Solar Farm construction update for November 2020
Associated Project(s):
F&S Management Engineer, Sushanth Girini, provided an update on the Solar Farm 2.0 construction progress. One key point is that 65% of the panel installation is complete as of 11/23.
Points regarding the progress:
- Currently the project is working on installing all the panels on the posts. As of Nov. 23, 2020, Sol Systems completed 258 out of 399 rows of panels, so approximately 65% of panel installation is complete.
- The pads have been poured and all major equipment placed (inverters and transformers), currently working on wiring the whole network. The mechanical in service (construction complete without inspection & commissioning) date is Dec 16th 2020 as per current schedule.
- Received all panels on site, racking equipment and all major equipment such as inverters and transformers, awaiting the switchgear delivery, which is due on 11/30.
- Working with U of I's F&S Waste Management team to achieve a zero waste goal for this project by recycling all the boxes and other materials.
- Every employee who works on site is checked for temperatures before entering the site as a safety precaution against covid-19.
Thank you,
Sushanth Girini