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  1. Open House for SSC

    The Student Sustainability Committee Open House

    The Student Sustainability will be hosting an Open House event on Monday, February 8th at 6:00 PM (CT) via Zoom. We invite you and hope you can invite a friend to attend this exciting event. Students will discover more about the committee members, working groups, and be part of a general member. For now, join our SSC group chat, Discord! Scan the QR code and the event to this flyer. 

    February 8, 6 pm • Zoom Event

    Student Sustainability Committee • Student Engagement

  2. SSC Funding Approved for Improving UI Campus Land Sustainability with Cover Crops

    The SSC approved $47,572.00 in funding for the "Improving UI Campus Land Sustainability with Cover Crops" project. The award expires on 12/16/2022.

  3. SSC Final Report: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The construction on the path began in summer 2020 and was completed by the time students returned to campus. The old bike paths, along with hedges, overgrown evergreens, and decorative urns were removed from the area. A new 6 foot wide path was constructed and plans have been made to restore the landscape as needed. The Armory Avenue bike path is now open to use!

    This project tied in with the renovation of the entire Armory Ave bike path that connects the bike lane on Armory Ave to the bike lane on Goodwin Ave. This bike path goes through the Gregory Hall, Foellinger Auditorium, Smith Hall, IGB, and Bevier Hall.

    Please see attached the final report for this project.

    See the previous update for this project.

  4. SSC Funding Award: Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall

    The SSC awarded $50,000 for the "Bike Path Renovation: Armory Avenue Path South of Gregory Hall". This award will expire on May, 2022. Please see attached the Funding agreement.

  5. Mahomet Lots (Lot F-4) Permeable Pavement Proposal to SSC

  6. SSC Funding Award and Acceptance Letter for Dump And Run

    Associated Project(s): 

    The SSC Funding Award and Acceptance Letter for Dump and Run is attached below.

    The following quote is taken from the letter, "SSC is pleased to inform you that we are recommending to the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) that your project receives $15,020 in grant funding."
