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Projects Updates for place: Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE)

  1. 2016 Winners Announced!

    The 2016 ECIP award winners were announced last Wednesday, and they will be given plaques at the annual Campus Sustainability Celebration this week, 10/16 from 4-6 at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center.  Here is the letter.


    We would like to recognize your unit as a 2016 Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) award winner during the Campus Sustainability Celebration on Wednesday, October 26 from 4-6 p.m. at the Alice Campbell Alumni Center. For planning purposes, please let us know who will be accepting the award(s) on behalf of your unit by Friday, October 21.

    Sustainability initiatives are at the core of Illinois’ commitment to its land-grant university mission. The Climate Leadership Commitment pledges the Urbana campus to be carbon neutral by 2050, which requires all students, staff, and employees working together to implement a dynamic, multi-disciplinary approach to campus sustainability.

    The ECIP awards began in 2013 as a way to recognize outstanding individual and team efforts that move us closer to reaching our Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) goals. The ECIP honors occupants of campus buildings that have reduced energy at the greatest level from one year to the next. This year more than $177,000 for improvement projects in winning facilities will be provided through the program.

    Everyone researching, learning, and working in these nine buildings is an ECIP winner, and we encourage as many participants to join the celebration as possible.  Hosted by Facilities & Services and the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment, the Campus Sustainability Celebration will cover the iCAP objectives, celebrate the diverse sustainability community, and recognize 2016 winners. 

    We look forward to you and your employees joining us to celebrate the ECIP winners and their contributions toward campus energy conservation.


     Occupant Action Category

     % Improvement

    Incentive Award

    1. Atmospheric Sciences Building



    2. Krannert Center for the Performing Arts



    3. Institute of Government & Public Affairs Building



    4. 1207 West Oregon Street (tie)



    4. Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (tie)



     Energy Advancement Category

     % Improvement

     Incentive Award

    1. Davenport Hall



    2. Ceramics Kiln House



    3. Transportation Building



    4. Rehabilitation Education Center




    Helen J. Coleman, LEED AP
    Interim Executive Director

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Facilities & Services
    1501 South Oak St.
    Champaign, IL 61820
    Phone: (217) 265-8477


  2. EGEN SWATeam Meeting notes (10.12.16)

    The EGEN SWATeam held their third meeting for the Fall 2016 semester. Topics covered include:

    • Development of formal SWATeam recommendatino to the working group regarding offsets for Petascale
    • RECs - does this get us to our goal?
    • Potential recommendations for rooftop solar
  3. Student solar efforts renewing for fall 2016

    Niharika Kishore, masters in Urban Planning (MUP) student, and Corey Weil, sophomore in Electrical and Computer Engineering, are working with Morgan Johnston on the iSEE objective for on-campus solar.  Niharika will continue her efforts for promoting rooftop solar to meet the iCAP objective for 12,500 MWh/year of on-campus solar energy generation as part of a MUP capstone project this year.  Corey will volunteer in various efforts to support the development of solar solutions for campus, from the Net Zero Energy ECE efforts to advocating for solar energy funding.

  4. Possibility for rooftop solar on Mechanical Engineering Building

    Associated Project(s): 

    After the August 5th presentation by Niharika Kishore to College of Engineering facilities contact Greg Larson, Greg spoke with Mechanical Engineering facilities contact Damon McFall about roofotp solar for the Mechanical Engineering Building (MEB).  Morgan Johnston explained that MEB had been left off the list Niharika worked on because of the upcoming Capital Programs project in that facility.  Greg indicated that they are interested in pursuing rooftop solar for MEB.  Potentially the design could be included in the Capital Project design effort, and the installation would need to be funded separately.  This roof could hold approximately 130 kW array.


  5. Niharika Kishore sending email to potential facilities

    Niharika Kishore will send an email to potential facilities for adding rooftop solar, in support of the 2015 iCAP objective.  The draft email is attached and the list of potential facilities is as follows:

    Building Estimated Yearly Output (kWh/yr)
    Physical Plant Services Building 791,522
    Activities and Recreation Center 725,562
    Law Building 395,761
    Ikenberry Dining Hall 382,569
    Abbott Power Plant 263,841
    Digital Computer Library 263,841
    Plant Sciences Laboratory 164,900
    Timothy J. Nugent Hall 164,900
    Institute of Genomic Biology 158,304
    Richard T. Ubben Basketball Complex 151,708
    Oak Street Library 151,708
    Bousfield Hall 145,112
    Garage and Carpool 125,324


    Attached Files: 
  6. Niharika Kishore is working on developing a rooftop solar RFP for design

    Today, Morgan Johnston met with Niharika Kishore to discuss the rooftop solar iCAP objective.  Niharika is going to review the work already done, in the iSEE solar box folder, and draft a proposal for getting the engineering design work done for a set of building.  She will be working towards meeting the FY20 on campus generation goal of 12,500 MWh/year, and possibly additional installations for FY25.

  7. Art and Design Building solar design

    A group of seniors completed the attached report for the Art and Design Building, for rooftop solar.  They recommended a flexible solar material, with micro-inverters.  The Art and Design department is interested in working with a student in the fall to seek funding for the rooftop solar from the Student Sustainability Committee.

    Attached Files: 
  8. Archived info - previous project description

    Associated Project(s): 

    Facilities & Services has committed to funding a campus-wide battery recycling program, up to $10,000 per fiscal year.  The program was launched in the Spring of 2012 with four locations on campus that accept specific types of rechargeable batteries as well as single-use alkaline batteries.  Two vendors are used to collect and recycle the batteries: Call2Recycle, which accepts rechargeable batteries at no charge to the University; and Battery Solutions, which accepts single-use alkaline batteries and charges for collection.

  9. Call2Recycle Program

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S Environmental Compliance will no longer be tracking the total rechargeable battery recycling for campus.  Individual departments can now work directly with Call2Recycle in order to recycle these rechargeable batteries.

  10. Weekly Update

    Hello all, this past week was slow, but that was good because it allowed for us to get ready for Bike to Work Day.  We sold 1 bike for $110, 1 build-a-bike for $50, 2 memberships for $50, and grossed $690.50.  We built a lot of bikes and got a lot of work done.

    This coming week we will participate in Bike to Work Day, host a special wheel building class and continue to build bikes.

    From the Campus Outpost,
    James Roedl

  11. ECBS Objective 4 Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

    The ECBS Objective 4 Subcommittee met Tuesday, February 16 to continue fleshing out the ECBS SWATeam's fourth iCAP objective, which has to do with increasing campus engagement in sustainability.  Discussion continued on ECIP and potential changes for the upcoming year- a major issue is raising awareness of this program and others like it. By the conclusion of the meeting, the focus of the subcommittee shifted to creating and sending recommendations to the iCAP Working Group, such as a Green Labs Initiative proposal as well as continuing Eco-Olympics or initiating a similar program that would serve as dorm resident engagement.  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23.

  12. ECBS Objective 4 Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

    The ECBS Objective 4 Subcommittee held its first meeting on Tuesday, February 9.  Discussion revolved around the issue of tying all existing campus engagement programs (e.g., ECIP, Certified Green Office Program, revolving loan fund, etc.) together into one campus-wide brand.

    Attached Files: 
  13. FY15 ECIP award winners announced

    Occupant Action Category  % Improvement  Incentive Award
    1. Admissions and Records
     39.2%  $61,778
    2. Agricultural Bioprocess
     25.2%  $34,110
    3. Christopher Hall  24.9%  $18,297
    4. Turner Hall     11.4%  $16,075
     Energy Advancement Category  % Improvement  Incentive Award
    1. David Kinley Hall 39.9%   $33,701
    2. Lincoln Hall 32.0%   $15,961
    3. Early Childhood Development
    24.2% $10,000
    4. Davenport Hall  19.6%  $10,000


  14. Rooftop Solar Student Project

    Brendan McDonnell is working with F&S to identify the best buildings on campus for rooftop solar.  Brendan is a MechSE graduate student working toward an MS in ME with a certificate in Energy Systems Engineering, and this is his summer capstone project.  Professor Elif Ertekin is his advisor for the project, and Morgan Johnston is his supervisor at F&S.   The files Brendan is collecting are stored in the iSEE Solar box folder at

  15. FY14 ECIP Winners Announced

    CHAMPAIGN, IL (October 22, 2014) – Eight facilities on the Urbana campus will win funding for facility improvements as recipients of the 2014 Energy Conservation Incentive Program (ECIP) awards on Wednesday, October 22 at 3:00 p.m. in Illini Union 314B as a part of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Forum.

    Last year, the ECIP awarded more than $250K in pre-approved energy conservation projects.

    The list of FY14 winning facilities is attached.

  16. Archived web info - F&S Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 
    The Energy Liaison Program

    Ambitious goals reflect the University’s commitment to sustainability - environmental, social and fiscal. Although energy conservation is a universal problem, its solution begins with individuals.

    Departments and colleges across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.

    Energy liaisons:
    • Coordinate and share energy saving information with their respective areas
    • Lead efforts to establish college/department short- and long-term energy conservation goals
    • Are conduits through which ideas and suggestions reach Facilities & Services

    Creating Obtainable Goals

    1. Identify areas for reduction
      • Fume Hood usage
      • Lighting Usage
      • Space Usage
      • Computer Policies and Practices
      • Equipment Procurement Practices
      • Air Conditioning and Ventilation Usage
      • Laboratory Equipment Usage

    Establish obtainable short-term and long-term goals

    Examples: Short-Term Goals

    • Create policy for turning off computer work stations
    • Ask faculty and staff to turn off lighting and equipment not in use
    • Create awareness across your department/college
    • Require purchase of Energy Start rated equipment
    • Close fume hoods when not in use

    Examples: Long-Term Goals

    • Identify areas of high energy usage and develop a plan for reduction
    • Consolidation of fume hoods and equipment
    • Facilitate systems retrofitting with F&S Retrocommissioning Team
    • Develop a plan for space and classroom usage Investigate the consolidation of climate-sensitive projects/equipment
    • Develop a plan and timetable for reaching the 17 percent reduction in five years
    Energy Liaison Toolkit



  17. Archived web info - CSE Energy Liaisons

    Associated Project(s): 

    Energy Liaisons

    salad bar with local foods

    The Energy Management Division of Facilities and Services initiated anEnergy Liaisons program in 2008. Departments, colleges, and other units across campus have designated Energy Liaisons to promote energy conservation and share ideas and suggestions.  Facilities and Services regularly hosts workshops with the Energy Liaisons to discuss energy conservation opportunities.  These Energy Liaisons serve as grassroots contacts for conservation initiatives.  



  18. Spurlock ECIP project


    As we discussed on the phone, our Electricians have visited with the folks at Spurlock and secured a preliminary scope of work (see attached). Because of the complex existing lighting system in the building our Electricians will require some assistance from our In-House Engineering staff. I understand that Spurlock has been allotted $22K for this work. I am going to ask Robert to give us an estimate of the Engineering charges and if they exceed 10% of the budget we will discuss scaling back some of the scope with the folks at Spurlock. The AiM project is 2693 and the Engineering estimate work order is 10282137.


    Thomas Doud

    Construction Superintendent

    Construction Services Division

    University of Illinois, Facilities and Services


    Attached Files: 
