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Projects Updates for Energy iCAP Team

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  1. iCAP Team Kickoff 2022

    The iCAP Teams and iCAP Working Group gathered for the annual kickoff event on 8-24-22. Current members attended to learn about the iCAP 2020, the role of the teams and members, and meet sustainability staff and fellow team members. The presentation is attached and the recording can be found here

  2. April Energy iCAP Team Meeting 4-27-22

    The Energy iCAP Team met on April 27th at 9:00 A.M. for an update on an ongoing student-run study of CO2 district heating and cooling feasibility as well as to discuss two recommendations pertaining to ensuring compliance of new campus buildings with existing state energy codes and F&S energy use standards.

  3. Energy iCAP Team March Meeting

    The Energy iCAP team met on 3/30/2022 to discuss efforts to increase energy efficiency on campus. The primary topic of conversation was a recommendation that some educational program be created for students to learn about the building design process and advocate for energy efficiency in buildings.

  4. iWG Meeting Minutes 2-25-22

    The iWG met on 2-25-22 and discussed the Energy008 and Energy009 recommendations, Trans014, and plastic reduction initiatives. Andy Stumpf and Bill Rose, the Energy iCAP Team chairs, joined the meeting to discuss the two Energy recommendations. The meeting minutes are attached. 

  5. Energy iCAP Team February Meeting

    The Energy iCAP team met on Wednesday, 2./24/2022 at 9:00 A.M. on Zoom to discuss the following topics:

    • CO2 District Heating and Cooling Research Update
    • Requisitioning data on current energy and square footage
    • Upcoming energy webinars.

    More details in the attached file.

  6. Energy009 MMR Safety and Security - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 2/8/21. The Energy009 MMR Safety and Security is attached, and a summary of the recommendation is as follows. 


    We recommend that the campus commission a report on safety and security surrounding the micro-modular reactor (MMR).

  7. Energy008 Charging Responsibility for Meeting iCAP Energy Goals - Submitted

    The Energy iCAP Team made the following recommendation on 2/8/21. The Energy008 Charging Responsibility for Meeting iCAP Energy Goals is attached, and a summary of the recommendation is as follows. 


    We recommend the following actions:

  8. Energy iCAP Team January Meeting

    The Energy iCAP team met at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 26th and discussed updates on recommendation ideas as well as agreed to move forward with the submission of two recommendations to the iCAP Working Group. Progress is currently being made on a feasibility study of CO2 District Heating and Cooling which will be undertaken by a group of engineering students during the Spring Semester, and progress on a new recommendation for Building Envelope Commissioning will take place.

  9. Winter Meeting Update

    The Energy iCAP team combined its November and December meetings for the fall of 2021 into a single "Winter Meeting" This meeting was used to discuss 12 different recommendation ideas, a select amount of which will be developed into recommendations in the near future. 

    Additionally, the team discussed a short note to the iCAP Working Group asking that the Comprehensive Energy Plan not have its name changed to '"lean Energy Plan"

    Notes from the meeting are attached.

  10. Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs - Successful

    The Sustainability Council is in support of the formation of a Green Labs Committee, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Jan Novakofski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, also expressed support. A training component and Certified Greener Campus Program opportunities will be two items to include in committee discussions. For future updates, see the Green Labs Committee project page. 


  11. Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs, the recommendation was transmitted and discussed at the Sustainability Council meeting on November 29, 2021.

    See iWG assessment of Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs attached.
    See submittal of Energy006 Integrate iCAP Goals into Research/Learning Labs here.

  12. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Successful

    The Sustainability Council is in support of the development of a Clean Energy Plan, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Madhu Khanna and Ehab Kamarah agreed to work together on behalf of iSEE and F&S to move this forward and go through the RFP process.


  13. Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan - Transmitted

    Following the completion of iWG assessment for Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan, the recommendation was transmitted and discussed at the Sustainability Sub-Council and Sustainability Council meeting on November 29, 2021.

    See iWG assessment of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan attached.
    See submittal of Energy007 Implementation of Comprehensive Energy Plan here.

  14. Energy004 - Energy Conservation Funding - Successful

    The Energy004 recommendation was discussed at the spring 2021 Sustainability Sub-Council meeting and was then sent to UES to address. Rob Roman, F&S Director of Energy and Utility Services, sent the following response:

  15. iCAP Energy Team September Meeting

    The iCAP Energy team had its first meeting of the 2021-22 Academic Year at 9:00 A.M. on September 24th. This meeting was used to evaluate where our team stands in achieving its goals and to determine a path forward for the year. The agenda, presentation, and minutes from the meeting are attached for a better understanding of the meeting.

  16. iCAP Team and iCAP Working Group Kickoff

    We had a great iCAP Team and iCAP Working Group Kickoff on 9/16/21! During the event, we heard from iSEE Interim Director, Dr. Madhu Khanna, went through the team rosters, iCAP Procedures, iCAP 2020 and progress made thus far, and lastly summarized other resources that sustainability advocates should be aware of. 

    The iCAP Teams and iCAP Working Group are instrumental in helping campus advance and achieve our sustainability goals and we look forward to a great year!
