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Project Updates for collection: Living Lab Facilities / Programs


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  1. Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs - Successful

    Following the transmittal of Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs, Bob Flider, Morgan White, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Stacy Gloss, and Meredith Moore met to discuss how we can move forward with environmental justice planning and how we can collaborate on these efforts. The meeting minutes are attached. 

    See the Res003 Collecting Info about Environmental Justice Needs recommendation here.

    For future updates, please refer to the Environmental Justice Plan project.

  2. Insider article about the Envelope Pilot Project

    Associated Project(s): 

    "Indoor air quality is important for the health and comfort of occupants. Indoor airtightness can help provide good indoor air quality by making it easier to control the indoor environment with ventilation. Additionally, airtightness is key for energy efficiency. It is not uncommon for discrepancies between expected energy usage and actual energy usage to be explained by air leakage, and so making buildings tight is vital to meet energy and climate goals."

  3. Weekly Update: Build-a-Bike, New Hire, Community Bike Ride on Thursday

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, I was out Mon - Thurs last week sick. My staff covered admirably but, invariably, there are things they were uncomfortable taking on. Just an opportunity for further training! We had one Build-a-Bike be completed and another almost made it out the door at the last minute on Friday.

    On Friday we had a visitor from Danville who is working on an Eagle Scout program rehabbing old bikes and donating them to local charities. We were able to donate 3 bikes and a handful of parts.

    We also had a new hire start on Friday, received a handful of nice bike donations earlier in the week, and will process those donations this week. We’ll also work on getting a few more bikes on the sales floor as we approach August. Or maybe more accurately: AUGUST. It’ll be a doozy of a month.

    On Sunday, July 31st, The Bike Project is hosting a community bike ride, so we’ll let folks know about that.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 18*
    Sales: $499
    Bikes: 1 for $200
    Build-a-Bike: 1 for $50
    Memberships: 1 for $30

    *Likely higher actual #; technical difficulties in my absence.


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  4. Thank You for Attending Geothermal Illinois: Community or District-Level Systems (Renewable Heating and Cooling)

    Associated Project(s): 

    The following message was sent to individuals who attended the "Geothermal Illinois: Community - & District-Level Systems" presentation led by Brian Urlaub, Associate Vice President & Director of Geothermal Operations, Salas O'Brien:

    Dear Participants,


    Many thanks for attending Geothermal Illinois: Community- & district-level systems, presented by Brian Urlaub, Associate Vice President & Director of Geothermal Operations, SALAS O’BRIEN. Many thanks to the University of Illinois Extension Natural Resource, Energy, and Environment educator Jay Solomon, University of Illinois Civil and Environmental Engineering professor Dr. Tugce Baser, and Illinois Geological Survey’s Andrew Stumpf for presenting additional information on efforts, research, technology, and funding opportunities. We also recognize our network of partnering organizations, whose titles with websites are listed below, along with a link to today’s webinar recording, slide decks, and resource links.



    Slide Decks: 

    Resource Links:

    Funding opportunities:


    Partner organizations:

    Illinois Geothermal Coalition

    Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition (MBDC)

    Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

    Illinois Water Resources Center

    Geothermal Alliance of Illinois

    International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA)

    The Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEOEXCHANGE)

    Prairie Rivers Network

    Citizens Utility Board

    Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition


    Many thanks for your interest in today’s topic. Our presenters and experts are copied on this email, and you are welcome to reach out to any of us for further conversation and support as you work towards energy independence, resiliency, and sustainability!


    Best wishes,




  5. Weekly Update: Bike sales, Build-a-Bike, Bike Rodeo

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Business as usual this last week. Still can’t keep enough bikes on the sales floor to meet demand but we have had an uptick in Build-a-Bikes. One B-a-B was finished on Friday and another started the same day.

    This week we are helping out with a Safe Routes to School Bike Rodeo program by providing the basketball courts for their learn to ride course.

    Thanks to Todd for putting a sizeable dent in our scrap pile, as we’ve been getting a lot of non-repairable bikes donated lately (unfortunately).

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 29

    Sales: $862
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $235
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Memberships: 6 for $180

    Tires/tubes: 14 for $136


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  6. Weekly Update: Bike sales, Build-a-Bike

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! We got a load of wheels/tires donated last week that we’ll be working to process this week. We’re up to 5 bikes for sale right now and should have a couple more done by the time we open tomorrow. Had one completed Build-a-Bike, which is always nice. Another person started their own B-a-B project and seems to be enjoying the process.

    This week I’ll make a run to the Urbana Bike Project for some parts/supplies for various bike builds here and hopefully get a few more bikes on the sales floor.

    The numbers:

    Sales: $729.25
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $300
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50

    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 7 for $82


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  7. Weekly Update: Kids bike give away; Build-a-Bike

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Last week we were able to fix up and give away 10 kids bikes to ISCU (Immigrant Services of Champaign-Urbana). Great to pass along valuable bikes to a valuable cause, and nice to clear some space in the Bike Center. We also virtually sold out of bikes, as we were down to a single for-sale bike on Wednesday. Fixed up 2 more for Friday but that’s likely not going to cut it, so we’ll move to finish a few more builds this week.

    We had one person start on a Build-a-Bike on Friday. Hopefully should be done today or Wednesday.


    Visitors: 31

    Sales: $1,289.80
    Bikes (refurb): 4 for $$675

    Memberships: 7 or $210
    Tire/tubes: 3 for $24


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator

  8. 2022 TEACHAD Webinar: Case study from the Michigan State University South Campus Anaerobic Digester

    Dana Kirk, Associate Professor at Michigan State University, presented a webinar on May 31, 2022 titled "Universities go green! A case study from the Michigan State University South Campus Anaerobic Digester", which also featured Marcello Pibiri, Senior Research Engineer at Energy Resources Center UIC.

    In case you missed the live webinar or if you would like to view the recorded session again, go to You can register with your name and email to watch the recording. Also attached is the presentation by Dana Kirk from this webinar.

    Marcello and his team at ERC organize the New Technical Education & Analysis for Community Hauling and Anaerobic Digesters (TEACH AD) Program to educate people about Anaerobic Digesters.

  9. Weekly Update: Closed for Juneteenth, Donations

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Short week with the observed Juneteenth holiday on Friday. We’ve steadily been receiving donations but most of them are doomed for the scrap pile. But at least we’ll get some decent parts off them.

    Got a few bikes in the queue that should make the sales floor by end of week.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 22
    Sales: $568.19
    Bikes (refurb): 2 for $215
    Memberships: 7 for $210


    Jacob Benjamin
    Campus Bike Center Coordinator
