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Projects Updates for Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)

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  1. SSC funds baler conceptualization study

    The existing baler at the Waste Transfer Station cannot handle plastics beyond #1 and #2. Thus, UIUC requires a new baler before the university can increase the types of plastics collected and ultimately recycled. In order for Facilities & Services (F&S) to purchase a new baler, they first need to conduct a conceptualization study, analyzing cost, construction, and maintenance. The Student Sustainability Committee funding provides support to F&S to conduct the necessary conceptualization study. Once F&S completes this study, they will make plans to expand plastic baling to a wider range of plastics.

  2. SSC funds four SAFS projects

    The Illinois Sustainable Food Project (ISFP) strives to provide locally-sourced, healthy, and nutritious product for UIUC Dining while providing an educational experience to the student body. SSC grants the Food Science & Human Nutrition Pilot Processing Plant (FSHN-PPP) funding to complete four projects: Extrusion expansion, tortilla expansion, puree expansion, and a hand washing station. These four projects will bring new campus grown and produced foods to dining services while providing students with invaluable learning opportunities. 


  3. WPP receives SSC funding

    This project seeks to strengthen student understanding of the farm-to-fork food system. This project's main goal is to upkeep, collection, and summarization data from the Woody Perennial Polyculture (WPP). The WPP was a student-initiated effort that was established on the Student Sustainable Farm in 2012 with support from the SSC and other campus entities. By completing this analysis, WPP will expand its educational outreach, increase student engagement, and better connect with campus Dining Services. This funding provides student and staff time so that WPP can expand its efforts after a detailed analysis.

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  4. iHelp receives SSC funding

    iHelp is the fall campus day of service where over 1,500 students volunteer in various service projects in the Urbana-Champaign community. One of the service projects is a community food drive. Food drive bags and flyers are distributed to houses in Urbana requesting nonperishable food items for volunteers to collect. The collected food is then donated to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank. Last year, iHelp donated 4,114 pounds of food, equating to 3,428 meals. This funding purchases reusable bags that allow community members to donate food and student volunteers to easily collect donations. Through this initiative, UIUC can show the community its commitment to both sustainability and community engagement.

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  5. iWG meeting agenda November 30, 2017

  6. SSC Supports Red Oak Rain Garden 2.0

    Red Oak Rain Garden 2.0 restores the original Red Oak Rain Garden that was established 10 years ago to address the flooding issue between McKinley Health Center and Allen Hall. Students will work alongside faculty, staff, and community members to plant specific plants that provide multi-season flooding protection. This project aims to increase awareness surrounding horticulture and natural flooding management while addressing an infrastructural issue on campus.

    The Student Sustainability Committee provides financial support to purchase plants, signage, training materials, and hardscape. The plant species are specifically chosen for maximum efficiency and learning. Likewise, the signage will allow the passerby to identify native species. University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners will support the garden while students are on academic breaks and provide Red Bison, a student-led organization, with rain garden training.

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  7. Filify 3D Receives SSC Funding

    Filify 3D is a new project this semester, working to make 3D printing more sustainable and eco-friendly. This semester, the project is looking to sell fused filament ends (which are otherwise thrown away) back to campus 3D Printing labs. They will also be constructing and refining the design to a shredder and extruder to recycle failed prints. Ultimately, they hope to expand their capacity to be able to recycle plastic water bottles for use in 3D prints. This project is a cross functional one.

    The Student Sustainability Committee is providing funding for some materials and supplies.

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  8. Stay Glassy Receives SSC Funding

    Stay Glassy looks to target glass bottles, an abundant and unused resource in the Champaign-Urbana community, to create a product that will benefit the community. By working with underserved members of our community to create a viable marketplace product, Stay Glassy achieves two goals: reduce glass waste and create meaningful employment in Champaign-Urbana. This semester, the project is changing scope from educating the community through "at home'' glass up-cycling workshops to focusing on a glass repurposing business. Project associates should expect to work on aspects of business development and product innovation.

    The Student Sustainability Committee funded project supplies and workspace.

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