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- Associated Project(s):
Sarthak met with Gabe Lewis to talk about Electric Vehicles and EV charging
Associated Project(s):On May 24, Sarthak Prasad met with Gabe Lewis to talk about EVs. Gabe is the Transportation Planner at the Champaign County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC) and he currently leads the RPC Tech Committee which consists of 7 members – Champaign, Urbana, Savoy, Rantoul, St. Joseph, Mahomet, and Champaign County. Most recently, they had been talking about the feasibility of EVs in urban as well as the rural areas in the county.
We talked about the US DOT's Charging Forward, an EV toolkit, that is primarily focused on EV Charging in the rural areas:
We also talked about Clean City Coalition. State of Illinois does not have a coalition, but Chicago has one and we could potentially reach out to them:
Also discussed the federal funding available through National EV Infrastructure (NEVI), Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), State and Local Planning for Energy (, and EV Pro Lite (
Lighting Retrofits are important - article in Popular Science
Associated Project(s):“Incandescent bulbs use more energy and produce more heat due to their engineering designs,” says Paul Foote, energy efficiency and conservation specialist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It’s important to shift to more energy-efficient alternatives to reduce the environmental impacts of incandescent bulbs from the utilization of fossil fuels for electricity, he added.
By mandating a minimum light output or lumens per watt, manufacturers make sure all bulbs can effectively light up a room, which ensures that consumers will avoid overusing energy with substandard bulbs to get the same level of brightness, says Foote. “When upgrading from incandescent bulbs to LEDs, we have noticed a 60 percent decrease in energy consumption on average, and therefore energy cost avoidance has reduced our utility bill by similar amounts for lighting,” he adds.
Popular Science interviewed Paul Foote at F&S as part of their article about the importance of lighting retrofits. the full article is available online at
Building walkthrough
Associated Project(s):ICRT, F&S, and GCOE staff met at the Transportation Building today to prep for the Envelope Blower Door Test Saturday.
meeting with F&S and iSEE about Zero Waste programs
Associated Project(s):iSEE and F&S met to discuss commodity recyclables at F&S and the interest in looking at getting Coke to buy our PET, the Zero Waste messaging campaign and potential collaboration with Coke on the messaging for our Use the Bin campaign. Also, Coke offers a tailgate package that may be helpful in our conversations about increasing recycling at athletic events.
rough math on bottles bought vs. bottles recycled
Associated Project(s):36,000 bottles in one ton, 40 tons = 1.44 M bottles/year recycled by F&S Waste Management.
The attached slide show includes a section about plastic waste reduction.
Attached Files:Paper Bottles
Associated Project(s):From: Heaton, Emily <heaton6 at>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2022 9:55 AM
To: Kidwell, Kimberlee K <kkidwell at>
Subject: from our meeting now - paper bottlesHi Kim,
As we move to a circular carbon economy and consider a pulping plant in central Illinois, this paper bottle company looks interesting. Has opportunity for people to buy bottles and to start manufacturing Also compostable with a screw on top!
Weekly Update: Very busy last week, Reduced hours for summer, bike donations
Associated Project(s):All, The semester is over, and the students have left. For summer we’re down to just a couple of folks. And of course, Friday was super busy all day but we were lucky to be well-staff for the last day of the semester as staff report that it remained ASF (All Stands Full) until after close. We’ll see how busy we are this week.
We’ve reduced hours to M/W/F in accordance with projected diminished demand and staff availability. As we get more staff hired/onboarded and demand is there, we’ll bump hours back up.
We received 10 direct donations last week with I’d guess about half being students.
The numbers:
Visitors: 38Sales: $854.60
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $370
Memberships: 3 for $90
Tire/tubes: 7 for $61Thanks!
Jacob Benjamin
Campus Bike Center CoordinatorArbor Day 2022 featured in F&S Insider
Associated Project(s):Our campus celebrated Arbor Day with the planting of a sugar maple on the south quad, on April 29, 2022. To read about the event, see the F&S publication Insider article below.
Arbor Day 2022 - INSIDER (
Meeting between Sarthak Prasad, Morgan White, and Robert O'Daniell
Associated Project(s):Robert O'Daniell met with Morgan and me on Friday, May 13, 2022. We talked about the following topics:
- The University's upcoming task force for EVs. There will be two task forces -
- On-campus
- Community
- Reserve List for new EVs - backlog of about 18 months. Ford is not putting more people on this list now.
- How much EVs/Hybrids save over time
- With the Tax credits and saving on fuel, the cost is very comparable and sometimes cheaper than gasoline car
- Maintenance cost of EVs are very low
- EV Town initiative at Bloomington/Normal area
- QwikTrip chargers
- None currently in Champaign
- We talked about possibly adding Solar Arc at Lincoln & Florida parking lot
- I will look at the product and possibly ask SSC for funding in the future
- We also talked about the people Robert has reached out to so far
- EV-Go
- Electrify America
- Where to place a Fast Charger in Champaign-Urbana?
- I will connect Robert with Gabe Lewis at CCRPC.
Robert also provided some documents that were updated from last meeting with me (Introductory meeting with Robert O'Daniell)
- The University's upcoming task force for EVs. There will be two task forces -
National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: May 17, 2022
Associated Project(s):National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: May 17, 2022
EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on May 17, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public.
Registration Link:
- Leadership Updates
- Focus Topic: Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience & Sustainability Grants
- Focus Topic: Dialogue on Proposed Regional Equity and Capacity Hubs (please check our website soon for a fact sheet)
- Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
- Engagement Session and Dialogue: Q&A about ongoing EJ initiatives
The purpose of these calls is to inform the community and other stakeholders about EPA's EJ work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates.
Please email by May 13, 2022 to request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a language other than English, so that you can participate in the call and/or to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other than English.
For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please email or
Recordings and meeting materials for all calls are posted here:
For up-to-date information about Environmental Justice funding opportunities, events, and webinars, subscribe to EPA's Environmental Justice listserv by sending a blank email to: Follow us on Twitter: @EPAEnvJustice
Para recibir información actualizada sobre oportunidades de financiamiento de Justicia Ambiental, eventos y seminarios web, suscríbase al listserve de Justicia Ambiental de la EPA enviando un mensaje en blanco de correo electrónico a: Síganos en Twitter: @EPAEnvJustice.
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For more options, visit Choice Survey ended
Associated Project(s):Mode Choice Survey ended on May 2, 2022. We have received 620 responses from our faculty, staff, and students. F&S TDM will analyze the data in May 2022 and publish a report in the summer.
Information on Electric Vehicles from Gabriel Lewis
Associated Project(s):The following is an email sent from Gabriel Lewis to Morgan White regarding EV research.
Hi Morgan,
I’m doing research for the local municipalities on Electric Vehicles (EVs), to start out with a literature review.
Katie Simpson in Savoy mentioned that you/UIUC were starting discussions last fall about researching EVs as well. I know it’s a broad topic, but are they any updates or information I should be aware of from the University side?
I found a couple of relevant search results online:- iCAP EV Task Force – an objective in FY22 is to form this task force – any update on this?
- iCAP Install Public Use EV Charging Stations webpage
- EV Charging info on the Parking Department website
I think we’re most interested right now in how to provide sufficient charging infrastructure in buildings (via retrofits and requirements for new buildings) and in public places (streets, parking lots, municipal facilities, recreational facilities, etc.).
GabeVeo - April 2022 ridership overview
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the ridership overview for the month of April 2022. Veo introduced Cosmo-e in April 2022 in Champaign and Urbana. These cosmo-e are not allowed to be parked or use the throttle on-campus on University property.
Attached Files:Eco-Counter set installed and activated at Green and Goodwin
Associated Project(s):A set of Eco-Counters were installed at the intersection of Green St and Goodwin Ave by Loomis Laboratory on Monday, May 9, 2022. This was a new set of counters with no groundbox, purchased in October 2021. This set of Eco-Counter was purchased using the SSC funding. These counters were activated on May 10, 2022, and they are now collecting and transmitting data. See attached the pictures of these counters.
April Resilience iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):On Wednesday, May 4th, the Resilience iCAP Team had their last meeting of the semester. The team discussed updates on projects such as the Environmental Justice Plan, the Sustainability clinic and plans for summer. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Veo - March 2022 ridership overview
Associated Project(s):Please see attached the ridership overview for the month of March2022.
Attached Files:Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):Following the completion of iWG assessment for Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs, the recommendation was transmitted to Bob Flider, Director of Community and Government Relations with the Office of Public Engagement on 5/9/22.
See submittal of Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs recommendation here.
All are invited to attend EPA National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call 5/17/22
Associated Project(s):National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call: May 17, 2022
EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on May 17, 2022 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public.
Registration Link:
- Leadership Updates
- Focus Topic: Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience & Sustainability Grants
- Focus Topic: Dialogue on Proposed Regional Equity and Capacity Hubs (please check our website soon for a fact sheet)
- Upcoming Engagement Opportunities
- Engagement Session and Dialogue: Q&A about ongoing EJ initiatives
The purpose of these calls is to inform the community and other stakeholders about EPA's EJ work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with EJ advocates.
Please email by May 13, 2022 to request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a language other than English, so that you can participate in the call and/or to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other than English.
For more information about the National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Calls, please email or
Recordings and meeting materials for all calls are posted here:
iWG Meeting Minutes 4-19-22
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Working Group met on 4-19-22 and discussed the following agenda:
- ZW007 Composting Committee (Alexa Smith and Sydney Trimble)
- ZW008 Adopt a Highway/Drain (Alexa Smith and Sydney Trimble)
- Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs (Stacy Gloss)
- Updates
- Earth Month – Meredith
The meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files: