iCAP Team Charge Letters
Attached are the charge letters sent to each of the iCAP Team members, on September 10 by iSEE interim director, Dr. Madhu Khanna.
Attached are the charge letters sent to each of the iCAP Team members, on September 10 by iSEE interim director, Dr. Madhu Khanna.
The iCAP Working Group met on 7-22-21. Attached are the meeting minutes. The agenda was as follows:
Given the similarities between the Energy007 - Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan and the Energy003 - Energy Master Plan recommendations, Energy003 will be supplanted by Energy007. The iCAP 2020 and F&S Energy Management Plan have both been released since the submittal of Energy003. The Energy iCAP Team co-chairs, Bill Rose and Andy Stumpf, have agreed to this update.
See submittal of Energy003 - Energy Master Plan here.
The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 6/8/21. The Energy007 Comprehensive Energy Plan recommendation is attached as well as supplemental information.
We recommend that F&S initiate the development of an energy planning document in FY21.
The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 6/8/21. The Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs recommendation is attached along with a report prepared by Energy student, Brinn McDowell, and the data used in her report.
The final stage of the Solar Farm 2.0 project is wrapping up this month with the planting of a native pollinator habitat. The farm will serve as a major demonstration and research site for pollinator-friendly solar arrays, with more than 6.5 million flowering plants and native grasses around the 54 acres of panels creating a natural habitat for birds and beneficial insects. With this second solar farm, the campus has achieved clean energy goals outlined in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) nearly four years ahead of schedule.
This team focuses on the 2015 iCAP objectives for Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, including:
2.1 Maintain or reduce the campus gross square footage relative to the FY10 baseline.
Morgan White, Associate Director for F&S for Sustainability, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai and the Energy iCAP Team on behalf of Dr. Attalla and F&S, with the following email:
Hello Ximing, iWG, and Energy iCAP Team,
Thank you for the recommendation to work with Dr. Yun Yi and his students to develop energy models for campus facilities. We are pleased to implement this recommendation, as submitted to us.
Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding, the recommendation was transmitted to the Sustainability Council. The recommendation was discussed on 4/28/21.
See iWG assessment of Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding attached.
See SWATeam Recommendation Energy004 Energy Conservation Funding here.
The Sustainability Council met on April 28, 2021 and discussed the following:
See PowerPoint attached.
The Energy iCAP Team met on April 14th, 2021 with Brian Bundren, a member of the Illinois Space Advisory Committee, about to learn more about how campus space can be managed more efficiently as a way to reduce energy consumption. The University moving from hybrid learning to more in-person instruction and the new IVCB budget model that assigns bills individual colleges for their energy use will have significant impacts on space usage. The team also discussed our recommendation for Green Labs, or ways to integrate sustainability in research labs and reduce their energy consumption.
Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance, the recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Mohamed Attalla on April 15, 2021.
See iWG assessment of Energy005 attached.
See iCAP Team recommendation of Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance.
The Energy iCAP Team met on March 10th, 2021 to discuss next steps on a recommendation for a Comprehensive Energy Master Plan after F&S has published their Energy Management Plan that aims for a 50% reduction in energy utilization by 2026. The team also discussed recommendations for a Green Labs Program and ways to manage space usage on campus. Given how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed in-person activites and created a hybrid workforce, the team believes it will be important to study underused spaces on campus to reduce building-level energy use.
The iWG met on 2-25-21 to discuss the Energy 004, Energy 005, and Resilience 002 iCAP team recommendations. Meeting minutes are attached.
The Energy iCAP team made the following recommendation on 2/11/21. The Energy005 Modeling for Energy Code Compliance recommendation is attached.
The aim of this recommendation is to ensure compliance of current and recent projects with State of Illinois Energy Codes and Facilities Standards
The Energy iCAP Team had a meeting on Feb. 10th where student member, Brinn McDowell, shared a presentation on calculated energy savings from green lab protocols that could greatly contribute towards energy conservation efforts. Updates were give on the Building Envelope Pilot Project, which is anticipated to start in March with several Energy iCAP Team students participating.
Please see the attached news story, published by the Daily Illini, regarding the challenges and goals surrounding 2020’s Climate Action Plan. The link is also available below.
Link to "2050 looms near as iCAP team stress energy sustainability"
Below is the recording link for the 1-20-21 meeting. Meeting minutes to follow.
The Energy iCAP Team had their first meeting of the Spring semester on January 21st, 2021. The meeting focused on obtaining supporting materials for a recommendation to start the Comprehensive Energy Plan, which will serve as an university-wide guide on energy conservation. A recommendation to model buildings for energy code compliance will likely be ready next month. Future discussions are planned with F&S representatives. A subcommittee of Energy team members will brainstorm concrete actions on energy efficiency in labs and residence halls.
The Energy SWATeam met to discuss a past ESCO recommendation going through to the iWG, recently approved funding for a Building Envelope Team, and new recommendations that can be made regarding a "Comprehensive Energy Planning Document". Team members commented on a recommendation draft that would require campus buildings to have energy use models and data in order to comply with state energy codes. The Building Envelope Team has been approved for funding from the SSC and will start work next March!
Meeting minutes and chat log are attached.