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Projects Updates for Engagement iCAP Team

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  1. 02.20 Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies. The Vice Chair discussed efforts for a greener campus, including outreach to Greek Life. The Clerk emphasized the importance of in-person meetings and marketing materials. Guest speakers highlighted upcoming events like Sustainapalooza and Illinifest, stressing the logistical challenges and opportunities for student involvement. Discussions included promotional outreach, sustainability projects such as Greener Chapters yard signs and low-maintenance greenery at ISR, and the importance of connecting sustainability efforts across campus. Additionally, engagement team members offered support for these initiatives, and an approved course for next semester was announced. Adam encouraged members to consider speaking at the sustainability film festival.

  2. Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered updates on the Greener Campus (GC) initiative, including efforts to promote office certification and introduce decals for visibility. There was discussion on engaging Greek Life in sustainability efforts, with suggested contacts for outreach. The Sustainapalooza committee, represented by Kathrine Bruce and Liesl Schrag, provided an event overview and discussed promotional efforts such as digital signage, outreach to department heads, and MTD bus advertisements. Laurinda introduced a wildlife-centered gardening project under the Illinois Prairie Garden initiative, presenting engagement opportunities like prairie conservation and plant sales. Additional sustainability events were highlighted, including a short film event during Earth Week. Action items included Brigid coordinating scheduling and outreach, Quinn working on GC decals and office engagement, and all members providing feedback on marketing materials, brainstorming engagement strategies, and filling out a scheduling poll.

  3. iCAP Engagement Team November Meeting

    On Friday, November 22nd, the iCAP Engagement Team held its monthly meeting. The team discussed ways to engage the campus community more, specifically students, and shared updates on OneIllinois, Greener Campus, and Earth Month. We discussed the possibility of using social media to increase engagement or physical fliers and posters. We also welcomed a guest speaker from the Zero Waste Team who discussed Sustain Illinois, a magazine that outlines what is currently happening around campus as well as how the average person can become involved in sustainability in the community. We also discussed having in-person meetings and events next semester for the team and small ways we can all be more sustainable. One call to action was for staff and faculty to consider making their office spaces green-certified and brainstorming ways to reach the Greek life population. Our next meeting will be December 20th. 

  4. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    Introduced new clerk and team members. The team brainstormed updates for the ‘24-’25 mission statement, with members assigned to bring suggestions to the next meeting. The second half covered team objectives for the year, including creating a green training program for employees, improving outreach to incoming students, running green-certified events, and increasing student participation in sustainability.

    Attached Files: 
  5. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 3/22/2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Engagement iCAP team met on 3/22/2024 to go over 2020 iCAP objectives and discuss plans for the 2025 iCAP. The director of the Office of Civic Life, Gina Lee-Olykoya, joined as a guest speaker to discuss her work with engaging volunteerism on campus and in the C-U community. The group also briefly discussed updated on our Comparative Analysis for Residence Halls.

  6. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 2/21/2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on 02/21/2024 to touch base on the ongoing Sustainability Literacy Survey. The Engagement iCAP Team is currently collaborating with other iCAP teams to generate questions to include in the survey. The group also discussed member collaboration with other universities to survey residence hall sustainability recommendations. Other upcoming iSEE events were also discussed. 

  7. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting Minutes 1/26/2024

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on 1/26/2024 to discuss the Campus Sustainability Survey and provide updates on AY 23-24 objectives. Daphne Hulse attended as a guest speaker to discuss the Green Sports Alliance and Green Tailgate event volunteer engagement.

  8. Communication on DIA Taking Over GSA Membership from F&S

    The following email was sent by Marty Kaufman on Oct 26, 2023:

    Hey Jennifer,


    I reached out to Tim Knox, and DIA did try to become a member of the Green Sports Alliance in June, but the organization said that the University was already a member so there was no need to submit payment. I see no reason to pay more money if the organization already says we are members. I understand that Athletics isn’t mentioned independently as a member, but since we are part of the University as a whole and the Alliance doesn’t feel we need to have a separate membership, it doesn’t seem fiscally responsible to pay a second membership fee.


    Maybe we look at sharing the cost for next fiscal year or at bumping it up to the $2,500 level next year if that provides more benefits? Please see the correspondence from Tim attached.


    I welcome your thoughts.


    Thank you,


    Jen Fraterrigo responded on Oct 26, 2023:

    Hi Marty,


    Thanks for looking into this matter. I reached out to Betsy Ligett and she confirmed that F&S paid the membership fee for the Nov. 1st, 2022 - Nov. 30th, 2023 time period. I agree with you about not needing a second membership. However, it would be great for DIA take over the membership starting December 1st, 2023 and pay the membership fees going forward at the level you prefer.


    For now, I suggest identifying a new point person at DIA. I would then be happy to facilitate a meeting with Betsy and the DIA POC to get him/her up to speed.






    Marty Kaufman responded on Nov 21, 2023:


    Hi Jen,


    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.


    Yes, DIA will pay for the renewal. Tim has been in touch with the Green Alliance and we will coordinate the payment for next year.


    Happy to help.





  9. Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance - Successful

    Following is the response from DIA:


    The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA) approves the recommendation to formally join the Green Sports Alliance at the $2,500 Premier Membership level. Assistant Athletic Director Tim Knox will be responsible for coordinating the implementation for DIA.


    See the iWG assessment for Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance here.

    For future updates, please refer to the Green Sports Alliance project here.

  10. Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership - Successful

    Please see attached the response to the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation from Dr. Madhu Khanna.

    See the iWG assessment of the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation.

    Attached Files: 
  11. Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program - Successful

    Please see attached the response to the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation from Dr. Madhu Khanna.

    See the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program assessment.

    For future updates, please refer to the NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors project.

    Attached Files: 
  12. Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership - Transmitted

    On 4/20/2023, the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna, Director of iSEE, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Hello Dr. Khanna,

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) reviewed the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation from the Engagement iCAP Team. The iWG discussed this and recommends that iSEE’s Communications office should take the materials created by the ADV 498 class and integrate the concepts in the overarching iSEE marketing program. iSEE could develop a marketing task-force to work with the iCAP Engagement Team on this integration.  Please see the details included in the attached iWG assessment and Engagement iCAP Team recommendation.  

    The Formal iCAP Procedures includes a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your initial response to this recommendation by May 12, if possible.  If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to arrange a call. 





    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    See the Engagement004 ADV498 Sustainability Campaign Partnership recommendation here.

  13. Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program - Transmitted

    On 4/20/2023, the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation was transmitted to Dr. Madhu Khanna, Director of iSEE, with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached.

    Hello Dr. Khanna,

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) reviewed the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation from the Engagement iCAP Team to establish a Sustainability Ambassador Program. The iWG discussed this and recommends that iSEE should work with University Housing and with Private Certified Housing to roll this program out and encourage student participation through residential coordinators/contacts.  iSEE should also roll this out through the Student Sustainability Leadership Council (SSLC), the Illini Union Board (IUB), and the Illinois Student Government (ISG).  Please see the details included in the attached iWG assessment and Engagement iCAP Team recommendation.  

    The Formal iCAP Procedures includes a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your initial response to this recommendation by May 12, if possible.  If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to arrange a call. 





    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    See the Engagement003 Sustainability Ambassador Program recommendation here.

  14. Zero Waste iCAP Meeting 4/25/23

    On April 25th, the Zero Waste iCAP team met to discuss the State Farm Center Recycling (ZW011) recommendation and brainstorm on the Zero Waste iCAP summary report for the 22-23 FY. 

    Meeting minutes are attached.

    Attached Files: 
  15. Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance - Transmitted

    On 4/10/2023, the Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance recommendation was transmitted to Josh Whitman and Timothy Knox, at the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics (DIA), with the following email. The iWG assessment is attached. 

    Dear Mr. Whitman and Tim,

    The Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Working Group (iWG) recently approved recommendation Engagement005 from the Engagement iCAP Team for the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics to formally join the Green Sports Alliance. The expectation is that doing so would increase the visibility of campus sustainability efforts and put UIUC on par with fellow Big10 institutions that are integrating sustainability into athletics. Additional details are provided in the attached recommendation.

    The Formal iCAP Procedures include a section on campus unit responsibilities upon receipt of a recommendation, and we respectfully request your response to this recommendation by May 5, if possible. If you have any questions regarding this recommendation, we are happy to jump on a call with you to discuss it.


    Jennifer Fraterrigo



    Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP)

    iCAP Working Group co-chairs

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    See the Engagement005 DIA and Green Sports Alliance recommendation here.
