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Projects Updates for place: Illini Union
October 2021 e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for the October updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:Objective 7.2 FY24 Goal Met in FY21!
Associated Project(s):Objective 7.2 is of the iCAP 2020 is:
According to David Guth, UIUC has exceeded the FY24 goal in FY21 by 3.5%! Moving forward, the Engagement Team is looking for ways to sustain this goal, as well as ways to improve on it.
SSC Semesterly Report: Illini Union I-Room LED Conversion
Associated Project(s):SSC received a semesterly report for Spring 2021 for Illini Union LED project on 9/13/2021. Please see attached.
SSC Semesterly Report: Illini Union Recycling Center Shadow Boxes
Associated Project(s):SSC received a semesterly report for Spring 2021 for Illini Union Recycling Shadow Boxes project on 9/15/2021. Please see attached.
Updated list of student projects that need YOU!!
Associated Project(s):This is a list of projects that need students to work on. It will be updated periodically by sustainability staff members, the last update was 9/16/21:
- The campus MS4 stormwater permit currently has 49 Best Management Practices (BMPs) that have to be completed annually . One of the 49 BMPs is a Public Education and Outreach requirement to broadcast or publish one stormwater Public Service Announcement (PSA) on social media, radio, television and/or internet. We currently have a couple on our website and would like to keep it up to date with new materials whenever possible. Another opportunity is for a Public Participation and Involvement BMP to discuss and provide opportunity for public input on the Storm Water Program (permit BMPs), climate change and environmental justice topics. This could be met by webinars, PSAs, posters, etc. Contact is Betsy Liggett. ~ Morgan
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Huff Hall. ~ Meredith
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Armory. ~ Meredith
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Bevier Hall. ~ Meredith
- CCNet Website: Work with the Champaign County Sustainability Network (CCNet) leadership team to redesign and publish the CCNet website (old version is online at There is a monthly brown bag sustainability networking event on the Third Thursday of each month, but the website hasn't been updated since 2016. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at ~ Morgan
- We are seeking a student volunteer who can do tree identification for a series of trees in the Arboretum, and work with the University Landscape Architect, Brent Lewis, and the Superintendent of Grounds, Ryan Welch, to compare the tree identification to the draft tree inventory. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at ~ Morgan
- Help iSEE develop a Sustainability Literacy Assessment. Contact Meredith Moore, mkm007 at ~Meredith
- Help iSEE work with Student Sustainability Committee grant to expand small scale campus composting. Contact Meredith Moore at mkm0078 at ~ Meredith
This project is a collaboration with the Illinois State Section of the American Planning Association; we have been asked to create a community land use and revitalization plan for a small town in Kankakee County. It is a rural community, predominantly people of color, originally settled by folks leaving the South during the Great Migration. There are many layers to the story, but it is ultimately a story of environmental equity as The Nature Conservancy and Field Museum have been collaborating with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to acquire land to create the Black Oak Savana nature preserve. The majority of residents are opposed to this preserve, primarily because land has been purchased via tax sale and foreclosure, therefore taking land out of Black ownership. This also further burdens remaining property owners because the nature preserve land becomes tax exempt, shifting the property taxes that are no longer paid on nature preserve property to a smaller and smaller portion of land owners.
Students interested in this project could assist with GIS analysis and help identify opportunities to balance environmental sustainability goals and land preservation with social and economic sustainability goals and to identify economic opportunities that accomplish all three. Contact Lacey Rains Lowe at lacey.rains <at>
Expand on existing statistical analysis with ArcGIS and spreadsheets of potential race/income disparities in provision of street trees, sidewalks, urban heat, parks, bus stops, etc. Data sets provided. Contact is Scott Tess at srtess <at>
LIVESTOCK FACILITY DECOMMISSIONING at the Imported Swine Research Laboratory - The push to expand the UI Research Park will require decommissioning of the waste lagoons associated with the Imported Swine Research Laboratory (ISRL). This presents an nice opportunity for a class to develop and design a decommissioning plan with associated costs and timeline. Colleen Ruhter is the point of contact, cruhter <at>
If you have a project idea, please contact us at, or submit it through the iCAP Portal Suggestions page.
August and September e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for both August and September updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:Updated list of sustainability projects that need YOU!!!
Associated Project(s):This is a list of projects that need students to work on. It will be updated periodically by sustainability staff members, the last update was 8/30/21:
- The campus MS4 stormwater permit currently has 49 Best Management Practices (BMPs) that have to be completed annually . One of the 49 BMPs is a Public Education and Outreach requirement to broadcast or publish one stormwater Public Service Announcement (PSA) on social media, radio, television and/or internet. We currently have a couple on our website and would like to keep it up to date with new materials whenever possible. Another opportunity is for a Public Participation and Involvement BMP to discuss and provide opportunity for public input on the Storm Water Program (permit BMPs), climate change and environmental justice topics. This could be met by webinars, PSAs, posters, etc. Contact is Betsy Liggett.
- Develop informational messaging about SmartWay, get more UIUC departments aware of the program, and coordinate a related student event. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- Support the Champaign County Design and Conservation Foundation (CCDCF) Board with their county-wide efforts for conservation and design.
- Conduct a campus poll (fall semester 2021) regarding the Top 10 most iconic/significant/impressive trees on campus (including the arboretum). Develop an online survey tool (i.e., an online poll) whereby students and campus employees can nominate their favorite campus trees. Upon conclusion of the survey, work with Jay Hayek to tabulate and rank the results and create a publicly viewable ArcGIS Online StoryMap showcasing campuses Top Ten Trees. Prepare a presentation of results for the annual Arbor Day Celebration. Contact Jay Hayek at jhayek at
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Illini Union.
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Huff Hall.
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: ECE Building.
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Armory.
- Follow through with Facility Liaisons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Bevier Hall.
- CCNet Website: Work with the Champaign County Sustainability Network (CCNet) leadership team to redesign and publish the CCNet website (old version is online at There is a monthly brown bag sustainability networking event on the Third Thursday of each month, but the website hasn't been updated since 2016. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- We are seeking a student volunteer who can do tree identification for a series of trees in the Arboretum, and work with the University Landscape Architect, Brent Lewis, and the Superintendent of Grounds, Ryan Welch, to compare the tree identification to the draft tree inventory. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- Work on outlining sustainable initiatives that DIA can take in support of the Green Sports Alliance. Contact Meredith Moore, mkm0078 at
- Help iSEE develop a Sustainability Literacy Assessment. Contact Meredith Moore, mkm007 at
- Help identify and develop opportunities for intersecting sustainability and the arts (sustainability murals, utility box artwork, etc.). Contact Meredith Moore, mkm0078 at
- Develop permanent posters for the Solar Farm 2.0, to guide tour participants at the site. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- Help iSEE work with Student Sustainability Committee grant to expand small scale campus composting. Contact Meredith Moore at mkm0078 at
- If you have a project idea, please contact us at, or submit it through the iCAP Portal Suggestions page.
July e-update
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached newsletter for July updates from the EPA's SmartWay program.
Attached Files:Archived Info - Previous Project Description
Associated Project(s):Recycling plastic bags is an important aspect of specialty recycling for campus.
The Illini Union Bookstore has started plastic bag recycling in collaboration with their vendor. This program is an exciting opportunity to reduce plastic film waste on campus.
Archived Info - Previous Project Description
Associated Project(s):This project will improve the waste process around the outdoor campus areas and increase recycling participation. It will do this by increasing recycling bin visibility with improved bins and signage, co-locating waste and recycling bins, and improving the overall layout of waste and recycling bins on campus. There are currently 372 concrete trash bins on campus and an additional 60 made of other materials. Facilities & Services initially proposed to remove all 432 of the bins and to replace them with a total of 133 dual bins. Marya Ryan, an Academic Hourly at F&S working on Zero Waste projects, mapped the existing bins for the full University District and turned her maps over to the Purchasing, Waste, and Recycling (PWR) SWATeam for their recommendations on locations for dual bins. PWR SWATeam student member Fangxing Liu wrote an initial draft recommendation for the consolidation of dual bins outside. Additionally, one sample dual bin was installed by F&S Grounds at Altgeld Hall near Wright Street to test durability. In the fall of 2018, CEE students assessed additional bin locations throughout all areas of campus.
During fall 2018, CEE students Junren Wang and Wen-Chi Chen worked on a project to clarify locations and review estimated costs. They mapped the future dual bin locations for the campus, with a total of 161 bins to install. The cost of the first pilot dual bin was about $4,000, so the initial estimate for all of them is about $625,000. The students recommended installing ten dual bins in various locations spread around campus. The student report was submitted with the Fall 2018 Semesterly Report to SSC.
Morgan White and Brent Lewis met with F&S Grounds leadership, Superintendent Ryan Welch and Foreperson Isaac Williams, to initiate the installation. On June 18, 2019, Grounds ordered 30 bins for 15 dual bin locations, using the SSC funding. The material and shipping cost for the bins is $18,523.56. Installation materials and labor will be additional costs. Grounds will confirm the ten locations identified by the CEE students and select an additional five locations. Also, MCORE is installing dual bins at the new bus stops on Green Street with University funding. Additional bins are being installed outdoors during summer 2021 with the first being at the Northwest corner of E-14 and the North side of the Main Quad. Waste Management Intern Sydney Trimble will assist in the systemic updating and organization of the campus-wide rollout to take place this 2021 summer into the fall semester.
Archived description: MCORE porject
Associated Project(s):The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District (MTD), City of Champaign, City of Urbana, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are partnering to improve mobility in our communities core through a federal Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant. The $35M MCORE Project is unprecedented in our community’s history and will have a transformative impact.
MCORE Project construction is anticipated to start in September of 2016 and continue into 2019, covering five separate project areas to improve key urban transportation corridors.
Enhances Mobility Choices
The goal of MCORE is to provide a balance between all modes of transportation. Transportation choices address pedestrian access routes, bicycle lanes, transit efficiency and vehicle flow; and reduce potential conflict areas.Improves Infrastructure
MCORE will improve the condition of the existing pavement and bring the streets of these core transit corridors into a state of good repair while redesigning them into complete streets to accommodate all users.Promotes Sustainability
MCORE will encourage sustainable development that is located and designed to be compact and contiguous to existing development and have limited environmental impact; provide streetscape improvements for an enriched built environment, sense of place, and quality of life; emphasize all modes of transportation while decreasing the use of single occupancy vehicles, thereby reducing congestion, traffic hazards, and carbon emissions.Improves Critical Linkages
The completion of the MCORE Project will provide better connections between the downtown centers of Champaign and Urbana, the university, the area’s major employers, health, and social service organizations.Request for a Project Update
Associated Project(s):From: Maloto, Avery (FandS)
Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 3:10 PM
To: Trimble, Sydney (FandS)
Cc: White, Morgan; Varney, Peter W
Subject: [ACTION REQUESTED] Requesting Project Update: Outdoor Recycling Bin UpdateHi, Sydney!
I hope you are doing well. I’m reaching out regarding your project called 'Outdoor Recycling Bin Update.'
Each year, we ask several project contacts to review their information on the iCAP Portal to ensure that we are providing accurate and up to date information for the public. Our goal is to keep the iCAP Portal updated in real-time, and we need your help.
To make this process as easy as possible for you, I've created an 'iCAP Portal Content' document with your project information. All you need is to review and revise the existing information! Please open the links below and update as much information as possible, so I can put it on the iCAP Portal. You can also provide related images, files, websites, or videos to share. If you would like to get direct access to edit your project page on the iCAP Portal, please let us know.
• Link to Outdoor Recycling Bin Update's iCAP Portal project
page:• Link to the iCAP Portal Content Guideline for Outdoor Recycling Bin
Update: iCAP Portal is maintained by sustainability advocates at iSEE and F&S and volunteers. We are also able to assist you with embedding iCAP Portal information on other websites you maintain. Last year we had over 17,000 visitors to the iCAP Portal, and many are university students who use this online data repository for classes and research projects. If you have any questions about the iCAP Portal, please email
Please email me your revisions and any related files, per the links above, by July 9.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Discussion with Boston University
Associated Project(s):Warren Lavey and Morgan White provided background information and helpful tips for joining the EPA SmartWay program as a university, with representatives from Boston University.
Links Regarding UIUC as an EPA SmartWay Affiliate
Associated Project(s):The following links were provided by Warren Lavey regarding UIUC as an EPA SmartWay Affiliate:
Planning meeting on June 29, 2021
Associated Project(s):Morgan, Ryan, and Brent met in a conference room to review exact bin locations. They got through page A.
Archived Info - Previous Project Background
Associated Project(s):The University of Illinois was the first academic institution that joined the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s SmartWay Transport Partnership. "As the first-ever academic institution to register in SmartWay, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign leads the way for universities and other institutions to work as shippers in SmartWay and engage with their carriers and suppliers to improve freight efficiency, reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions from goods movement while also helping enhance our nation's energy security,” said Christopher Grundler, director of EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality.
Archived Info - Previous Title & Project Description
Associated Project(s):Title: SmartWay Transport Partnership
The University of Illinois is an Affiliate of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's SmartWay Transportation Partnership. The SmartWay program aims to reduce global freight emissions by providing strategies for shippers and carriers to adopt more sustainable practices. While Dining Services joined the program in 2013, the University will now be able to make these changes on a campus-wide scale as an Affiliate.
SmartWay Transport®” is a registered service mark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
list of projects needed
Associated Project(s):This is a list of projects that need students to work on. It will be updated periodically by sustainability staff members, the last update was 6/24/21:
- Develop informational messaging about SmartWay, get more UIUC departments aware of the program, and coordinate a related student event. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- Conduct a campus poll (fall semester 2021) regarding the Top 10 most iconic/significant/impressive trees on campus (including the arboretum). Develop an online survey tool (i.e., an online poll) whereby students and campus employees can nominate their favorite campus trees. Upon conclusion of the survey, work with Jay Hayek to tabulate and rank the results and create a publicly viewable ArcGIS Online StoryMap showcasing campuses Top Ten Trees. Prepare a presentation of results for the annual Arbor Day Celebration. Contact Jay Hayek at jhayek at
- Follow through with Facility Liasons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Illini Union.
- Follow through with Facility Liasons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Huff Hall.
- Follow through with Facility Liasons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: ECE Building.
- Follow through with Facility Liasons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Armory.
- Follow through with Facility Liasons for implementation of recommendations from NRES 285: iCAP Sustainability Ambassadors class: Bevier Hall.
- CCNet Website: Work with the Champaign County Sustainability Network (CCNet) leadership team to redesign and publish the CCNet website (old version is online at There is a monthly brown bag sustainability networking event on the Third Thursday of each month, but the website hasn't been updated since 2016. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- We are seeking a student volunteer who can do tree identification for a series of trees in the Arboretum, and work with the University Landscape Architect, Brent Lewis, and the Superintendent of Grounds, Ryan Welch, to compare the tree identification to the draft tree inventory. Contact Morgan White at mbwhite at
- If you have a project idea, please contact us at, or submit it through the iCAP Portal Suggestions page.
Iron Workers are rolling out the new bins
Associated Project(s):Todd from the ironworkers shop has begun rolling out the bins as planned / verified. We still need to go through the rest of campus to get him more locations to complete. As Shantanu Pai is still in Chicago, Sydney who is the newest zero waste intern at F&S can facilitate the documentation and communication with the trades.