Competition on December 3, 2021.
Here is a link to the team's video:
Attached Files:Request for Meeting
Associated Project(s):From: Guest, Jeremy S <jsguest at>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2021 8:07 AM
To: Verma, Vishal <vverma at>; Cusick, Roland <rcusick at>; Geiger, Sarah Dee <smurphy7 at>
Cc: Rosenbery, Amy Nichole <husted at>; Khanna, Madhu <khanna1 at>; Cai, Ximing <xmcai at>; White, Morgan <mbwhite at>; Kokini, Eugenie Jenny <jkokini at>
Subject: iSEE Campus as a Living Lab Proposal - Request for MeetingVishal, Roland, and Sarah,
Thank you for submitting a proposal for Campus as a Living Lab funding from the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE). I am pleased to share with you that your proposal was well reviewed. In particular, it was noted that the focus engaging with the 5th and Hill neighborhood is directly in-line with campus goals to address local sustainability challenges, as highlighted in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (;
At this time, we would like to move to the next step the proposal review process and meet with you and your team to learn more about your plans, discuss iSEE expectations for funded teams, and answer any questions you may have. I am copying Amy Rosenbery, who will help coordinate scheduling for a meeting some time between November 29-December 3 or December 6-10. For the meeting we will try to include (if possible) your full team, Madhu Khanna, Jenny Kokini, and me, as well as Ximing Cai and Morgan White who lead our Campus as a Living Lab efforts.
One additional items is that we noted that CVs and Current & Pending documents were not included in the original submittal. Please submit these documents in advance of our meeting. Templates (if you require them) can be found on the seed funding website: Any similar format is acceptable, however.
We look forward to discussing your proposed project in more detail. Amy will be in touch in the coming week to help find a time for us to meet.
Have a wonderful weekend!
- Jeremy-------------------------------------------------
Jeremy S. Guest, Ph.D.Pronouns: he, him, his
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Acting Associate Director for Research
Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3221 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, MC-250
205 North Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801-2352
Phone: (217) 244-9247
E-Mail: jsguest at
Guest Group Website:
iSEE Website: DAI Website:
Eugenie Kokini replied saying that there is approved funding available and is expecting the budget to be released.
Acknowledgement and Confirmation
Associated Project(s):Anthony Spurlock wants to discuss the buyout options after 7 or 10 years, the determination of fair market value, and the ongoing maintenance requirements for Solar Farm 1.0 by the end of the year with Rockwell Finance.
Allen Wilson from Rockwell Finance sent an Acknowledgement and Confirmation with respect to Solar Farm 1.0 for the University's Board of Trustees' review and signature. The original financial partner (MB Bank) was acquired by Fifth Third Bank. The asset is being discussed with Fifth Third and being moved to Fifth Third's solar financing program and Wilmington Trust is being incorporated as a trustee for the project.
Input for Feasibility Study on Streetlights for CEE 190
Associated Project(s):Attached is a project by Abdelrahman Gemeiye, Bruce Moore, Will Moore, and Jocelyn Pytel. This project was detailed the replacement of metal-halide street lights with solar powered LED lights.
RainWorks Campus Competition Team M38 Submission
Associated Project(s):Team M38 submitted the attached files for the RainWorks Campus Competition on December 3, 2021.
Here is a link to the team's video:
A letter of support from Brent Lewis is also attached below.
Attached Files:Budget for NRES Replacement Trees
Associated Project(s):Jay Hayek reached out to request access to funds to purchase some replacement trees for the NRES Oak-Hickory Arboretum at the southwest corner of Race & Windsor. Specifically, Hayek is looking to purchase 37 3 gallon & 3 gallon CG (conservation grade) oak and hickory trees. Price range $13-20/each for the desired size and species. He is wondering if he would be able to buy the trees online using his P-card and then do an internal funds transfer, or if the purchase order route is preferable.
Weekly Update: Kids' Bike Giveaway update
Associated Project(s):All, Finished last week strong as the relative warmth of Friday resulted in a busy afternoon for early December.
We’re in the home stretch for the KBG. That’ll be this upcoming Saturday. At last count we’ve got ~60 bikes between both CBC and Urbana TBP so we’re on pace to do better than last year, assuming we get as many folks showing up.
We’re also in the home stretch of the semester with only two weeks to go.
The numbers:
Visitors: 26
Sales: $285.80
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
Memberships: 2 for $60Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorFY21 Green Power Partnership Renewed
Associated Project(s):F&S completed the renewal of our recognition as a Green Power Partner through the US Environmental Protection Agency. Green Power Partners of our scale now have to use renewable power for seven percent of their annual consumption. Fortunately, the FY21 green power supply for FY21 was 9%, which is a +1.72% increase from the FY19 supply of 7.28%. See attached file.
Overview submitted:
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is proud of its sustainability initiatives and success in achieving Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) goals ( The iCAP is the university’s strategic plan to meet the Climate Leadership Commitments, including being carbon neutral as soon as possible and building resilience to climate change in the local community.
The Urbana campus on-site renewable energy portfolio meets more than 12 percent of annual electricity needs ( UIUC’s Solar Farm 2.0 was energized in January 2021, producing 20,000 MWh/year. Combined with Solar Farm 1.0 and other rooftop and ground-mounted solar installations, the Urbana campus generates more than 27,000 MWh/year, ranking UIUC third amongst U.S. universities in on-site clean power production. Incorporating renewable energy continues to be a focus of new facility construction and major renovation projects. Most notably, the innovative Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Building features 970 rooftop panels. Since production started in April 2019, 11 percent of all power supplied to the ECE Building has been from the array, while additional output is reserved for research and educational activities. In September 2016, the university also signed a ten-year wind power purchase agreement for 25 million kWh/year and the rights to the environmental attributes.
Attached Files:Winter Meeting Update
Associated Project(s):The Energy iCAP team combined its November and December meetings for the fall of 2021 into a single "Winter Meeting" This meeting was used to discuss 12 different recommendation ideas, a select amount of which will be developed into recommendations in the near future.
Additionally, the team discussed a short note to the iCAP Working Group asking that the Comprehensive Energy Plan not have its name changed to '"lean Energy Plan"
Notes from the meeting are attached.
Attached Files:Geothermal Monitoring in Urbana
Associated Project(s):The attached email chain discusses where geothermal monitoring in Urbana may be.
The Thermal Conductivity Test Data from the email is also attached below.
Attached Files:Campus Waste Graphic
Associated Project(s):An ENG 177 student created a visual representation of the amount of landfill waste produced on campus using the Main Quad. The student posted this project on (link is attached).
Geothermal System @ Thomas Paine School
Associated Project(s):Sharon Irish attended the NY-GEO Webinar: Public and Private Thermal Utilities - Where It's Working & Why and found out that there's a geothermal loop at Thomas Paine School in Urbana.
The webinar flyer is attached.
Attached Files:FYI - LEED Certification Fees
Associated Project(s):USGBC offers information on LEED Certification Fees. This includes information on the initial flat registration fee, rates for certification fees, member discounts, policies, and more.
Visit the USGBC website to read more about LEED Certification Fees.
Water and Environment: Water Quality, Quantity and Contaminants (Symposium)
Associated Project(s):Please register for the Water and the Environment: Fundamental Aspects of Water Quality, Quantity, and Contaminants Symposium on December 9, 2021 from 9am-11:30am. There will be speakers as well as breakout rooms to engage our discussion on water and the environment. We look forward to seeing you December 9th!
This opportunity is available online. Visit the event's Zoom website to register online.
FGI Webinar: Live Panel Discussion on Allowable Leakage Rates
Associated Project(s):This Live Panel Discussion will assemble five industry leaders to answer questions about allowable leakage rates (ALRs) for different types of containment facilities. In particular, the maximum ALR of a liquid impoundment or landfill is usually a common but difficult question to answer. (1.5 PDH)
This event will be held on December 7th, 2021 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM as a virtual experience. Visit the GoToWebinar page for this event to register!
2021 Annual Kids' and Teen Bike Giveaway
Associated Project(s):The Campus Bike Center, in collaboration with the Urbana Bike Project, is hosting a free Kids’ and Teen Bike Giveaway this holiday season. Bikes are first come, first served; one bike per kid, and they must be present to pick out their bike. Be sure to get to the event early, as bikes will go quickly! Email or call (217) 469-5126 to arrange a donation for the event.
The event will be held on December 11th, 2021 from 1:00-3:00 PM. In addition, the event will take place at Urbana Bike Project (202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana.)
Apply for a 2022-23 Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellowship!
Associated Project(s):iSEE is offering seed funding to help faculty & instructors incorporate sustainability into the classroom in 2022-23. Levenick Teaching Sustainability Fellows can get $1,000 to integrate sustainability into an existing course or $2,000 to develop a new course, as well as resource support. 100- and 200-level courses encouraged.
Application deadline Jan. 31, 2022.