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Projects Updates for Energy iCAP Team

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  1. Energy SWATeam Meeting Minutes from 11-17-20

    On November 17th, the Energy iCAP Team met to discuss student, staff, and chair priorities for forming new recommendations. The team decided on starting to develop three different recommendations in the future:

    (1) Requiring campus buildings to comply with state Energy Code Compliance;

    (2) Encouraging labs on campus to save energy;

    (3) Educating students in residence halls about reducing energy consumption.

    Agenda, meeting minutes, and chat log are attached.

  2. Energy001 Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study - Successful

    Doug Wolters, the ACES Director of Operations, responded to Morgan White, co-chair of the iWG, with the following email:


    Good morning Morgan,

    Many thanks to you and your team for your work on the development of the iCAP 2020!

  3. Energy001 Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy001 Anaerobic Digester, the recommendation was transmitted to German Bollero (ACES Associate Dean for Research) and Doug Wolters (Director of Operations, Facilities Planning and Management) on October 27, 2020.

    See the submittal of Energy001 Anaerobic Digester.
    See iWG assessment of Energy001 Anaerobic Digester attached.

  4. Energy002 Building Envelope - Transmitted

    Following the completion of the iWG assessment for Energy002 Building Envelope, the recommendation was transmitted to Mohamed Attalla, Executive Director of Facilities and Services, on June 3, 2020.

    See iWG assessment Energy002 Building Envelope attached. 
    See SWATeam recommendation Energy002 Building Envelope

  5. Energy003 Energy Master Plan - Submitted

    The Energy SWATeam made the following recommendation on 4/3/2020: 

    We recommend that F&S commission an Energy Master Plan for the U of I campus that contains at least 4 scenarios under which the campus meets the iCAP goal of 0 GHG by 2050.

    Attached is the SWATeam recommendation Energy003 Energy Master Plan with comments from the Energy SWATeam.


  6. Energy001 Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study - Submitted

    The Energy SWATeam made the following recommendation on 4/3/2020: 

    The College of ACES should conduct a Feasibility Study to construct and operate an anaerobic digester on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus. The College of ACES should then proceed in accordance with the results of the Feasibility Study.

  7. Energy SWATeam Meeting: March 9, 2020

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Energy SWATeam met on 3/9/2020 to discuss the recommendation to be turned it at the end of the month. Each member interested in drafting a recommendation on behalf of the team presented their drafts. The meeting minutes and the presentation slides for the Anaerobic Digester Feasibility Study Recommendation are attached. 

  8. Energy SWATeam Meeting: December 5, 2019

    The Energy SWATeam's December 2019 meeting involved discussions on the iWG feedback for the draft 2020 iCAP Objectives created by the SWATeam members. Edits to the draft objectives were made and the team's responses to the iWG feedback was compiled. 
