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Projects Updates for place: Garage/ Car Pool
F&S and UIC status update call in regards to SmartWay
Associated Project(s):F&S Sharing SmartWay status with UIS
Associated Project(s):10/16 Transportation SWATeam Meeting
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Illinois Student Government initiates discussion with F&S about recycling plastic bags
Associated Project(s):Sharing our Affiliate status with UIC
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:F&S sharing SmartWay status with UIC
Associated Project(s):University of Illinois is now an EPA SmartWay Affiliate
Associated Project(s):Mailbag solar article: Suggestion for UI solar panels
Spring 2020 Project Deliverables
Associated Project(s):EPA SmartWay Program
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:EPA SmartWay Program presented infirst-year women in engineering class
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Student to lead efforts this spring
Associated Project(s):Glass recycling finds funding on campus
Associated Project(s):Collection Containers to Increase Recycling Efforts
Associated Project(s):New Collection Containers to Help Increase Recycling Efforts
Associated Project(s):SSC funds Recycling Pods
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Net Metering on campus
Associated Project(s):PWR011 SmartWay Union recommendation - Successful
Associated Project(s):PWR011 SmartWay Union recommendation - Transmitted
Associated Project(s):Attached Files: