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  1. HVAC and Air Quality Assessment Project Meeting (2-11-2022)

    Dhuvaraj Gambhire and Ali Khan met with Morgan White on 2-11-2022 to discuss how they can acquire a Notice to Proceed and access to the Atmospheric Science Building for testing.

    They will get a quote from Sterling, which will allow them to get a Purchase Order (PO). After they get the PO, they can get a Notice to Proceed and access to the building.

  2. Campus Tree Advisory Committee Meeting - February 2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    On February 10, 2022, the 2022 Campus Tree Advisory Committee met to complete the following:

    • Review the charge letter
    • Discuss the success of the 2022 Tree Campus Plan
    • Plan Arbor Day 2022 events
    • Discuss policy revisions regarding tree damage replacements
    • Discuss the creation of a campus nursery

    See the attached file to read the meeting notes. 

  3. 2022 Tree Committee Formed

    Associated Project(s): 

    The 2022 Tree Committee is now formed.

    Serving on this committee are the following individuals: Kevin McSweeney (chair), Brent Lewis, Morgan White, Ryan Welch, Jay Hayek, Andrew Lamoreux, Eliana Brown, Sinead Soltis, Julia Marsaglia, and Jack Reicherts. In the 2022 Tree Committee Charge letter, Dr. Ehab Kamara defines the responsibilities and duties for the advisory body.

    See the charge letter in the attached files.

  4. Big Ten & Friends Network Event, Exploring University Sustainable Lab Certification Programs

    The following email describes an online session about various Green Lab Certification Programs.


    From: Vandenbergh, Lydia Bodman
    Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2022 8:35 AM
    To: Vandenbergh, Lydia Bodman
    Subject:BTAF Sustainable Lab Programs Presentation and Discussion - Feb 24th


    As Higher Education Institutions develop their Climate Action Plans, one opportunity repeatedly arises: culture change in our approach to research. The US Department of Energy estimates that lab buildings consume anywhere from three to ten times the energy and water of administrative and classroom buildings and generate high amounts of single use plastics and hazardous wastes. One question is, how to change the culture without compromising the integrity of the science? 


    Members of the Big Ten and Friends Network are encouraged to join together on February 24th at 11am EST to learn how three universities are promoting change in their campus labs using three variations on a green lab certification program.  

    • Ken Keeler, from the University of Michigan, will kick off the meeting describing the University’s decade-long successful program that combines a lab self-assessment and staff visit. Over 200 labs have worked through this program, but it requires substantial staff time. Ken will describe their exploration to tap efficiencies.  
    • Next is Tim Lindstrom, who leads the University of Wisconsin at Madison Green Lab Program, which is similar to the Michigan’s assessment model, but integrates a student internship component to support the labs’ efforts. 
    • University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Nick Ciancio will showcase his four-year effort collaborating with MyGreenLab’s certification program, a unique pilot that UAB is eager to expand. 

    The session will conclude with time for discussion with the panelists. Please register to join in this inspirational presentation and exploration of culture change.  

    Register here  


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join meeting. We are purposefully limiting the invitation to BTAF’s members to encourage a fruitful discussion, but we will record the session and make it available to share with other colleges and universities.  




    Lydia Vandenbergh (she/her)
    Associate Director of Employee Engagement and Education
    Sustainability Institute

    Penn State University

    The Pennsylvania State University campuses are located on the original homelands of the Erie, Haudenosaunee (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora), Lenape (Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe, Stockbridge-Munsee), Shawnee (Absentee, Eastern, and Oklahoma), Susquehannock, and Wahzhazhe (Osage) Nations.  As a land grant institution, we acknowledge and honor the traditional caretakers of these lands and strive to understand and model their responsible stewardship. We also acknowledge the longer history of these lands and our place in that history.

    Check out our programs:


  5. Zero Waste Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Wednesday, February 9 to discuss the several recommendations in the works, including: Plastic Reduction in vending machines, Composting Commitee, Adopt a Highway/Drain, Food Literacy Project, and Sustainable Receipt options. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  6. Weekly Update: Restocking bikes and parts for sale

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, With the snowstorm last week, we were closed on Wednesday but were able to reopen on Friday. Visitor numbers took a hit with a foot of snow and whiteout conditions (no surprise there). This week I’ll get some bikes from Urbana (snow derailed that plan last week). We’re down to the dregs of steel-rimmed 3 speed schwinns—bikes I’m not exactly comfortable selling in the dead of winter considering their compromised braking/stopping. Our donations of late have all been Walmart-level, unfortunately. We’ve got about 8 bikes on the sales floor as of now.


    The numbers:

    Visitors: 16
    Sales: $180
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tire/tubes: 4 for $30


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  7. ABE469 Student Support on iCAP Objective 3.5 - Local Carbon Offset Program

    Associated Project(s): 

    Meredith Moore and Stacy Gloss are working with ABE469 - Capstone students in the spring 2022 semester.

    Students will obtain (be provided) green house gas emission data for this consulting project such as: .

    • Urbana GHG Air  Emissions
    • U of I GHG  Emissions
    • U of I GHG Air-Travel Emissions
    • **maybe** Champaign Emissions

    For purposes of this project, the U of I client is aiming to eliminate emissions for air travel by FY30.  This project is aimed to offset emissions by 30,000 tons per year by FY 30, related to iCAP objective 3.5. 

    The client should research the Illinois Climate Action Plan carbon reduction goals related to unavoidable air-travel.  The client would like for the consultants to analyze technologies appropriate for campus and our surrounding community; and make recommendations based on this analysis. 

    Technologies that may reduce carbon, or offset carbon on the local scale are listed below.  

    • -solar pv
    • -green roof + roof top solar
    • -solar water heating
    • -geothermal heating
    • -prairie restoration
    • -tree planting
    • -waste to energy from campus farms
    • -compost to energy
    • -water-saving measures (on the heating side reducing fossil fuel use)
    • -cold-climate air-source heat pumps for residential homes
    • -replacement of gas/diesel vehicle with electric vehicles for campus fleet
    • -deep energy retrofits – air sealing & insulation
    • -small wind turbines

    The consulting team should evaluate the scope and project size for technology adoption. Including the anticipated GHGs avoided or offset with project adoption.  What is the cost of installation, including labor costs?  Provide data about cost effectiveness, with breakdown on cost of project per pound or tonne of GHG emissions saved. The projects should be ranked with most cost effective to least effective.  Your research, analysis, and recommendations will be presented by the client to the iSEE Resilience Team and other campus stakeholders to inform a local carbon offset program.


  8. Energy Model for Children's Research Center

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following email chain describes Professor Yi requesting energy data and building layout.

    Professor Yi also notes a student's report on the Children's Research Center Building (which is attached below).



    From: Yi, Yun Kyu

    Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2022 10:34 AM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe

    Subject: Re: energy data request


    Hi All,


    Hope you had a nice break. I like to update you on building modeling.

    We have four Energyplus (DesignBuilder) models that I can share with you.


    I had to review the model made by students to make sure they are close to the actual building.

    Currently, I am adding detailed HVAC systems to the model that can be more realistic.


    Would you like to get access to the file? I can share the folder with you all. Also, would you like to discuss the next step?

    Here is one of a report done by a student. 







    On Oct 19, 2021, at 9:06 PM, Yi, Yun Kyu wrote:


    Hi Morgan,


    Thanks to your help, today my class was able to site visit the new Campus Instructional Facility building and new Mech. building.

    Here is a photo of today's visit. Students learned a lot today and I got great feedback today.


    Also, I like to discuss some findings from initial energy modeling.

    The BNAACC building is one of the buildings that we are analyzing the energy consumption data. While we compare meter data to energy consumption from simulation results. We observed that the electricity meter is projecting energy consumption exponentially higher than what an average building of such size should be consuming.


    I am not sure this building is still in calibration on meter data or something but I will advise having the meter checked. If you need I can send you some of our findings or talk further on this.







    On Aug 12, 2021, at 11:53 AM, Yi, Yun Kyu wrote:


    Hi Morgan,


    It will be good to get basic drawings like floor plans, elevations, and more specific drawings like HVAC schedule, zoning, section detail, etc.


    Many thanks





    From: White, Morgan

    Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:19 PM

    To: Yi, Yun Kyu

    Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe

    Subject: RE: energy data request


    Hi Yun,


    I need to know what building documents you are seeking.  What specifically do you want to see?







    Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability

     Facilities & Services | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



    From: Yi, Yun Kyu

    Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12:48 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe

    Subject: Re: energy data request


    Hi Marge


    I am wondering if we can get these buildings' documents before the semester starts.

    I can ask TA to go over the documents and select documents that need for the class.

    So that we can reduce the number of documents to get approval.


    Also, I send an email related to meter data. 

    The Excel file doesn’t have units, could you help me what units were used for the meters.



    Many thanks






    On Jul 28, 2021, at 1:42 PM, White, Morgan wrote:


    Hi Yun,

    Please see attached files. 




    F&S Sustainability

    iCAP Working Group co-chair

    iSEE Liaison and SSC advisor



    Begin forwarded message:

    From: "Ewing, Anthony James"

    Date: July 27, 2021 at 9:13:46 AM CDT

    To: "White, Morgan"

    Cc: "Spurlock, Anthony T"

    Subject: RE: energy data request


    Hi Morgan –


    Attached is the data you’ve requested.








    Utilities and Energy Services 

    Facilities and Services

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




    From: Spurlock, Anthony T

    Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 3:48 PM

    To: Ewing, Anthony James

    Subject: FW: energy data request


    Could you handle this data request?  Thanks




    Anthony Spurlock

    Associate Director of Budget Resources Planning

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

    Facilities and Services - Utilities & Energy Services Division



    From: Spurlock, Anthony T 

    Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 4:27 PM

    To: White, Morgan

    Cc: Yi, Yun Kyu; Roman, Robert Raymond; Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe; Anthony James Ewing

    Subject: RE: energy data request




    End of July should not be a problem.







    Associate Director of UES, Budget Resources Planning 

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

    Facilities and Services 

    Utilities & Energy Services Division (UES)



    From: White, Morgan 

    Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 1:41 PM

    To: Spurlock, Anthony T

    Cc: Yi, Yun Kyu; Roman, Robert Raymond; Keller, Thomas Jeffery; Villanti, Joe

    Subject: energy data request


    Hi Tony,


    We need to provide historical energy data to Professor Yi for his work with us this fall to create building energy models for selected buildings on campus, in his Architecture class.


    Can you please have someone on your team provide monthly energy data for the following buildings for the last five years, FY20 to FY16?  Also, if hourly data is available, please provide hourly data for these same buildings for the one year of FY19.


    ·       Personnel Services Building

    ·       Speech and Hearing Building

    ·       Children’s Research Center

    ·       Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center.


    I have created a folder for the related files in Box, which you can access at  We would appreciate receiving this information by the end of July, if possible.


    Thank you,





    Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability

    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



  9. Request for Historical Energy Data

    Associated Project(s): 

    Morgan White is requesting historical energy data for Professor Yi in order to create building energy models for selected buildings on campus. Specifically monthly energy data is needed for the last five years, FY20 to FY16. Hourly data for these same buildings are needed for the one year of FY19. The buildings are: 

    - Personnel Services Building 

    - Speech and Hearing Building

    - Children's Research Center

    - Brute Nesbitt African American Cultural Center 

    Additionally, requests for basic drawings like floor plans, elevations, as well as more specific drawings like HVAC schedule, zoning section detail etc. were made.

    The link where this data can be accessed is:

    Professor Yun observed that the Brute Nesbitt African American Cultural Center's electricity meter is projecting energy consumptions exponentially higher than what an average building should be consuming (potentially due to the building being in calibration on meter data).

  10. Weekly Update: more Build-a-Bike available, Uni High Class

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Surprisingly busy here last week! Sold a bike and if we had more Build-a-Bike frames available, we’d have a quarter dozen or so in-progress. Towards that end I’ll be grabbing some bikes from Urbana this week.

    Our Uni High class is in a couple weeks so we’ll do some internal planning for that event.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 27
    Sales: $357.50
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $80
    Memberships: 5 for $150
    Tires/tubes: 3 for $22


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  11. SSC Semesterly Report: Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment

    SSC received semester report for Fall 2021 for Identifying the Campus Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment project on 1/23/2022. Please see attached. 
