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- Associated Project(s):
Sierra Club article about carbon removal
Water bottle reduction at the Union
Associated Project(s):Per J.B. Bailey, the Assistant Director for Programming, the Union includes marketing on all events that the Union has water filling stations near where the event is occurring and encouraging students to bring their own bottles to fill up there. The goal is that this will allow us to reduce the amount of disposable cups we provide at our events where drinks are provided. The board has also discussed not providing plastic water bottles as give-a-ways moving forward.
SSC Semesterly Report: Campus Contributions to Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):SSC received a semesterly report for Fall 2021 for the Campus Contributions to Dump and Run on 06/16/2022. Please see attached.
Meeting with Lisa Jackson re: new student swag
Associated Project(s):Meredith Moore and Jennifer Fraterrigo met with Dr. Lisa Jackson, Director of New Student Programs within Student Affairs to discuss new student swag. The goal is to promote sustainability and reduce plastic waste. The meeting notes are attached.
Attached Files:Meeting to Discuss Quote Revisions and Test Dates
Associated Project(s):On 6/15/2022, Morgan White, Sterling Laylock, Ali Khan, Maria Thompson, and Alec McKay met to discuss revisions to the quote for the HVAC and Air Quality Assessment tests, and to confirm a date to start testing, which is July 22, 2022.
SSC Extension Request for Dump and Run
Associated Project(s):An extension request was submitted for Dump and Run, an SSC-funded project. This request addressed a change in the project's scope, including ending a partnership with the University YMCA, potential rebranding, and new initiatives for UIUC-led collection programs.
See the scope change in the attached files.
Environmental Justice in the Local Communities - Meeting with Bob Flider
Associated Project(s):Stacy Gloss, Morgan White, and Meredith Moore met with Bob Flider on 6-2-22 to discuss next steps in working with the community to develop an Environmental Justice plan (Resilience and Equity plan). The meeting notes are attached.
Attached Files:Weekly Update: Donations, Closed on Friday for Juneteenth
Associated Project(s):All, We’re still working our way through our donations windfall. Open hours have been steadily busy, but it’ll be interesting to see how the extreme heat of the next couple weeks impacts visit numbers.
We are selling bikes about as fast as we can build them, especially since we’ve been too busy to build much during shop hours.
This week we will only be open Monday/Wednesday and closed Friday for Juneteenth (observed).
The numbers:
Visitors: 31
Sales: $915.30
Memberships: 2 for $60
Bikes: 3 for $595
Tires/tubes: 7 for $60Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorRequest to Use Learning Materials in Land & Water Theme
Associated Project(s):Below is sustainability intern, Alec McKay's permission request to use Jonathan Tomkin's lecture materials for the Land & Water theme. Professor Tomkin gave permission for his materials to be published on the theme page.
Hi Jonathan!
My name is Alec McKay, the guy who messed up scheduling the ENSU 310 final last semester, and I’m an intern working for Morgan White, the Associate Director for Sustainability. We’re working on updating the primary projects on the iCAP Portal. Here is an example of what the primary project page for the Land & Water theme looks like:
Our target audience is incoming freshmen and current students who are interested in sustainability at UIUC but have little to no knowledge about it. One of the things we want a primary project page to do is provide some motivation and background information for the theme. In the context of Land & Water, we’d like to answer the question, “Why conserve water?”
I think some of the videos from your Introduction to Sustainability Coursera course would be great for this! May I have your permission to put some of the videos from your course on the iCAP Portal? I don’t know how the copyright and intellectual property laws work, so is there any specific way you would want or need to be credited?
If you want more information regarding what we’re changing on the iCAP portal, feel free to let me know!
Veo - May 2022 ridership overview
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the ridership overview for the month of May 2022.
Attached Files:May 2022 Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the May 2022 Buyer's Share amounts by hour, totaling 2,544.1 Megawatt hours.
The May 2022 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:review of progress and plans for FY23
Associated Project(s):Professor Yun Yi, Tom Keller, Kelly Jo Hoffmann, and Morgan White met to review the progress on the Energy Models for Campus Facilities project.
The Energy models were created for these facilities by an Architecture class:
- 0154 – Personnel Services Bldg. – Packaged chiller, steam perimeter heat, constant volume fan-coil units.
- 1528 – African Am. Cultural Ctr. – VAV.
- 0209 – Speech and Hearing – AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. VAV.
- 0075 – Children’s Research Ctr. - AHUs replaced recently and a small/medium sized building. Constant volume re-heat.
There were two model types created for each facility, and a pdf report. Dr. Yi has sent us the energy models, and he will send us the pdf reports. We can share those with the Energy iCAP Team, UES, and put them into the FIR records.
Dr. Yi will meet with Tom to review the energy model details and provide access to the energy modeling software for us to review the actual native files.
We will proceed with doing this again, so how do we identify the buildings to do? Criteria? We would prefer many smaller buildings over a few larger buildings. Energy modeling software is also not sophisticated enough for Here are some potential options:
- RIPE Greenhouse
- Transportation Building
- Architecture Building
- Lincoln Hall
- Fred Turner Student Services Building
- Harker Hall
- ACES Library
Yun will review this list, and talk with F&S again to finalize the building selection for this coming year. Then we need to provide drawings, via FIR. Yun will identify a TA for the class, and potentially the summer as well. Yun will find a TA to replace Fizza Hassan, since she graduated.
Weekly Update: Bicycle Donations
Associated Project(s):All, We were closed Monday for Memorial Day and so were only open W/F last week.
Thanks to the generosity of a local bike shop, we were absolutely inundated with donations—something to the tune of 15-20 bikes. Then two community folks dropped off even more donations. Needless to say, I’ll be processing these all week.
I dropped off flyers with WRC last week, too, in the hopes of expanding our reach to folks that haven’t already come into CBC.
The numbers:
Visitors: 15
Sales: $557.95
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $180
Build-a-bike: 1 for $30Memberships: 4 for $120
Tires/tubes (new/used): 12 for $76Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorMap My Emissions link
Associated Project(s):"Transportation of all kinds accounts for nearly a quarter of global CO2 emissions(Opens in a new window). Commuters often have little choice about how they can get to work. But even if they make a concerted effort by using tools like Map My Emissions(Opens in a new window), which calculates how much CO2 commuting options generate, it’s hard to beat the zero emissions generated by walking from one room to another." per
Tagging started
Associated Project(s):Started the tagging of all bicycles left on campus on June 4, 2022.
Spring 2022: iSEE Quarterly Update (iQ)
Associated Project(s):The Spring 2022 iSEE Quarterly Update (iQ) was released with the following message from Madhu Khanna, the Interim Director of iSEE:
Greetings Colleagues,
Attached, please find the Spring 2022 edition of iQ, our quarterly update. You will see that in this six-page pdf recapping the recent semester, we had plenty of news and updates from our research, education, events, and campus sustainability fronts.
But the work did not end there! Since the semester ended, we have had two other exciting announcements:
- The U of I campus was rewarded with the only USDA NIFA “Farm of the Future” grant. Our I-FARM project will be an 80-acre testbed for merging technology, sensing, and agronomy into a farm setting with crops and livestock that will be productive and profitable. Read our June 1 news release >>>
- In addition, for the fifth consecutive time, our campus reached Gold-level status in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) run by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). New solar and geothermal energy projects, a reduction in water use, and wide-ranging sustainability research helped us reach this level yet again. Read the May 25 news release >>>
For more up-to-date news from iSEE, please sign up for our E-newsletter at
Best wishes for a healthy and productive summer,
Attached Files:Weekly Update: Grabbing scraps; Safety Checking bikes
Associated Project(s):All, I was out most of last week and my staff ably handled running the shop in my absence. This week we’ll only be open W/F due to the Memorial Day holiday.
Thanks to Todd for grabbing scrap over the weekend as we were getting quite full on that. Still have a few more bikes to strip.
This week I am meeting with a prospective new hire, a U of I dad who is involved with a similar non-profit group in Boise, ID (of all places), and safety-checking a few bikes that’ll help us build our for-sale inventory back up.
The numbers:
Visitors: 21
Sales: $1,043.00
Bikes (refurb): 3 for $550
Memberships: 6 for $180
Tire/tubes (new/used): 10 for $77
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorOrange tags from Parking
Associated Project(s):Brandon Alexander, from Parking, printed and delivered about 3000 orange sticker tags for us to use for the abandoned bicycle project. Sarthak's intern added the "Remove by" date and the "Tag ID" to each of these tags. See attached the tag
Attached Files:ArcGIS Field Maps application to be used for tagging abandoned bicycles
Associated Project(s):Sarthak Prasad worked with Chad Kupferschmid, from F&S FIR, to develop an electric way to tag bicycles on campus and mark them on a GIS based map. Chad developed the Field Maps application for this project. We would use it in three phases:
Phase 1: Initial tagging of the bicycles - Only Tag ID and Comments section available
Phase 2: Confirming the abandoned bicycles - New field (Abandoned or not) would be available
Phase 3: Inventory of the impounded bicycles - Once confirmed, the Parking department would remove the bicycle and transport them to the Round Barns, where Sarthak Prasad along with his intern will inventory all the impounded bicycles. During this phase, more fields - Make/model information, Bike Registration information, Serial Number information, pictures, etc. would be available
This app was ready for us to use by the end of May