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  1. Weekly check-in resilience work

    Resilience Work Weekly Check-In

    09/23/2021, 2:00 PM

    Attendees: Morgan White, Meredith Moore, Stacy Gloss


    Stacy provided an overview of her activities for the previous week including

    • reviewing the Resilience page and project histories
    • beginning work (by contacting key stakeholders and setting up meetings) on Vision Zero, Green Infrastructure, and Taking Leadership on Sustainability objectives.

    iCAP Portal

    In this meeting we discussed additional functionality, the strategy and rationale on Resilience web page organization. Morgan provided insights on using the iCAP portal such as accessing projects through a table by using the Project Page and searching Projects by Status.  Projects can be added to the iCAP portal by sending a proposal to add a project to Morgan and Meredith.  There is an iCAP Portal Content template that should be used.

    Community resilience and sustainability projects

    We reflected that there are many community projects and programs related to sustainability and resilience that do not appear anywhere in the iCAP such as MTD projects, Sanitary District work, Stormwater partnerships, Recycling projects and programs, certain solar projects.  We discussed that having a website or webpage dedicated to community partnerships, programs, and outreach about sustainability, environment, resilience, water, energy, land-use etc could be an excellent community resource. The idea bubbled to have a Community Supported Resilience Portal in parallel to the iCAP portal for tracking programs, resources, and projects. This could be a recommendation for meeting one or more of the iCAP objectives.  

  2. iCAP Energy Team September Meeting

    The iCAP Energy team had its first meeting of the 2021-22 Academic Year at 9:00 A.M. on September 24th. This meeting was used to evaluate where our team stands in achieving its goals and to determine a path forward for the year. The agenda, presentation, and minutes from the meeting are attached for a better understanding of the meeting.

  3. FY22 Utility Rates

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following utility commodity rates have been reviewed with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Office of the Provost and have been approved for use as of July 1, 2021:

    • Steam (per klb:) $18.41
    • Electricity (per kwh:) $0.0882
    • Chilled Water (per mbtu:) $14.16
    • Water (per kgal:) $4.66
    • Sanitary (per kgal:) $4.49

    For more details, view the FY22 Utility Budget and Rate Approval on the F&S Website.

    Or, refer to the attached file.



  4. SSC Semesterly Report: Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (ECEB) Interactive, Energy Education Production Use Display

    SSC received semester report for Spring 2021 on 9/24/21 for Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (ECEB) Interactive, Energy Education/Production/Use Display project. Please see attached. 

  5. Walkability Audit: Week 6 meeting

    Associated Project(s): 

    On Thursday and Friday, September 23 and Spetember 24, 2021, Sutapa and Sarthak met to edit the Survey Questionnaire of the Walkability Audit. The Deficiency Report parameters were finalized during this meeting. The creation of the Volunteer training manual process is scheduled to start after this meeting.

    The draft documents mentioned above have been sent to the members involved in the Walkability study for their inputs. The inputs are expected to be received by Oct 11, 2021.

    Next week, Thursday September 30th, a common meeting is scheduled and open to all members of the project to discuss the progress.

  6. Visiting Mechanical Engineering Building for PV Glass

    From: Yi, Yun Kyu

    To: McFall, D

    Cc: White, Morgan

    Recipients: dmcfall at; mbwhite at


    Hi Damon,


    It was good to meet you today.

    Just to follow up with you about visiting the Mech. Building. I am wondering in general Tuesday between 2-5 pm works for your schedule.

    My class is in between this time and it will be great for students to see some of the new technologies.

    If you can let me know if Tuesday afternoon is something that works for your schedule, I will talk with my student to set possible dates to visit.


    Many thanks



    Yun Kyu Yi, PhD

    Assistant Professor

    School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    M232 Temple Buell Hall, 611 E Lorado Taft Drive, MC-621, Champaign, IL 61820

    phone: (217) 300-4886 | fax: (217) 244-2900 |


    Founder and Lead Investigator,

    The Responsive Architecture Lab (RAL) at the Illinois School of Architecture, 20a Architecture Building, 608 East Lorado Taft Drive, MC-621, Champaign, IL 61820


  7. Solar House Tour (9/25/21)

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Illinois Energy Association's annual Solar House Tour will feature several Champaign County homeowners, including iSEE affiliate Scott Willenbrock. The event will take place from 10 AM - 3 PM on Saturday, September 25th, 2021. Get excited, because the event will also include in-person tours, outside viewings, and Zoom recordings. 

    For more details, visit the Illinois Solar Education Association website!

  8. Sustainable Design Opportunity: Upcycling Clothing with Project Phoenix!

    Project Phoenix is an Illinois student initiative to give high school students a platform to highlight their fashion design interests and create their own upcycled clothing brands! The group offers one- to two-hour weekend workshops to teach Champaign-Urbana high school students applicable fashion and graphic design skills and provide opportunities in business and enterpreneurship. U of I students can sign up now to be a Project Fellow! The deadline for applications is Oct. 1.


    For more details about the Project Fellow position, read Phoenix's Fall 2021 project description document.

  9. iSEE's Environmental Writing Contest for the Janelle Joseph Prize

    Are you an eco-warrior with a passion for prose? Each summer, University of Illinois undergraduates are invited to submit their best environmental writing for a chance to be published in Q Magazine and win a cash prize! The Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing was created in 2020 through the generosity of donor Janelle Joseph. Our inaugural contest winners covered topics ranging from the degradation of the coal industry and life in a “burn zone” to sustainable fashion and the future of lawns. Read more about the 2020 winning entries!

    Submit in one of these five categories:

    • Feature — In-depth, research-based piece on a topic of your choice (Example: “Burn Zone” by Andy Sima; Volume 3.2, 2020 JJ Environmental Writing Contest Grand Prizewinner) 
    • Memoir — Write about an experience that YOU had with nature, and what it meant to you (Example: “Solastalgia” by Maria Maring; Volume 3.2, 2020 JJ Environmental Writing Contest Category Prizewinner) 
    • Op-Ed — Your research-backed take on a current environmental “hot topic” (Example: “End to Greenwashing?” by Jennifer Coronel; Volume 3.2, 2020 JJ Environmental Writing Contest Category Prizewinner) 
    • Q&A — Interview an environmental researcher or activist
    • “@ Illinois” — Submit a piece in any of the above genres spotlighting innovative environmental research, activism, or stewardship at the University of Illinois. 

    iSEE's Janelle Joseph Prize for Environmental Writing is open to Illinois undergrads and includes a $1,000 grand prize as well as $500 prizes in five categories: Feature; Memoir; Op-Ed; Q&A; and "At Illinois." Entries can be 1,000 to 2,000 words and must be submitted by Sept. 30, 2021. 


    Visit Q Magazine's website for more details.


    And, make sure to email submissions or questions to!
