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Map for LEED Certification

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Project Location
Bousfield Hall: LEED Platinum Bousfield Hall
Business Instructional Facility: LEED Platinum Business Instructional Facility (BIF)
CERL Main Building Addition: LEED Silver CERL Main Building
Campus Instructional Facility: LEED Platinum Campus Instructional Facility
Center for Veterans in Higher Education: LEED Gold Center for Wounded Veterans in Higher Education
Chemistry Annex Renovation and Addition: LEED Gold Chemistry Annex
Electrical and Computer Engineering Building: LEED Platinum Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Building
Everitt Laboratory Renovation: LEED Gold Everitt Laboratory
Football Performance Center: LEED Silver Football Performance Center
Huff Hall, Khan Annex: LEED Silver Huff Hall
Illinois Conference Center Expansion: LEED Silver I Hotel and Conference Center
Illinois Street Residence Dining Renovation Addition: LEED Silver ISR Food Service
Illinois Street Resident Townsend Hall: LEED Silver ISR Townsend
Illinois Street Residence Wardall Hall Renovation: LEED Silver ISR Wardall
Ikenberry Dining Hall: LEED Silver Ikenberry Commons / SDRP
Nugent Hall: LEED Silver Ikenberry Commons / SDRP
Illinois Fire Service Institute: LEED Silver Illinois Fire Service Institute
Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory (IBRL): LEED Silver Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory (IBRL)
Lincoln Hall Renovation: LEED Platinum Lincoln Hall
Mechanical Engineering Building: LEED Gold Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
NCSA Petascale: LEED Gold NCSA Petascale Computing Facility
Natural History Building: LEED Gold Natural History Building
Illinois Natural History Survey: LEED Silver Robert A Evers Laboratory
Siebel Center for Design: LEED Gold Siebel Center for Design
State Farm Center: LEED Gold State Farm Center
Surveying Building: LEED Gold Surveying Building
Talbot Laboratory: LEED Silver Talbot Laboratory
Wassaja Hall: LEED Gold Wassaja Hall
Yeh Student Center: LEED Silver Yeh Student Center