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- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP Team met for their final meeting of the semester on Thursday, April 28. The team finalized drafting a recommendation on updating the Campus Administrative Manual's Waste Minimization Policy and set potential objectives for the upcoming academic year. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:useful links
Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Armory and Sixth
Associated Project(s):A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Armory Ave and Sixth St on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. This is the last set of old counters that were purchased in 2019. These counters were activated on April 27, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached to see the pictures of these counters.
EPA Waste Management Webinar Presentation
Associated Project(s):Meredith Moore (iSEE) and Sydney Trimble (F&S) presented at the EPA Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar: University Best Practices in Waste Stream Management on 4-28-22. The presentation is attached.
Click here for more information.
"This webinar session will highlight best practices in university materials and waste stream management, including reduce, reuse, and recycle principles. Participants will learn about the excellent waste reduction programs at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Colorado State University, and The Ohio State University. Our speakers will share proven practices that help colleges and universities minimize waste generation and promote materials reuse. Attendees will also learn about ongoing university case studies and projects involving waste characterization as well as other programs assisting campuses in achieving sustainability goals."
Attached Files:iCAP update presented at Senate Committee on Campus Operations
Associated Project(s):These iSEE representatives presented an update of key efforts underway for the iCAP 2020: iSEE Associate Director for Campus Sustainability Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo, iSEE Associate director for Education and outreach Dr. Luis Rodriguez, Sustainability Programs Manager Meredith Moore, F&S Associate Director for Sustainability Morgan White, and Sustainability Academic Advisor Eric Green. the key topics were:
- Earth Month
- Clean Power
- Plastic Waste Reduction
- Environmental Leadership Program
- Sustainability Gen Ed efforts
The following links were also sent to be shared with the committee:
- iCAP 2020 objectives dashboard (be patient while it loads form the database):
- Sustainability training Videos:
- Food insecurity information:
Also, if anyone is interested in participating in one of the Topical iCAP Teams, as a faculty member, please let us know. The topics are listed on the iCAP Portal at
EJ Presentation 4-26-22
Associated Project(s):Stacy Gloss and Meredith Moore gave a presentation on environmental justice to an Eco-Lunch group, RSO Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (GEEB). The presentation from 4-26-22 is attached.
Attached Files:Weekly Resiliency Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Stacy Gloss and Meredith Moore met on 4/27 to discuss the following:
- DFA Student project on E-waste recycling poster was added to portal on 4/27/2022.
- Environmental Justice Next Steps by August 2022:
- Make 1 – 2 page fact sheet about EJ Planning
- Define plan for outreach this summer
- Implement the plan
- Capstone project on carbon offsets
- Obtain final deliverables on carbon offset project to include in iCAP portal
- Sustainability Clinic (Leading on Sustainability Issues)
- Socializing sustainability clinic to faculty; identify potentially interested faculty
- Community Conversations on Sustainability (Leading on Sustainability Issues)
- This is a newish idea that Meredith will socialize to iSEE and others and we can start working on it this summer.
Cell Phone and Electronic Waste
Associated Project(s):A team of Design for America students worked on a year-long project diving into cell phone and electronic waste. The attached poster is the culmination of their work across the '21/'22 school year. We wish the DFA student team luck in all their future endeavors.
DFA Team: Koshal Raghavarapu, Ananya Barman, Pooja Tetali, & Aashi Tyagi
CLMP Public Forum and presentation
Associated Project(s):F&S organized the Campus Landscape Master Plan (CLMP) on April 27, 2022 from 5:30 to 7 pm. 182 people had registered to attend the session and nearly 70 people attended the event.
Please see the presentation used during the CLMP Public Forum: Campus Landscape Master Plan Public Forum presentation
Introductory meeting with Robert O'Daniell
Associated Project(s):I met with Robert O'Daniell on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. We covered several topics, including the electrification trend, Federal and State tax credits for EVs, but majority of the time was dedicated to learn about the EV charging stations in Champaign County as compared to other cities.
Robert also shared his own experience as an EV owner and the survey he is currently conducting to gauge interest in increasing the number of public-use EV charging and possibility of introducing DC Fast Charging to the campus and Champaign County.
I will create the survey on Google Forms, and then help deploy it on-campus. We also discussed where to promote this survey.
See attached the documents that we covered during this meeting.
Attached Files:Alternative Fuels Corridor map
Boost Charger 150 kW EV DC Fast Charging
EV charger using current light poles wiring
EV rebates - illinois clean energy job act rebate.pdf
Charging an ID4 at Electrify America
know the puzzle NYT.pdf
EV charging information for EV owners
Beam Solar EV Arc 2020
Robert's EV Survey
Volta Level-2 charging
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Contact
Associated Project(s):From: Prasad, Sarthak <sprasad9 at>
To: Brinkworth, Jessica F <jfbrinkw at>
Cc: White, Morgan <mbwhite at>
Subject: Plastic to fuel: Sriraam Chandrasekaran at ISTCHi Jessica,
Sriraam Chandrasekaran (schandr at works at Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) and his research is in plastic to fuel. Here is his profile:
I think he would be a good resource. Thank you,
SarthakSarthak Prasad
Sustainable Transportation Assistant
Facilities & Services
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Phone: 217-300-9575
Tree Map Partnership
Associated Project(s):From: Heidi Leuszler <HLeuszler at>
Subject: Tree Map partnershipHello all, I hope this finds you and yours well!
I am on the Sustainable Campus Committee at Parkland College and we are discussing updating our campus tree map and digitizing it. I am including all of you in this email because I am wondering if we do not have to recreate the wheel and can join an existing tree map in our community.
I have worked with in the past, but the $3000 price tag per year is rather steep for us. Do any of you use this program?
In a quick search, I found the following local Tree Inventory maps (all of which Parkland campus is missing from):
City of Urbana
UIUC campus
City of Champaign ROW Trees
City of Champaign
Champaign Park District
Urbana Park District (but I could not find public access to the inventory)
Is it possible we can add our campus data to an existing map? Perhaps we all partner and can add city, park, and campus data to make a more comprehensive community map.
If you are interested in this, have thoughts, know a better person to contact, etc., let me know and we can get a meeting together to discuss possibilities.
Thank you!
My best,
Weekly Update: Friday Ride, New staff
Associated Project(s):All, Pretty quiet last week. Friday picked up along with the weather. And nicer weather meant our first successful Friday Ride of the season!
This week a couple new staffers will be starting. As the weather has warmed, we’re seeing an uptick in volunteer interest as well, which is welcomed.
Tonight is the Bike Project Member Meeting, which I’ll attend.
The numbers:
Visitors: 39
Sales: $862
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $550
Memberships: $3 for $90
Tire/tube: 3 for $6.25 (used/new)Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorNew iSEE Green Event Certifications
Associated Project(s):Congratulations to the newest recipient of our Green Event Certification Program!
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Illinois Promise Welcome Lunch, Certified April 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events University-wide Commencement ceremony, Certified April 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Commencement Dinner, Certified April 2022
Chancellor's Office for Special Events Bronze Tablet Reception, Certified April 2022
Keep up the great work!
This Week in Research
Associated Project(s):Plan to join the Campus Landscape Master Plan online forum on Wednesday. Conceptual design ideas will be presented at the event, and feedback will be gathered to ensure the new plans align with campus culture. Register for the event here.
Sustainability Grammys 2022!
Associated Project(s):The first-ever Sustainability Grammys, hosted by iSEE, SSLC, SSC, and the Illini Union Board was a tremendous success! Congratulations to Red Bison, Project4Less, and Grow2Give on earning awards in the Impact, Engagement, and Initiative categories respectively.
Attached Files:Residence Hall Research Site Email
Associated Project(s):Below is an email sent by Dr. Edwin Herricks to Morgan White regarding a research site to study stormwater mitigation designs.
You may not know, but some time ago I led a project to create a research site on the parking lot across from the residence halls to study parking lot stormwater mitigation designs. Of importance we installed a weir for a gauging capability for the lot discharge. Unfortunately, the U did not proceed with the lot improvements so the weir simply sits.
Art Schmidt is aware of this and over the years I have encouraged him to take advantage of the infrastructure.
Hopefully if you know about this capability you may find some use for it.
Invitation to HCL and NCEB event on 05/25/22
Associated Project(s):Below is an email invitation to an event at the Hydrosystems Laboratory:
Hello all,
On behalf of Illinois Solar Decathlon, I would like to invite you to our event, Reimagining HSL and NCEB, where our Concept Team will be presenting their semester-long projects to UofI Facilities and Services. Feel free to invite other faculty as well. More details below.
Title of the event: Reimagining HSL & NCEB
Venue: Hydrosystems laboratory, Room 1017
Time : Monday, 25th from 5:00 pm
Everyone is invited.
5:05 - 5:25 PM: Photovoltaics and Green Roof Team
5:25 - 5: 45 PM: Building Automation Systems Team
5:45- 6:05 PM: Sustainable Landscapes Team*15 mins for each team's presentation and 5 mins for Q&A*
We hope to see you there!
Attached Files:Trash Clean up
Associated Project(s):From: Alice Berkson
To: John Marlin; James Ellis; White, Morgan
Recipients:;; mbwhite at
Hello -- Now that the Florida/Orchard Prairie Zone has had a spring haircut, would traversing the area to pick up trash be a
good idea
harmful to plants
Just let me know, I can get to it possibly before the weekend, definitely early next week.
Also at least one of the Prairie Zone signs (on a single metal pole) are listing to one side. I straightened out the one adjoining the driveway so I think they are not set in concrete? Should I drop a few stones next to it in an effort to keep it straight? -- Alice
--Alice Berkson
904 Mayfair Rd.
Champaign, IL 61821-4437
voice 217.356.4829
SpectroClick, Inc:
Public Service Archaeology & Architecture Program, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Assn. for Advancement of Archaeology:
East Central IL Master Naturalist Program: