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Projects Updates for place: Neutral Cycle

  1. ISSS newsletter- new academic year! 8/25/23

    Sarthak sent announcements (to Caitlin Kaparaz) to be added to the ISSS newsletter (publishing on August 25):

    1. Reclaim Your Abandoned Bike
      Every summer, F&S tags and removes all abandoned bikes. If you left your bike and want to reclaim it, email and include where it was located, the make/model, color, and serial number, if possible. Bike registration information or other documentation will be needed to prove ownership (e.g., pictures). Deadline to reclaim your bicycle: Friday, September 22. All unclaimed bicycles will be donated after that date.
    2. Light the Night – Free Bike Light Giveaway
      The 16th annual Light the Night is Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 4 to 7 p.m., at Alma Mater Plaza, Hallene Gateway, and Ikenberry Commons Quad. You MUST bring your bike to get a light set. Approximately 1,000 bike light sets will be available this year. Remember, bike lights are required by Illinois law when riding at night. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please sign up here.
    3. Celebrate Bike to Work Day on September 14 and Receive a Free T-Shirt
      Ride your bike to campus on Thursday, Sept. 14, and get a free t-shirt! Welcome stations will be set up across the area from 7 – 10 a.m., including eight U of I locations. Celebrate Champaign County Bike to Work Day with others by stopping in for refreshments and snacks. You must bring your bicycle and pre-register at to get the shirt!

    Optional announcement

    • Register your bicycle
      Bicycle registration is mandatory for all bicycles parked or operated on campus and owned by students, staff, faculty, University departments, and community members. There is a one-time $10 registration fee per bicycle. All bicycle registrants will enter a raffle for a chance to win a U-lock or a Helmet. Learn more about the bicycle registration raffle. Contact if you have questions regarding bicycle registration.
  2. Digital signage added

    Two new digital signs were added to campus buildings

    1. Bike Registration: from 8/21/2023 until 11/20/2023 (
    2. Abandoned bicycles retrieval: from 8/21/2023 to 9/22/2023 (
  3. Contract renewed for Project 529 for FY24

    Associated Project(s): 

    The contract with Project 529 was renewed to continue our partnership in the FY24. This will allow our students, faculty, staff, and community members access to a national bicycle registration system.

    The contract was signed by Project 529 on 6/27/2023 and it was submitted to Contracts+ for UIUC signatures.

  4. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2023

  5. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) fall 2022

  6. Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) spring 2022

    Please see attached the final presentation for the CTAC spring 2022. We also talked about abandoned bicycles and Campus Landscape Master Plan during this meeting. Also watch the meeting recording and read the chat from during the meeting:

  7. 15 permanent bicycle registration signs installed

    15 metal signs to promote bicycle registration have been installed. These locations are:

    1. Snyder Hall
    2. Weston Hall
    3. Bike Shelter (new) by Flagg Hall
    4. Nugent Hall
    5. Hopkins Hall – covered bike parking
    6. Bousfield Hall – covered bike parking
    7. South of Wassaja Hall – covered bike parking
    8. Busey Evans
    9. Allen Hall
    10. LAR
    11. ISR (new bike racks on North side)
    12. ISR - North East location - 64 bike racks
    13. Illini Union South
    14. Illini Union North
    15. ARC
  8. Weekly Update: Increased bicycle registration; Getting very busy!

    All, We’re getting legitimately busy nowadays! We’ll be keeping an eye on overall capacity and having to limit some visitors soon.

    I’m scrambling to finish more bikes to capitalize on the surging demand but we’ll likely sell out this week or next.

    Over the weekend we’ve gotten over 50 bike registration notifications so it’s likely we’ll see an uptick in registration pick-ups here.

    We had a patron come in on Friday who’s an RA at LAR and took all of our rack card flyers to hand out to his students—hopefully that’ll bump up our applications.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 41
    Sales: $1,362.60
    Bikes (refurb): 6 for $940
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tires/tubes: 8 for $42
    U-locks: 6 or $126


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  9. Final bicycle registration sign and work order details

    Please see attached the final bicycle registration sign design in JPEG and PDF formats. We have received approvals from Housing to put up these signs in the major high traffic bicycle parking locations, mainly in the SDRP, LAR, FAR/PAR, and Busey Evans bicycle parking areas. We are also looking at Illini Union and ARC for these signs in this cycle, but dependent on funding.

    Sarthak Prasad has submitted a work order to fabricate and install the bike registration signs at these locations (as mentioned in previous project updates). The Work Order number is 10885468.

  10. Bike Registration Signs: 7/25 meeting between Sarthak and Shayna

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below are the 12 locations we can put up the signs. Additionally, after looking at you map, I agree with all the location for the signs.

    1. Snyder Hall
    2. Weston Hall
    3. Hopkins Hall
    4. Nugent Hall
    5. Taft Van Doren
    6. FAR/PAR
    7. Busey/Evans
    8. Allen Hall
    9. LAR
    10. ISR
    11. Illini Union
    12. ARC

    Today we discussed the 10-12 location we are ready to place the bike signs once they are made. Once the work order is submitted soon, the signs will take around two weeks to produce and we are hoping to have everything, including the placement of the signs, done by early September. Currently, the cost of each sign ranges from $60-$75 with an additional $200 for installation of all signs. We hope to complete 12 signs and make more if our budget allows.

  11. Bike Registration Signs: 6/26 meeting between Sarthak and Shayna

    Associated Project(s): 

    In today’s meeting, we discussed the email we received from ARC about location and size of our signs. We are sticking with the size we discussed earlier, 12x18, and the idea is to mount them on posts. However, that will have an additional cost so the range of signs and posts we can produce will be around 10-15. That will be enough to target our priority locations. Before the next meeting with the ARC on Tuesday, we have to finalize a map with the specific locations pinpointed with images. This map will be created by Sarthak Prasad because he will be using the Bike Census information.

  12. Bike Registration Signs: 5/30 meeting between Sarthak and Shayna

    Associated Project(s): 

    Today we discussed the next steps of finalizing a design for the signs and narrowing down on locations. I was tasked with prioritizing the locations. The dorms would get first priority, the other big locations got second priority (like the Union), and third priority was any other location. After we complete these two, we can get confirmation from the Architectural Review Committee.

    Below, I have added the link for the map with all the locations, and a list of the location in priority order.

    First Priority:

    • Snyder Hall
    • Weston Hall
    • Scott Hall
    • Hopkins Hall
    • Wassaja Hall
    • Nugent Hall
    • Barton and Lundgren
    • Taft Van Doren
    • FAR
    • PAR
    • Busey/Evans
    • Allen Hall
    • LAR
    • ISR

    Second Priority:

    • Illini Union
    • Grainger Library
    • South Quad
    • Transit Plaza

    Third Priority:

    • Krannert Center
    • CRCE
    • ARC
    • Armory
    • Memorial Stadium
    • Bardeen Quad
    • ECEB
    • Neutral Cycle
  13. Bike Registration Signs: 5/16 meeting between Sarthak and Shayna

    Associated Project(s): 

    Today we discussed the next steps in the bicycle registration project on campus. We looked at the previous design for the lawn signs, and after looking at the new ones, I was tasked with cutting some of the text and enlarging the QR Code. I will send over the file after these adjustments so the design can be uploaded on Adobe software or something similar. We are also looking forward to hearing if the signs can be metal plated instead of corrugated plastic so that they may last longer. This might be a bit more expensive, so that would mean fewer lawn signs and location. Though, there are around ten left over signs from last year. In terms of locations, I will be pinning all the locations on a Google Map to make the information more accessible. We also discussed other ways to broadcast this information and we will contact residential directors of the dorms and see if they can include information about bike registration when they welcome incoming students. Spreading the information on other social media is also an option. Lastly, we will be meeting in around two weeks to discuss where we are at and the next steps.
