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  1. Weekly Update: Summer is coming

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Had some rainy weather last week that kept our visitor numbers low. We also had a few staff bow out for the summer.

    This week will be summer-like and judging by the first half hour of open shop time today, we’ll be nice and busy all week. From there it’s on to the summer sessions. We’ll likely reduce hours as demand and staffing availability dictate.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 24
    Sales: $605.60
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
    Memberships: 2 for $60

    Wheels (used/alloy): 5 for $75
    Tire/tubes: 7 for $47


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  2. archived info - previous project description

    This project will provide a study to investigate the feasibility of installing an Anaerobic Methane Digester in the area of the University’s South Farms to capture renewable energy from beef, sheep and/or dairy cow waste. The study will assess the possibility of an on-site digester at one site, with one digester system of animal waste. The study will identify useful “Waste/Organics to Energy Efforts” using available technology paths and options that match the goals and expectations of the UIUC stakeholders and project team, to deliver to UIUC a “Renewable Energy Waste/Organics to Fuel Study.” We will also include a section to address the goal to pursue carbon offsets in the project. We will use “The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)” to address greenhouse gas reduction strategies compliance.

  3. Draft Report - Local Carbon Offset Program

    DRAFT White Paper: "Recommendations for Initiating a Local Carbon Offsets Pilot Program for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign"

    Submitted by Stacy Gloss on May 9, 2022

    Conclusions & Recommendations reported below:

    The University of Illinois iCAP calls for reducing emissions from unavoidable travel by purchasing carbon offsets and creating a local carbon offset program.  Program planning and oversight can be achieved with the formation of a committee on carbon offsets and local offsets. Concurrently, the chancellors office should delegate where a carbon-off-set account would be housed – the account needs to be set up to receive and administer funds for competitive projects.

    The most that the iCAP Resilience Committee could do is submit a recommendation to the iWG to convene a campus working group for a local offset program directed by the Chancellor’s office and/or central Sustainability Council; and direct the set-up of an account to receive and administer funds.  Sustainability professionals hired at the University of Illinois could administer the program with oversight from the carbon offsets working group/committee.

    Edits or comments to this paper should be submitted to for review by the iCAP Resilience committee.

    The document can be viewed here:


  4. Carbon Offset Technology Review Project

    iSEE Carbon Offset Program: Technology Research and Options
    Authors: Jane Williams, Rachel Pu, Fina Healy, Natalia Ptaszek, and Angela Andrada

    Students from the ABE469 Capstone Course taught by professor Ann Witmer met over the course of the Spring 2022 semester to research renewable energy technologies and carbon sink projects appropriate for campus and communtiy in our surrounding county-vicinity. The purpose is to provide technology options for the Local Carbon Offset Program described in the iCAP objectives.  A local carbon offset program would be designed to offset staff & faculty travel, and the offset funds generated can be used in local projects that reduce or sequester carbon on campus and in the community. The technologies reviewed by the student engineering team include:

    • solar photovoltaics
    • biodigestor
    • planting trees
    • prairie restoration
    • geothermal heating and cooling

    The final deliverables report and presentation are attached.

  5. older explanation of the RLF

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was set up as a funding source for utility conservation projects with less than ten-year payback periods.  These can include steam, electricity, chilled water, or water reduction projects, and the savings from utility costs are paid back annually to replenish the fund. 

    This fund was originally called for in the 2010 iCAP, as the “clean energy fund.”  It was established in 2012, with funding from the SSC and the Provost.  Within the first year, the President’s Office committed additional funds.  According to the RLF Agreement, any grant funds received for RLF projects in campus-funded utility buildings will be allocated entirely to the RLF.  Thus, the fund can grow over time.  Additionally, the campus agreed to match any additional commitments from the SSC, in the future.

  6. CLMP Public Forum recording + Online survey

    Associated Project(s): 

    CLMP Public Forum meeting recording has been embedded on the F&S website and the iCAP Portal.

    The Public Forum for CLMP was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. View the presentation from the CLMP Public Forum session: Campus Landscape Master Plan Public Forum presentation

    If you were unable to attend the CLMP Public Forum or did not take part in the live polling at the meeting, please take the online survey: This survey is available until Friday, May 13, 2022. Your feedback is important and will be be applied to strategies to guide the campus landscape into the future. Please reference the presentation recording and/or presentation slides from the Public Forum as you proceed through the survey.

    Watch the video on the iCAP Portal here: Campus Landscape Master Plan (CLMP) Public Forum meeting recording

  7. Dump and Run for Spring 2022 is Cancelled

    Associated Project(s): 


    Below is an email from Morgan White describing that the University YMCA plans to only conduct Dump and Run in the fall.

    This led Morgan, F&S, & Housing leadership to decide to delay their version of spring collections until the full-time Zero Waste Coordinator has been hired.



    From: White, Morgan

    Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2022 8:24 AM

    To: Johnson, Bryan Lloyd; Kuehl, Mark A; Hiser, Daniel William; Patterson, Shawn L 

    Cc: Boehm, David ; McKay, James; Sealine, Alma R; Varney, Peter W; Kamarah, Ehab 

    Subject: RE: Dump and Run - arranging a meeting


    Hello everyone,


    Thank you for your patience and willingness regarding the UIUC collaboration with the University YMCA on the Dump and Run. 


    This year, the Board and Leadership of the University Y made the decision to only do Dump and Run in the fall.  In 2021, they had arranged a fall-only collection, followed immediately by a sale in August at the Stock Pavilion.  As they reviewed the impacts of that fall-only sale compared to the collection efforts and impacts for the spring collection and fall sale, they decided to focus solely on the fall sale from now on. 


    Following that news, I spoke with F&S and Housing leadership, and we agreed that it would be best to delay our own version of spring collections until the full time Zero Waste Coordinator has been hired.  This search is approved, and we hope to have a new employee who will report to Pete Varney (and try to fill Shantanu Pai’s shoes) in the next few months.  That person will then work with us to develop an appropriate solution for keeping gently used materials (clothes, books, etc.) out of the landfill during move-out week.


    Thank you all very much, and we will be in touch as plans develop for a spring 2023 collection.


    All my best,




    Acting Director of Capital Programs

    Associate Director of F&S for Sustainability

    Facilities & Services | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  8. Weekly Update: New staffer, Friday Rides

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Friday—warm weather and a Friday—meant a busy day. Rest of the week was slower. A new staffer started last week, which was a great help.

    This week looks warmer so we’ll be busier, likely. Will get some bikes finished and do some more onboarding with new staff. We have a weather radio and a regular radio here now to communicate with DCR staff as needed.

    Our Friday Ride events concluded last Friday with a decent showing and a ride to Meadowbrook and back. I’ll gauge staff interest in keeping them going this summer and we’ll definitely look to restart them in Aug/Sept when students are back full-time.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 53
    Sales: $866
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $340
    Memberships: 7 for $210
    Tubes/tires: 23 for $141


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  9. This Week in Research

    Associated Project(s): 

    ISTC researchers recently validated a system that can achieve up to 95% efficiency in CO₂ capture, significantly reducing the environmental impact of coal-fired power plants. The research team tested the technology at Abbott Power Plant. 

  10. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team had their final meeting of the semester on Friday, April 29. The team met with Shachar Meron, senior lecturer in the Department of Advertising, to discuss iSEE's partnership with the ADV 498 Capstone Course. The iCAP Portal & iSEE Jobs Dashboard were also discussed. Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  11. Developing PCI Targets document and comments

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attached is an article that details the development of Performance Cost Index Targets.

    Below are comments made by Tom Keller on the article:


    • Out of Date Reference - The referenced items are from early 2016 and reference ASHRAE-90.1-2013. These are not our current codes/standards and Appendix G has changed since 2013.
    • UIUG Goals - 25% new construction and 20% major renovation (for UIUC Standard facilities) is indeed appropriate. It was developed in a collaborative effort with the UIUC stakeholders and analyzed by qualified professional to be reasonable and considerate of our goals. Is someone (possibly UES) suggesting that we should lower the efficiency goals?
    • Standards – The standards were not developed completely by me. These standards were developed in a highly collaborative effort and analyzed by qualified professionals (including myself) to be appropriate and practical.
    • They are for the most part currently assigned to Morgan and myself.
    • Personal Agendas/due diligence – Please further clarify this. I have not found this to be true (quite the opposite in fact). Can you provide specific examples of this?
    • TJK comment – A single consultant (IMEG) and a single non-standard project (Undergrad Library) have expressed/had difficulty with meeting the goal. On one occasion IMEG was indeed able to comply and be within the project established parameters (DIA – Ubben). For UL, a proper variance was approved for 17.4% in lieu of full 20% based mainly on the archival special processes.
      • NOTE – Based on this, Jim S. and I collaborated on “scrubbing” the standards (assigned to me) this round. We did find some confusing wording that was clarified and may help the consultants (IMEG) in the future. This was also collaborated with Morgan W., Rob R., and Scott W. (as I recall).
    Attached Files: 
