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Project Listing

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Theme Status Project
Energy Proposed Speech and Hearing Rooftop Solar PVs
Energy Completed Everitt Laboratory Renovation: LEED Gold
Energy Cancelled Rooftop Wind Vertical Turbines on PPSB
Energy Ongoing Freezer Challenge
Energy Ongoing Geothermal Monitoring Well on Bardeen Quad
Energy Completed FY10 RCx
Energy Completed SSC Solar Feasibility Study
Energy Completed TBH Lighting Project
Energy Completed Surveying Building: LEED Gold
Energy Ongoing Clean Power Agreements Off-Campus
Energy Proposed Methane Capture on Campus
Energy Proposed ECIP Championship Challenge
Energy Completed Geothermal at the Fruit Farm Admin Building
Energy Ongoing Computers and Technology
Energy Completed Weatherization of Small Campus Buildings
Energy Completed Illini Union 104 & 222 Lighting
Energy Ongoing Facility Standards
Energy Ongoing Improve Space Utilization
Energy Completed T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit
Energy Ongoing LED Interior Lights
Energy Completed Ikenberry Dining Hall: LEED Silver
Energy Completed Lincoln Hall Renovation: LEED Platinum
Energy Completed Football Performance Center: LEED Silver
Energy Completed ICECF 2009 Lighting Retrofit
Energy Proposed Biogasification
Energy Completed InSPIRE Solar Powered Outdoors Table (SPOT)
Energy Completed ECE Net-Zero Energy Building
Energy Completed Geothermal at the Campus Instructional Facility (CIF)
Energy Ongoing Eco-Olympics
Energy Ongoing Wind Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
Energy Ongoing Explore Options for 100 Percent Clean Campus Energy
Transportation Ongoing Bicycle Safety Materials
Transportation Ongoing Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC)
Transportation Completed FY12 SSC Bike Parking Upgrades
Transportation Ongoing Reduce Emissions from Transportation
Transportation Completed C-U Sharing the Road Video
Transportation Ongoing Walking Tours and Events
Transportation Ongoing Increase Public Transportation Use
Transportation Completed FY09 SSC Bike Parking Upgrades
Transportation Completed Bike Sharing Feasibility Study
Transportation Completed 'UI Bikes' LINC Class
Transportation Ongoing Evaluation & Planning for Bicycles
Transportation Completed University District Crosswalk Project
Transportation Ongoing Support High Speed Rail Plans for Illinois
Transportation Completed Bikeway Conceptual Designs
Transportation Completed Multimodal Corridor Enhancement Project (MCORE)
Transportation Cancelled F&S Indoor Bike Parking
Transportation Ongoing Reduce Emissions from Business Travel
Transportation Completed iWalk Toolkit
Transportation Ongoing Install Curb Bump Outs for Pedestrian Safety
