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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
- Associated Project(s):Attached Files:
UIC interest
Associated Project(s):Solar Decathlon Project Update
Associated Project(s):Updated list of student projects that need YOU!!
Associated Project(s):Green Rooftop Proposal for Newmark Civil Engineering Lab
iCAP Transportation Team 2021-22 Charge Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Zero Waste Team Charge Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Engagement Team Charge Letter
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Get your office, chapter, and event certified green!
Associated Project(s):EJ Plan Summer 2021 Summary
iCAP Team Charge Letters
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Energy iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Engagement iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Land and Water iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Resilience iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Transportation iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Zero Waste iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Education iCAP Team Charge Letter 2021-2022.pdf
Funding Approval for Resilience Development Proposal
Internships and Volunteer Opportunities to Protect the Environment
Associated Project(s):Updated list of sustainability projects that need YOU!!!
Real-time energy dashboards now available
Associated Project(s):ECE energy dashboard refinement in discussion
Associated Project(s):Waste Management Question
Associated Project(s):Recycling on Campus? Use the Bin!
Associated Project(s):Fall 2021 Applications Open for the Illinois Impact Incubator
Associated Project(s):Proposed presentation for AASHE