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Projects Updates for key objective: No name

  1. October Transportation iCAP Team Meeting

    The Transportation iCAP team met on Friday, October 29th for its monthly meeting. The team discussed the plans for the proposed Commuter Program, the Walkability Audit, and the Campus Transportation Advisory Committee. Additionally, steps will be taken to pick up the Fleet Replacement Recommendation and the EV Task Force Member Recommendation.

    Meeting Recording


  2. Urbana Campus Spill Containment Exercise on Tuesday

    Associated Project(s): 

    F&S, the Division of Public Safety, and the Champaign Fire Department will conduct a spill containment exercise on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 2. Event organizers will place the dye in storm drains near the university's oil storage tanks on South Oak Street to simulate a large oil spill from the fuel farm during this year's mock scenario. The exercise is required annually by the U.S. EPA.

    November 2, 8 am • South Campus and the Embarras River Watershed

    Bill Walsh • Facilities & Services

    Urbana Campus Spill Containment Exercise on Tuesday

  3. Use The Bin Pledge Temporary Tattoo Order

    Associated Project(s): 

    Order information for Use The Bin Pledge:

    • Website:
    • Dimensions: 2.0 x 2.0 inches
    • Quantity: 1000 (as per the original conversation)
    • White Option: Either "Flood White" or "Spot White"
      • To my understanding, "Flood White" would have a white square as the temporary tattoo. If we did "Spot White", I believe it would just be the text and the bin, with the white only being in the recycling logo and bottles.
    • Request "Digital Proof Required"
      • No additional price associated with this. But it would delay the shipment by 1-2 days.
    • Unit Cost: $0.15/tattoo
    • Total Cost: $149.75
    • Shipping: First Class USPS (Free)
    • Design: I've attached the digital rendering of the design to this email again!
  4. Coordinated Rainwater Management Brainstorming Meeting

    10/25/2021 11:00 am

    Present: Brent Lewis, Betsy Liggett, Lisa Merrifield, Stacy Gloss

    Updates from Stacy:

    • Resilience team identified a next step on the iCAP objective review slides: “Resilience team to recommend campus to initiate an engineered rainwater master plan”
    • NGICP training for 4 F&S staff submitted to SSC as step-1 application
    • Stacy attended the GI conference Oct 20

    Updates from Lisa and Betsy:

    • Extension receiving funds to create state-wide GI reporting platform, working with NCSA
    • Lisa is hiring an Academic Hourly intern to work through summer 2022 for the biodiversity plan - this work is complementary to coordinated rainwater management plans and so this staff person may be able to work on planning objectives for coordinated rainwater management plans.
    • Lisa is recruiting someone with planning / engineering background to work on GI or biodiversity this summer.

    Coordinated Rainwater Plan

    We discussed the fit for Extension to be involved in coordinating rainwater management plans for our urbanized areas and campus. We brainstormed ideas on how coordination can take place, who should be involved, and started thinking about special topics to address.

    Green Infrastructure Mapping

    Work together with Extension and NCSA on the GI platform for Illinois. This work is starting soon.

    Next Steps

    • Follow up and plan to meet in December or January.   
    • Define rainwater management plan 
    • Define objectives for a rainwater management plan
    • Describe process for achieving those objectives
    • Attend planning meetings with Extension on GI platform & mapping


  5. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    On Monday, October 25, the Engagement iCAP Team met to synthesize the themes of sustainability engagement discussed at the team's previous meeting. The four major working themes include: Awareness & Purpose, Technology & Visibility, Culture & Practicality, and Connection & Relationships. Moving forward, the team will break into sub-committees to pursue each of these themes. Meeting minutes attached.

    Attached Files: 
  6. Pilot for National Green Infrastructure Certification Program for University Operations

    A SSC Fall Step 1 Application was submitted on October 15, 2021 to support F&S staff to receive National Green Infrastructure Certification Program (NGICP) training. If funded, four F&S staff or designees will receive the NGICP training from Parkland College’s NGICP program between January 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.


    National Green Infrastructure Certification Program ONLINE (

    ID : 11479   

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    Become certified. Be the solution. Be a leader in managing your natural water assets in a sustainable way. Help shape the future landscape of Illinois and beyond! Green infrastructure (GI) has become a critical component and the standard of comprehensive stormwater management. GI is a cost-effective approach to managing stormwater and requires skilled and certified individuals. Landscaping, city planning, public works, and stormwater managing can all benefit from the knowledge and skills to ensure GI projects are installed and maintained properly to support long-term performance and a positive impact on communities.

    Certification increases your competitiveness in the job market and provides a pathway to higher-paying positions. Benefits of certifying in NGICP:

    • Expansion of your skills and knowledge of building, inspecting, and maintaining GI systems
    • Greater awareness of GI career opportunities
    • Proof of your commitment to supporting sustainable performance of GI practices
    • Exposure to employers looking to hire skilled GI workers through the NGICP Certification Database

    In addition to online course work, you will meet for required LIVE online discussions 11:30 AM-1:30 PM CST, Thursdays, January 6-27. You must complete 100% of the online course modules and assignments to be eligible for the certification exam. No make-up sessions are available. 

    While Parkland College provides the NGICP training, EnviroCert International, Inc. (ECI) administers the computer-based certification exam at Prometric Testing Centers or through online remote proctoring. Registration for the exam will occur through ECI, visit their site for details. The fee for the NGICP exam is $150.

  7. EV Procurement Law in Illinois

    EO 2108, ELECTRIC VEHICLE PROCUREMENT. The executive order provides that the state shall: (1) develop and implement a program for procurement of electric and other low emission or zero emission vehicles for state purposes; (2) establish a State Fleet Working Group convened by the Department of Central Management Services and composed of representatives from the Department of Transportation, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and the Illinois Commerce Commission; (3) set forth the responsibilities of the working group; (4) direct the Department of Central Management Services, in conjunction with other state agencies, to develop a plan to install electric vehicle chargers on state property; and (5) direct the Illinois State Board of Education to collaborate with the Department of Transportation and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to develop tools and provide information to assist school districts in assessing the benefits and costs of zero emission bus options when replacing school buses. The executive order became effective 22 APR 21.

  8. Vision Zero - Final report presentation by Ray and Jacob + meeting recording

    Dr. Ray Benekohal and Jacob Mathew met with Stacey DeLorenzo, Sarthak Prasad, and Stacy Gloss, and they presented the findings from their Vision Zero project in 2020-21. They collected information on campus locations with

    1. Potential problems
    2. Near misses
    3. Collisions

    They received more than 500 responses, of which nearly 475 were on campus. They analyzed the crash report data from IDOT from 2014-18, and they also organized two focus group studies.

    Please see attached the final presentation and the full report. See the full report from this study online at:

    See the meeting recording (45 minute presentation) here:

    See the preliminary report shared during CTAC Fall 2020 presentation

  9. Zero Waste iCAP Team Meeting

    On Friday, October 22, the Zero Waste iCAP Team met to touch base on the status of last semester's submitted recommendations and potential recommendations that were proposed last semester. The team also held an ideation session to generate new recommendation ideas. Members will be filling out a form to identify their primary initiative interests before next meeting to serve as a starting point for the team's work. Meeting minutes attached.

    Attached Files: 
