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Project Updates for collection: 2015 iCAP Objectives


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  1. South Farm Management Plan recommendation - Assessment Started

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on March 14th, 2018 to discuss the ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan recommendation. We were joined by Bruce Branham and Colleen Williams from the ALUFS SWATeam to explain the objectives behind the recommendation.

    The iWG started the assessment on March 14th, 2018, and their draft assessment of the recommendation was:

    The iWG recommends that the Dean of ACES charges a committee to develop a management plan (as described by the SWATeam) to promote sustainable practices on South Farm. Committee should include Farm Managers, faculty experts including ACES, PRI and water scholars, and students. The plan should include the assessment of the current status, evaluation of operational and financial impacts, and impediments to Best Management Practices.

    See SWATeam recommendation ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan here.

  2. Illini Union cooling towers removed

    The Illini Union has demolished its old cooling towers for HVAC in the past 15 years, and recently demolished the old evaporator cooling system for the refrigeration chilling water in 2017. Almost all of our HVAC is now on DDC, with the exception of AHU’s 1, 2, & 3 in the South Building attic, and AHU-21 in the North Building NW subbasement.

  3. ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan Recommendation - Submittal

    The ALUFS SWATeam submitted a recommendation to the iWG stating, "A committee of ACES faculty, farm personnel, and iSEE members will develop a comprehensive and cooperative management plan for all non-research agricultural land on the UIUC South farms that promotes sustainable practices and implements current best management practices. The plan should account for crop rotations, soil management, nutrient application, and pest management. This strategy must consider the needs and wishes of the departments that rely on the productivity of this land for financial return. The plan should offer detailed recommendations, costs of implementation, and estimated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from adopted practices. The committee should include faculty with expertise in biogeochemistry as well as staff responsible for agricultural production."

    See attached the SWATeam recommendation ALUFS004 South Farm Management Plan complete with comments from all the ALUFS SWATeam members.

  4. SSC and F&S to host Free to Ride film screening

    Free To Ride, a documentary produced by The Ohio State University's Kirwan Institute, highlights the relentless spirit of community leaders from across Dayton, Ohio who overcame a suburban contingent fearfully opposed to the expansion of public transit along a commercial corridor, and the system of checks and balances that allowed justice and reason to prevail.


    This event is free and open to the public. Join us on March 7th at 4pm in room 112 at the Transportation Building.

    Event Details:

    Attached Files: 
  5. Water and Stormwater SWATeam Meeting 2/6/2018

    Meeting topics included potential for the team to move forward with a water audit of campus buildings, ways that nitrogen runoff could be monitored, and incentives the Parking Department would have in following through with adding green infrastructure to parking projects.

    Attached Files: 
  6. Final project reports for Fall 2017

    The CEE 398 Project Based Learning and the Sustainability Minor's ENVS 492 Capstone students completed their nine fall 2017 reports.

    There were five projects completed for capstone partners:

    1. Energy Dashboards for Accenture
    2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Johnson Controls
    3. Food Hub Study for The Land Connection
    4. Sensors and Green Buildings for CERL
    5. Biomass Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for Chip Energy

    There were four other projects completed by CEE students:

    1. Rain Garden Design
    2. Solar and Green Roofs Analysis
    3. Food Waste to Energy
    4. ADA Sidewalk Repair Cost Analysis
  7. archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    The 2015 iCAP chapter 8, objective 2 is, "By the end of FY17, develop an administrative mechanism to enable campus units to voluntarily purchase carbon offsets." During FY17, iSEE is executing a campuswide purchase of offsets. A starting inventory of carbon offsets will be put into a Virtual Storeroom, for internal purchases by campus units.  Through this website, units can directly engage in emission reductions, with the benefit of the initial bulk purchase.

    The Carbon Credit sales funding has been approved by Director of iSEE Evan DeLucia and Interim Executive Director of F&S Helen Coleman for buying 10,000 additional carbon offsets, to provide the initial inventory for a new Virtual Storeroom for carbon offsets.


    If your department is interested in reducing your carbon footprint from air travel (or other things), you can go online to the Virtual Storeroom and purchase (using a CFOP) offsets from iSEE.  iSEE will collect the funds from these sales to replenish the Carbon Offset storeroom inventory when it gets low.

    Some campus units (or individual faculty or staff) may wish to voluntarily offset their carbon emissions, for example, from air travel to scholarly meetings. iSEE could work with the Office of Business and Financial Services (OBFS) to develop an administrative mechanism that would allow such units to “buy in” to periodic campuswide purchases of verified offsets.

    By the end of FY 17, iSEE helps develop the virtual storeroom which stocks the carbon offsets instead of tangible goods. The carbon offsets will be stored in a virtual storeroom, where units can buy offsets to reduce their carbon emissions for any reason. For example, you can buy them to reduce the carbon emissions of steam, electricity, even university cars, and air travel, which is the main carbon emission source that needs offsets rather than reduction, according to the iCAP. The money what we spend in the virtual storeroom will be collected in a fund that will be used for the purchase of more carbon offsets, when the inventory is low.

  8. IWG Meeting Minutes November 30, 2017

  9. EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 recommendation - Assessment with all comments

    The iCAP Working Group (iWG) met on October 27th, 2017, to discuss and start the assessment of the SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0. The iWG's final recommendation was:

    "The iWG agrees that this is the most cost-effective method for meeting the iCAP objective of 25,000 MWh/year of on-campus solar generation by FY25.  To meet that goal, the Solar Farm 2.0 project needs to begin soon, under F&S direction."

    See attached the iWG assessment complete with official comments from all the iWG members.

    See SWATeam recommendation EGen007 Solar Farm 2.0 here.

  10. Funding Approval for Campus Tree Inventory

    Evan De Lucia and Helen Coleman approved $70,000 of funding from the Carbon Credit Sales Fund for Campus Tree Inventory.


    The emails of approval are attached below.
