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  1. New iSEE Green Event Certification

    Congratulations to the newest recipient of our Green Event Certification Program!

    IHSA Wheelchair Basketball/Unified Sports State Tournament, Certified February 2022

    The event will be held at a location that is convenient for public transportation. They will also use natural lighting whenever possible to minimize lighting needs, along with communicating that the event is sustainable via Green Event promotion.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Time-sensitive Petition to raise SSC fees by $3.94

    Note: Deadline was extended to March 1


    "Hey guys! The SSC needs your help! We are currently circulating a time-sensitive petition to raise SSC fees by $3.94. We need over 2,000 signatures by February 22! 


    Right now, the SSC collects $14 from each student via the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee and the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee, which together is called the Illinois Green Fund. This money goes into a pot, and the SSC allocates that pot of money toward student- and faculty-led sustainability projects. This fee hasn't increased in years, despite increases in tuition and national inflation. To continue to adequately support sustainability projects, we need more funding! 


    If we don't hit our mark, the SSC won't be considered for more funding :( Please please please sign this, promote it on your social media, and send it to your general members." Maria Maring (2-16-2022)

  3. Weekly Update: Uni High Agora Days classes; Maintenance Class

    All, Last week we held our Uni High Agora Days classes from Tues – Fri. It went very well with all the students engaged in learning and tinkering on the bikes. One student even said they’d return to volunteer, which was great. All 3 of the bikes were mostly done by week’s end. We also received some quality donations from a local bike shop and started overhauling those bikes for sale. I’ve also hired a new Program Assistant to help me out off-hours.

    This week I’ll be meeting with the Urbana Parks District to discuss our Maintenance class we’re collaborating on next month and getting more bikes ready for the sales floor. We’ll see how busy we are today with the very warm weather.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 11
    Sales: $91
    Memberships: 2 for $60


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  4. Mode Choice Survey 2022

    Associated Project(s): 

    After discussions internally at F&S (in the Sustainability and Transportation Demand Management departments) and then discussions with iSEE, it was agreed that the F&S TDM department will conduct the Mode Choice Survey in 2022 and every 3 years going forward.

  5. 2021 Tree Campus Higher Education Application Approved by the Arbor Day Foundation

    Associated Project(s): 

    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has once again been recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree Campus USA member. Specifically, the Tree Campus High Education program reviewed the Tree Care Plan, in addition to other requirements, to grant our campus the title of an offical Tree Campus. Below is a brief summary of what is needed to obtain this recoginition, each year. 

    "To obtain this distinction, your campus has met the five core standards for sustainable campus forestry required by Tree Campus Higher Education, including establishment of a tree advisory committee, evidence of a campus tree care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for your campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance, and the sponsorship of student service learning projects. Your entire campus community should be proud of this sustained commitment to environmental stewardship."


  6. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, February 18 to discuss current ongoing recommendations, including: Sustainability TikTok challenge, College of Engineering Sustainability Leaders Learning Session, and a Sustainability Partnership with the ADV498 Advertising Capstone Course. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  7. Online LEED Green Associate Training

    The following text is taken from the February iSEE Newsletter, which is attached below.


    LEED Green Associate Training Offered Online. Students can prepare for the LEED Green Associate exam through this online course offered by LeadingGreen and taught by a U.S. Green Building Council faculty member. Register for a live webinar or complete the on-demand recordings at your own pace. Questions? Watch this introductory video or email Lorne Mlotek at
    Live webinars Feb. 24, March 12,  April 2, April  23, May 15 | Register here

    Attached Files: 
  8. "Recycling 101: Start With Reduce, Reuse" -iSEE Newsletter

    The following passage is taken from an iSEE February Newsletter (the newsletter is attached below).


    Recycling 101: Start With Reduce, Reuse 

    Did you know less than 10 percent of plastic is recycled each year? Or that cardboard contaminated with grease or food can't be recycled? In "Recycling 101," iSEE intern Maria Maring outlines what can and can't be recycled on campus, recycling rules and resources in Champaign-Urbana, and tips from sustainability experts about what you can do to recycle effectively and keep waste out of the landfill. Most important: Remember that recycling is just one of the "three Rs," and that "reuse" and "reduce" are just as important in shrinking your environmental footprint!



    Attached Files: 
  9. Geothermal Urbana-Champaign 2.0 Spring Zoom Sessions

    The following text is from the February iSEE Newsletter, which is attached below.


    Geothermal Urbana-Champaign 2.0 Starts Feb. 23. Geothermal Urbana-Champaign is a public education and group buy program that makes getting geothermal heating and cooling easier and more affordable for Champaign, Piatt, and Vermilion County home and business owners. Register for a spring Zoom session to learn more! Spring dates include Feb. 23, March 29, April 12 (co-hosted by iSEE and F&S), May 2, and May 23 (times vary). Details>>>

    Attached Files: 
  10. Weekly Update: Build-a-bike, Uni High Agora Days class

    All, Picked up 4 – 5 bikes from Urbana last week which were promptly claimed as B-a-Bs or tagged for shop builds. This week we have our Uni High Agora Days class coming in Tues – Fri. This will reduce our open hours on Wed/Fri to 4 – 6p.

    I’ll be picking up 5 bikes from Champaign Cycle on Tuesday afternoon, too. That should get us towards a good number of bikes on hand.

    The numbers:

    visitors: 10
    Sales: $324
    Bike (refurb): 1 for $180
    Memberships: 3 for $90


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator
