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Projects Updates for Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)

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  1. Scope change approved: iSEE Green Labs Intern

    The SSC approved a scope change for the Green Labs Intern project to allow the funding to be used for the larger Greener Campus program, and to revise the schedule to have an expiration date of June 30, 2023. The project contact is Meredith Moore at iSEE.

  2. 2021-2022 Student Sustainability Committee Member Application

    The Student Sustainability Committee is seeking undergraduate and graduate students interested in applying for a voting member position for the 2021-2022 academic year. Applicants are not required to have a sustainability or STEM background. Any dedicated student interested in promoting campus sustainability is encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply is May 14, 2021.


    Student Sustainability Committee • Student Success and Engagement


    2021-2022 Student Sustainability Committee Member Application

  3. Applications for SSC Student-Led Projects Under $10,000

    SSC is now accepting applications for Student-Led Projects Under $10,000 for its first funding cycle of the semester. The deadline for this initial round of funding is March 31. Join one of the virtual working group meetings on 3/22/2021 or 3/24/2021 for help with applying!

    March 18–31

    Samuel Yoo • Student Success and Engagement

    Applications for SSC Student-Led Projects Under $10,000


  4. First Team Meeting for Building Envelope Pilot Project

    The Building Envelope Pilot Project team held the first of three large meetings planned for the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is funded in Spring 2021 with the SSC and Carbon Credit Sales funding. F&S, ICRT, and a student representative met to confirm the scope for the thermal imaging and blower door testing. We started with introductions of the team members and a general voerview of the pilot project.  Then ICRT leadership provided background information about ICRT, envelope commissioning benefits and processes, and initial expectations for the requirements to complete this project at the Transportation Building. At the end of the call, we defined next steps for getting the thermoimaging vendor on contract, specifying the equipment needs for the blower door testing, and scheduling the actual testing day. A tentative date to consider is April 13th, which is a non-instructional day this spring.

  5. Open House for SSC

    The Student Sustainability Committee Open House

    The Student Sustainability will be hosting an Open House event on Monday, February 8th at 6:00 PM (CT) via Zoom. We invite you and hope you can invite a friend to attend this exciting event. Students will discover more about the committee members, working groups, and be part of a general member. For now, join our SSC group chat, Discord! Scan the QR code and the event to this flyer. 

    February 8, 6 pm • Zoom Event

    Student Sustainability Committee • Student Engagement

  6. Scope Change for Pollinator Awareness Sign

    The following scope change was submitted to SSC for the Pollinator Awareness Sign:

    Originally, there were no signs at all on campus showing how pollinator friendly the campus is. Now there are four; and the University is now considered part of Bee Campus USA. Now we want to add a bigger sign outlining the bee campus student organization, progress the campus has made, and changes the university implemented to be more pollinator friendly. This sign will include an acknowledgment of the SSC funding for the signs and for several of the pollinator friendly plantings around campus.

    The funding does not need to be increased, but we are requesting a schedule extension of one year.  The design of the sign is anticipated to take at least one month, so that students can assist with the content development, then the sign will be ordered, and since it may be winter –time when the sign is ready for installation, we may not be able to install it until the spring thaw. Please approve an extension to May 2021.


    Read the Scope Change in its entirety in the attached files below.

  7. SSC Funding Approved for Improving UI Campus Land Sustainability with Cover Crops

    The SSC approved $47,572.00 in funding for the "Improving UI Campus Land Sustainability with Cover Crops" project. The award expires on 12/16/2022.

  8. Re-Home Wall Rehab and Siding

  9. Funding Award: Living Lab Platform for CIF geothermal

  10. Precious Plastic Campus Recycling Hub
