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  1. F&S Insider article about Campus Landscape Master Plan

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S Insider included an article about Campus Landscape Master Plan (CLMP) on April 20, 2022. We are organizing a Public Forum for CLMP on April 27, 2022 from 5:30 - 7 p.m.

    Read the article here:

    Please register for the CLMP Public Forum:

  2. Illinois Green Infrastructure Inventory Update 5/9/2022

    Stacy Gloss attended the Urban Stormwater Working Group meeting on 4/19/22 led by Lisa Merrifield.

    Agenda item 1) An Illinois Green Infrastructure Inventory Update was provided.

    Key points:

    • Tracking Best Management Practices:  need to know: where, what, how much, and when
    • Detailed information allows for comparison between practices
    • Practices include projects like:  vegetated filter strips, grass swale, infiltration devices, permeable pavement, porous pavement, wetland detention, dry detention, settling basin, bio-swale, grass swale, wet pond, constructed wetland, green roof, weekly street sweeping, native landscaping, stormwater tree, sand filters, settling basin, WQ inlets, wet ponds, infiltration devices, concrete grid  pavement, sand filter/infiltration basin, oil/grit separator etc. Also new construction and retrofit.
    • Next steps: testing data-sets with NCSA

    Agenda item 2) meeting participants described their work and current projects.

    Update: May 9, 2022

    Stacy Gloss and Eliana Brown will attend the September MS4 meeting to describe projects related to capturing green infrastructure project locations and project information to share best practices with the local community. Campus maintains data about about green infrastructure projects on campus. A pilot project is underway to share green infrastructure project data with communities across Illinois.  Eliana Brown is involved in this effort and NCSA is developing a database platform for information sharing.

    Stacy Gloss will attend the next MS4 meeting in June also.

  3. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2022

    Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC spring 2022. We also talked about abandoned bicycles and Campus Landscape Master Plan during this meeting. Also watch the meeting recording and read the chat from during the meeting:

  4. Illinois ECE Celebrates Earth Week

    Associated Project(s): 

    "Earth Week is a great opportunity for us to reflect on what the extended ECE family has done and can continue to do to make Earth a better place for all living beings." - Illinois ECE

    Illinois ECE has gathered a sampling of the contributions their faculty, staff, and students have made to environmental sustainability.

    The sampling can be seen here:


  5. Two 100% all electric 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning trucks purchased for F&S fleet

    From: Varney, Peter W
    Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 12:38 PM
    To: FandS Executive Management Team ; Gordon, Malikah Asrayyah ; Breitwieser, Steven
    Cc: Patterson, Shawn L ; Franzen, Neil
    Subject: Ford Lightnings for F&S

    As mentioned this morning, I have been able to secure two of the brand new 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning for F&S. These are all-electric crew cab pickup trucks with a ~200 mile range. The vehicles are equipped with a 9.6kW power system including multiple 120V and a single 240V outlet. Cargo payload is only about 1,600# or 2/3 of a standard F-150.

    These vehicles should allow for my team to gain familiarity with all-electric vehicles in our fleet as well as campus visibility regarding F&S’ commitment to sustainable fleet technology. I believe one of the vehicles would be a good fit in my Transportation Shop but I’m open to suggestions for the second truck. ETA will be in the June/July timeframe.

    Malikah – I want your team to be aware for any story/messaging opportunities. I also think we can use some special signage or wrap on the vehicle exterior.

    Pete W Varney
    Transportation & Building Services
    Facilities & Services
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  6. Weekly Update: Bicycle Donations; Collaborations

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Had some intense weather mid-week that kept folks away from visiting us. A new student staffer started this week and hit the ground running. We got two quality bikes donated last week that are in-progress and one very nice near-new bike that is already on the sales floor.

    TBP prices bumped up slightly last week to no Ill effect here at CBC. In fact, the first mention of the higher prices was met with “A used tire for $8? That’s a great deal!”

    On Thursday, I consulted with a student from University of Connecticut about starting a bicycle cooperative space at his school. He’d heard good things about our operations from a former TBP member. Small world, too, since I grew up 20 minutes from UConn.

    This week is the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee meeting and the last week for one of my student staffers.

    The numbers:
    Visitors: 26
    Sales: $912.50
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 2 for $21


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  7. Wand TV article about CLMP Public Forum

    Associated Project(s): 

    Wand TV published an article about the CLMP Public Forum on April 18, 2022, titled "Public invited to give input on U of I landscaping master plan" -

    Attached are the article in .pdf format as well as the Press Release.

  8. Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs - Submitted

    The Resilience iCAP Team submitted the following recommendation to the iCAP Working Group on 4/7/22:

    "iSEE should assign a staff person to meet with local governmental and community leaders to discuss how the University can plan to assist communities to address environmental justice challenges."

    The Res003 Collecting Info About Environmental Justice Needs recommendation is attached. 

  9. SSC Seeking Subject Matter Experts for Sustainability Competition this Fall

    The Student Sustainability Committee will be managing the Reimagine Our Future Undergraduate Sustainability Competition.

    If any subject-matter experts are interested in participating this year, we ask that you fill out this google form indicating your availability and your specialty before August 6th.

    For more information, you can view the attached the PowerPoint describing this year’s competition or check out Reimagine's website.


  10. New iSEE Green Event Certification

    Congratulations to the newest recipient of our Greener Campus Certification Programs!


    Green Event: Office of the Chancellor-Special Events Chancellor's Medallion Ceremony, Certified April 2022


    They ensured that the event will be held at a location convenient for public transportation, biking, or walking. They also chose locations with natural lighting whenever possible to minimize lighting needs, among other sustainable efforts. Keep up the great work!

  11. Zero Waste Team Meeting

    The Zero Waste iCAP Team met on Thursday, April 14 to discuss revisions to the Campus Administration Manual's Waste Minimization Policy which the team intends to submit to the iWG. Meeting minutes and proposed revisions are attached.

  12. Urbana-Champaign Solar Group Buy Celebrates Another Successful Year

    Associated Project(s): 

    From: Marta Monti <>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 10:05 AM
    To:; Scott Tess <>; White, Morgan <mbwhite at>;; Amanda Pankau <>;;;;;;;;;;;; Kim Knowles <>; Andy Robinson <>; Cassie Carroll <>
    Cc: Taylor Ball <>; Peter Murphy <>
    Subject: [THANK YOU!] Urbana-Champaign Solar Group Buy Celebrates Another Successful Year


    Hi everyone,


    Thank you for your support of the Grow Solar Urbana-Champaign program. It's been another successful program, with 16 properties decided to go solar, resulting in 120.12 kW of new renewable energy generating capacity in our region. We passed our 50 kW benchmark, resulting in an average household bulk buying discount of an additional $270.


    Final press release for the 2021 program, if you're interested and would like to share with your networks. If you are able to help circulate the press release, or the results, that would be great. Let me know what you need from me if you are going to share the press release!


    We have one final ask of you to help us wrap up the program: If you could be so kind as to fill out this program evaluation survey. The feedback you provide will help us continue to improve and facilitate more successful Grow Solar programs like this one. 


    This program couldn't have happened without your support. So whether you went solar yourself (congratulations!), or represented one of the partnering municipalities, neighborhood associations, or organizations, whether you co-hosted a Solar Power Hour presentation, or simply helped spread the word about the program to your network, thank you!


    All the best, 




    Marta Monti, she/her/hers

    Solar Program Manager



    Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA)

    3628 W Pierce St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215


    Grow Solar in your community with help from our team. 
    Become a proud 
    member of the MREA.
