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Projects Updates for key objective: No name
FY21 paper purchase data from F&S Stores
Associated Project(s):ELP Registration opens next week!
Associated Project(s):Gibson City Flood - storymap
Associated Project(s):Assembly Completed, Anchoring and Grouting Ahead
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Carbon Offsets - RFP
Associated Project(s):iCAP Energy Team September Meeting
SSC Semesterly Report: Illinois Organic Internship
Associated Project(s):Visiting Mechanical Engineering Building for PV Glass
Associated Project(s):SSC Semesterly Report: South Farm Nitrate Monitoring Station
Interactive Greener Labs Inventory Toolkit Image & Hyperlink
Associated Project(s):Sustainable Design Opportunity: Upcycling Clothing with Project Phoenix!
Associated Project(s):Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy (NLRS): Biennial Report 2021 Summary
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Ecosystem Marketplace and the Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets
Associated Project(s):Student Engagement Presentation
Associated Project(s):Attached Files:Request for New Project Tabs
Green Office Gold Certification
Associated Project(s):SSC Final Report: Re_home Wall Rehab and Siding
Associated Project(s):iCAP Team and iCAP Working Group Kickoff
SSC Semesterly Report: Joint Pollinator Garden and Composting Systems to Offset Environmental Impact and Reinforce Responsible Stewardship in Research